Frequently Asked Questions
- Installation
- Connections / Engines
- How do I pool database connections? Are my connections pooled?
- “MySQL Server has gone away”
- How Do I “Retry” a Statement Execution Automatically?
- I am using multiple connections with a SQLite database (typically to test transaction operation), and my test program is not working!
- How do I use engines / connections / sessions with Python multiprocessing, or os.fork()?
- SQL Expressions
- ORM Configuration
- “This Session’s transaction has been rolled back due to a previous exception during flush.” (or similar)
- My Query does not return the same number of objects as query.count() tells me - why?
- I’m using joinedload() or lazy=False to create a JOIN/OUTER JOIN and SQLAlchemy is not constructing the correct query when I try to add a WHERE, ORDER BY, LIMIT, etc. (which relies upon the (OUTER) JOIN)
- How Do I use Textual SQL with ORM Queries?
- why isn’t my __init__() called when I load objects?
- I set the “foo_id” attribute on my instance to “7”, but the “foo” attribute is still None - shouldn’t it have loaded Foo with id #7?
- Is there a way to automagically have only unique keywords (or other kinds of objects) without doing a query for the keyword and getting a reference to the row containing that keyword?
- Third Party Integration Issues