event_loggers – Example loggers

    New in version 3.11.

    These loggers can be registered using register() or MongoClient.




    class pymongo.event_loggers.CommandLogger

    A simple listener that logs command events.

    Listens for , CommandSucceededEvent and events and logs them at the INFO severity level using logging. .. versionadded:: 3.11

    • failed(event)

      Abstract method to handle a CommandFailedEvent.

    • started(event)

      Abstract method to handle a CommandStartedEvent.

      • event: An instance of CommandStartedEvent.
    • succeeded(event)

      Abstract method to handle a CommandSucceededEvent.

      • event: An instance of CommandSucceededEvent.

    class pymongo.event_loggers.ConnectionPoolLogger

    A simple listener that logs server connection pool events.

    Listens for , PoolClearedEvent, , :~pymongo.monitoring.class:ConnectionCreatedEvent, ConnectionReadyEvent, , ConnectionCheckOutStartedEvent, , ConnectionCheckedOutEvent, and events and logs them at the INFO severity level using logging.

    New in version 3.11.

    • connection_check_out_failed(event)

      Abstract method to handle a ConnectionCheckOutFailedEvent.

      Emitted when the driver’s attempt to check out a connection fails.

      • event: An instance of ConnectionCheckOutFailedEvent.
    • connection_check_out_started(event)

      Abstract method to handle a ConnectionCheckOutStartedEvent.

      Emitted when the driver starts attempting to check out a connection.

      • event: An instance of ConnectionCheckOutStartedEvent.
    • connection_checked_in(event)

      Emitted when the driver checks in a Connection back to the Connection Pool.

      • event: An instance of ConnectionCheckedInEvent.
    • connection_checked_out(event)

      Abstract method to handle a ConnectionCheckedOutEvent.

      Emitted when the driver successfully checks out a Connection.

      • event: An instance of ConnectionCheckedOutEvent.
    • connection_created(event)

      Abstract method to handle a ConnectionCreatedEvent.

      Emitted when a Connection Pool creates a Connection object.

    • connection_ready(event)

      Abstract method to handle a ConnectionReadyEvent.

      Emitted when a Connection has finished its setup, and is now ready to use.

      • event: An instance of ConnectionReadyEvent.
    • pool_cleared(event)

      Abstract method to handle a PoolClearedEvent.

      Emitted when a Connection Pool is cleared.

      • event: An instance of PoolClearedEvent.
    • pool_closed(event)

      Abstract method to handle a PoolClosedEvent.

      Emitted when a Connection Pool is closed.

      • event: An instance of PoolClosedEvent.
    • pool_created(event)

      Abstract method to handle a PoolCreatedEvent.

      Emitted when a Connection Pool is created.

      • event: An instance of .

    class pymongo.event_loggers.HeartbeatLogger

    A simple listener that logs server heartbeat events.

    Listens for , ServerHeartbeatSucceededEvent, and events and logs them at the INFO severity level using logging.

    • failed(event)

      Abstract method to handle a ServerHeartbeatFailedEvent.

      • event: An instance of ServerHeartbeatFailedEvent.
    • started(event)

      Abstract method to handle a ServerHeartbeatStartedEvent.

      • succeeded(event)

        Abstract method to handle a ServerHeartbeatSucceededEvent.

      class pymongo.event_loggers.ServerLogger

      A simple listener that logs server discovery events.

      Listens for , ServerDescriptionChangedEvent, and events and logs them at the INFO severity level using logging.

      New in version 3.11.

      • closed(event)

        Abstract method to handle a ServerClosedEvent.

        • event: An instance of ServerClosedEvent.
      • description_changed(event)

        Abstract method to handle a ServerDescriptionChangedEvent.

        • event: An instance of ServerDescriptionChangedEvent.
      • opened(event)

        Abstract method to handle a ServerOpeningEvent.

        • event: An instance of ServerOpeningEvent.

      class pymongo.event_loggers.TopologyLogger

      A simple listener that logs server topology events.

      Listens for , TopologyDescriptionChangedEvent, and events and logs them at the INFO severity level using logging.

      New in version 3.11.

      • closed(event)

        Abstract method to handle a TopologyClosedEvent.

        • event: An instance of TopologyClosedEvent.
      • description_changed(event)

        Abstract method to handle a TopologyDescriptionChangedEvent.

        • event: An instance of TopologyDescriptionChangedEvent.
      • (event)

        • event: An instance of TopologyOpenedEvent.