There is no comprehensive, deterministic formula showing exactly how toline-wrap in every situation. Very often there are several valid ways toline-wrap the same piece of code.

    Note: While the typical reason for line-wrapping is to avoid overflowing thecolumn limit, even code that would in fact fit within the column limit may beline-wrapped at the author's discretion.

    Tip: Extracting a method or local variable may solve the problem without theneed to line-wrap.

    4.5.1 Where to break



    In the preceding example, the syntactic levels from highest to lowest are asfollows: assignment, division, function call, parameters, number constant.

    • When a line is broken at an operator the break comes after the symbol. (Notethat this is not the same practice used in Google style for Java.)
    • A method or constructor name stays attached to the open parenthesis ()that follows it.
    • A comma () stays attached to the token that precedes it.

    4.5.2 Indent continuation lines at least +4 spaces

    When line-wrapping, each line after the first (each continuation line) isindented at least +4 from the original line, unless it falls under the rules ofblock indentation.

    When there are multiple continuation lines, indentation may be varied beyond +4as appropriate. In general, continuation lines at a deeper syntactic level areindented by larger multiples of 4, and two lines use the same indentation levelif and only if they begin with syntactically parallel elements.