• CREATE to create containers
    • to switch to containers and run actions in them
    • INSPECT to inspect containers
    • to delete containers
    • Time complexity: O(1)
    • Transactional: Not yet
    • Syntax:

    • Returns:

      • Okay if the keyspace was created
      • if it already existed
      • server error if something unpredictable has happened on the server side


    • Transactional: Not yet
    • Syntax:

      1. CREATE TABLE <entity> <model>(modelargs) <properties>
    • Returns:

      • Okay if the table was created
      • err-already-exists if it already existed
      • default-container-unset if the connection level default keyspace has not been set
      • server error if something unpredictable has happened on the server side
    • Refer to the to know what to pass for <model> and modelargs
    • Refer to the table properties section to know what to pass for properties
    • Refer to the to know what to pass for entity. It is simply your tablename or yourkeyspacename:yourtablename


    • Time complexity: O(1)
    • Transactional: Not yet
    • Syntax:

    • Returns:

      • Okay if the keyspace was deleted
      • container-not-found if the keyspace wasn’t found
      • still-in-use if clients are still connected to the keyspace or the keyspace is not empty
      • server error if something unpredictable has happened on the server side
    • Transactional: Not yet

    • Syntax:

    • Returns:

      • container-not-found if the keyspace wasn’t found
      • still-in-use if clients are still connected to the table
      • default-container-unset if the connection level default keyspace has not been set
      • server error if something unpredictable has happened on the server side
    • Refer to the to know what to pass for entity. It is simply your tablename or yourkeyspacename:yourtablename

    Entire database

    To inspect the entire database, run:


    This will return a flat array with all the keyspace names


    To inspect a keyspace, run:

    To inspect a table, run:

    This will return a string with the table’s syntactical description. For example, the keymap model can return:

    1. Keymap { data: (binstr,binstr), volatile: true }
    • Refer to the entity section to know what to pass for entity. It is simply your tablename or yourkeyspacename:yourtablename


    • Time complexity: O(1)
    • Transactional: Not applicable
    • Syntax:

      1. USE <keyspace_name>
    • Returns:

      • Okay if the keyspace was switched
      • container-not-found if the keyspace wasn’t found


    • Time complexity: O(1)

    • Transactional: Not applicable

    • Returns:

      • Okay if the table was switched
      • container-not-found if the keyspace wasn’t found
      • default-container-unset if the connection level default keyspace has not been set
    • Refer to the to know what to pass for entity. It is simply your or yourkeyspacename:yourtablename