2. my_table

    1. from my_table
    2. select x = 'hello world'

    1. SELECT
    2. 'hello world' AS x
    3. FROM
    4. my_table

    To quote a string containing quotes, either use the “other” type of quote, or use 3, 4, 5 or 6 quotes, and close with the same number.

    1. '"hello world"' AS x
    2. FROM
    3. my_table

    1. from my_table
    2. select x = """I said "hello world"!"""

    1. 'I said "hello world"!' AS x
    2. FROM
    3. my_table

    1. 'I said """hello world"""!' AS x
    2. FROM
    3. my_table

    1. from my_table
    2. select x = "\t\tline ends here\n \\ "

    1. SELECT
    2. ' line ends here
    3. \ ' AS x
    4. FROM

    These special case strings can be used to:

    - Insert SQL statements directly into the query. Use when PRQL doesn’t have an equivalent facility.

    Currently PRQL allows multiline strings with either a single character or multiple character quotes. This may change for strings using a single character quote in future versions.