
    The Posts section provides an overview of all your articles, which form the content of your website. You can create new articles or edit existing ones. Posts can be sorted by title, number of comments or their publish date by clicking on the corresponding table heading in the overview. The active sorting parameter is highlighted with an arrow icon.

    Next to each post there’s a checkbox. Enabling the checkbox of one or more items will display a toolbar that allows you to copy, delete, publish or unpublish the posts.

    The Blog extension includes a sophisticated comment function that you can manage and curate in the Comments section of the blog administration. It provides a list of the comments to all posts in your site.

    Each item displays the author and – if provided – their email address above the comment's content. Clicking on the timestamp will bring you directly to the the comment's location below the post. To approve a comment or mark it as pending, hit the green or yellow circle in the status column. In the Post column, click on the post's title to enter Edit mode. To see all comments on that post, click on the comment icon, which also indicates the number of comments.

    When hovering a single entry, an Edit and a Reply button will appear for that comment. In Edit mode you can also switch the comment's status from Pending to Approved or Spam.

    The Settings tab contains general Blog settings – like permlink options – as well as some additional options for the comment function.


    Here you can define a number of global settings for the comment function.