Contributor's Guide
This document lays out guidelines and advice for contributing to this project.If you're thinking of contributing, please start by reading this document andgetting a feel for how contributing to this project works. If you have anyquestions, feel free to reach out to either Ian Cordasco or ,the primary maintainers.
If you have non-technical feedback, philosophical ponderings, crazy ideas, orother general thoughts about Requests or its position within the Pythonecosystem, the BDFL, Kenneth Reitz, would love to hear from you.
The guide is split into sections based on the type of contribution you'rethinking of making, with a section that covers general guidelines for allcontributors.
Requests has one very important rule governing all forms of contribution,including reporting bugs or requesting features. This golden rule is"".
All contributions are welcome, as long aseveryone involved is treated with respect.
Get Early Feedback
If you are contributing, do not feel the need to sit on your contribution untilit is perfectly polished and complete. It helps everyone involved for you toseek feedback as early as you possibly can. Submitting an early, unfinishedversion of your contribution for feedback in no way prejudices your chances ofgetting that contribution accepted, and can save you from putting a lot of workinto a contribution that is not suitable for the project.
Our project maintainers have the last word on whether or not a contribution issuitable for Requests. All contributions will be considered carefully, but fromtime to time, contributions will be rejected because they do not suit thecurrent goals or needs of the project.
Code Contributions
When contributing code, you'll want to follow this checklist:
- Fork the repository on GitHub.
- Run the tests to confirm they all pass on your system. If they don't, you'llneed to investigate why they fail. If you're unable to diagnose thisyourself, raise it as a bug report by following the guidelines in thisdocument: Bug Reports.
- Make your change.
- Run the entire test suite again, confirming that all tests pass includingthe ones you just added.
- Send a GitHub Pull Request to the main repository's branch.GitHub Pull Requests are the expected method of code collaboration on thisproject.The following sub-sections go into more detail on some of the points above.
Contributions will not be merged until they've been code reviewed. You shouldimplement any code review feedback unless you strongly object to it. In theevent that you object to the code review feedback, you should make your caseclearly and calmly. If, after doing so, the feedback is judged to still apply,you must either apply the feedback or withdraw your contribution.
If you are new or relatively new to Open Source, welcome! Requests aims tobe a gentle introduction to the world of Open Source. If you're concerned abouthow best to contribute, please consider mailing a maintainer (listed above) andasking for help.
Please also check the section.
The Requests codebase uses the PEP 8 code style.
In addition to the standards outlined in PEP 8, we have a few guidelines:
- Line-length can exceed 79 characters, to 100, when convenient.
- Line-length can exceed 100 characters, when doing otherwise would be terribly inconvenient.
- Always use single-quoted strings (e.g.
), unless a single-quote occurs within the string.Additionally, one of the styles that PEP8 recommends for completely lacks all sense of taste, and is not to be permitted withinthe Requests codebase:
No. Just don't. Please.
All functions, methods, and classes are to contain docstrings. Object datamodel methods (e.g. ) are typically the exception to this rule.
Thanks for helping to make the world a better place!
Documentation improvements are always welcome! The documentation files live inthe docs/
directory of the codebase. They're written inreStructuredText, and use to generate the full suite ofdocumentation.
When contributing documentation, please do your best to follow the style of thedocumentation files. This means a soft-limit of 79 characters wide in your textfiles and a semi-formal, yet friendly and approachable, prose style.
When presenting Python code, use single-quoted strings ( instead of"hello"
Bug Reports
Bug reports are hugely important! Before you raise one, though, please checkthrough the , both open and closed, to confirm that the bughasn't been reported before. Duplicate bug reports are a huge drain on the timeof other contributors, and should be avoided as much as possible.
Requests is in a perpetual feature freeze, only the BDFL can add or approve ofnew features. The maintainers believe that Requests is a feature-completepiece of software at this time.
If you believe there is a feature missing, feel free to raise a featurerequest, but please do be aware that the overwhelming likelihood is that yourfeature request will not be accepted.