Common Issues

Troubleshooting Techniques

Kubernetes Tools

  • Rook pod status:
  • Logs for Rook pods
    • Logs for the operator: kubectl logs -n <cluster-namespace> -l app=<storage-backend-operator>
      • e.g., kubectl logs -n rook-ceph -l app=rook-ceph-operator
    • Logs for a specific pod: , or a pod using a label such as mon1: kubectl logs -n <cluster-namespace> -l <label-matcher>
      • e.g., kubectl logs -n rook-ceph -l mon=a
    • Pods with multiple containers
      • For all containers, in order:
      • For a single container: kubectl -n <cluster-namespace> logs <pod-name> -c <container-name>
    • Logs for pods which are no longer running: kubectl -n <cluster-namespace> logs --previous <pod-name>
  • Other Rook artifacts: