Report Formats
2019-05-16T01:46:31.777+0900 INFO Updating vulnerability database...
, PkgName
, , and Severity
in Vulnerabilities
are always filled with values, but other fields might be empty.
$ trivy image --format template --template "{{ range . }} {{ .Target }} {{ end }}" golang:1.12-alpine
2020-01-02T18:02:32.856+0100 INFO Detecting Alpine vulnerabilities...
You can load templates from a file prefixing the template path with an @.
In the following example using the template junit.tpl
XML can be generated.
$ trivy image --format template --template "@contrib/junit.tpl" -o junit-report.xml golang:1.12-alpine
$ trivy image --format template --template "@contrib/sarif.tpl" -o report.sarif golang:1.12-alpine
This SARIF format can be uploaded to GitHub code scanning results, and there is a Trivy GitHub Action for automating this process.
Trivy also supports an