
    Global rule configuration, which can include transaction configuration, SQL parser configuration, etc.

    2. defaultType: XA
    3. providerType: Atomikos
    4. - !SQL_PARSER
    5. sqlCommentParseEnabled: true


    Properties configuration. Please refer to the for more details.

    1. ds_0:
    2. initializationFailTimeout: 1
    3. validationTimeout: 5000
    4. maxLifetime: 1800000
    5. leakDetectionThreshold: 0
    6. password: root
    7. idleTimeout: 60000
    8. jdbcUrl: jdbc:mysql://
    9. maximumPoolSize: 50
    10. connectionTimeout: 30000
    11. username: root
    12. poolName: HikariPool-1
    13. ds_1:
    14. initializationFailTimeout: 1
    15. validationTimeout: 5000
    16. maxLifetime: 1800000
    17. leakDetectionThreshold: 0
    18. minimumIdle: 1
    19. password: root
    20. idleTimeout: 60000
    21. jdbcUrl: jdbc:mysql://
    22. dataSourceClassName: com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource
    23. connectionTimeout: 30000
    24. username: root


    Rule configurations, including sharding, read/write splitting, data encryption, and shadow DB configurations.

    Use separate node storage for each table, dynamic modification of metadata content is not supported currently.

    1. name: t_order # Table name
    2. columns: # Columns
    3. id: # Column name
    4. caseSensitive: false
    5. dataType: 0
    6. generated: false
    7. name: id
    8. primaryKey: trues
    9. order_id:
    10. caseSensitive: false
    11. dataType: 0
    12. generated: false
    13. name: order_id
    14. primaryKey: false
    15. indexs: # Index
    16. name: t_user_order_id_index


    The identifiers are temporary nodes, which are registered when instances are online and cleared when instances are offline. The registry center monitors the change of those nodes to govern the database access of running instances and other things.

    It can orchestrate replica database, and delete or disable data dynamically.