Release v1.6.7


    • Docker 1.12.3-1.12.6
    • Docker 1.13.1
    • Docker 17.03.0-ce/ee
    • Docker 17.06.0-ce/ee

    Rancher Server Tags

    Rancher server has 2 different tags. For each major release tag, we will provide documentation for the specific version.- tag will be our latest development builds. These builds will have been validated through our CI automation framework. These releases are not meant for deployment in production.- rancher/server:stable tag will be our latest stable release builds. This tag is the version that we recommend for production.

    • Users on a version prior to Rancher v1.5.0: We will automatically upgrade the network-services infrastructure stack as without this upgrade, your release will not work.
    • Users on a version prior to Rancher v1.6.0: If you make any changes to the default Rancher library setting for your catalogs and then roll back, you will need to reset the branch used for the default Rancher library under Admin -> Settings -> Catalog. The current default branch is v1.6-release, but the old default branch is .

    • Rollback Versions: We support rolling back to Rancher v1.6.5 from Rancher v1.6.7.

      • Steps to Rollback:
      • In the upgraded version the Admin -> Advanced Settings -> API values, update the upgrade.manager value to all.
      • “Upgrade” Rancher server but pointing to the older version of Rancher (v1.6.5). This should include backing up your database and launching Rancher to point to your current database.
      • Once Rancher starts up again, all infrastructure stacks will automatically rollback to the applicable version in v1.6.5.
      • There will be a couple of services in certain infrastructure stacks that need to be deleted.a. Delete the cni-driver service in the IPsec stack.b. Delete the cloud-controller-manager service in the Kubernetes stack.

    Infrastructure Service Updates

    • Network Services - v0.2.5
      • New image: rancher/metadata:v0.9.3
      • Fixed to use a fixed listen address of, instead of all available IP addresses. [#9548]
    • IPsec - 0.1.3
      • New image: rancher/net:v0.11.7
      • Fixed an issue with the CNI driver where sometimes networking setup for a container would fail [#9418]
      • Fixed the container fetch logic to address service upgrade issues [#9559]
    • Kubernetes 1.7.2 - v1.7.2-rancher7
      • New images: rancher/k8s:v1.7.2-rancher7, rancher/etcd:v2.3.7-13
      • When upgrading to this version of k8s, you will need to delete the service after upgrade. Due to a k8s bug, we’ve had to disable this service. [#9599]
      • Fixed an issue where heapster was failing due to NodeLegacyHostIp, which was removed in k8s 1.7 [#9552]>Note: If upgrading from a k8s version prior to k8s v1.6, then you will need to re-generate any remote kubeconfig due to RBAC support.
    • Scheduler - 0.6.3
      • Fixed to use a fixed listen address of, instead of all available IP addresses.

    Known Major Issues

    • See the list of infrastructure services to see major bug fixes

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