
    A storage container is a self-contained super block. It has a list of Ozone blocks that reside inside it, as well as on-disk files which contain the actual data streams. This is the default Storage container format. From Ozone’s perspective, container is a protocol spec, actual storage layouts does not matter. In other words, it is trivial to extend or bring new container layouts. Hence this should be treated as a reference implementation of containers under Ozone.

    Understanding Ozone Blocks and Containers

    An Ozone block contains the container ID and a local ID. The figure below shows the logical layout out of Ozone block.


    Once the client is able to locate the container, that is, understand which data nodes contain this container, the client will connect to the datanode and read the data stream specified by Container ID:Local ID. In other words, the local ID serves as index into the container which describes what data stream we want to read from.

    How does SCM know where the containers are located ? This is very similar to what HDFS does; the data nodes regularly send container reports like block reports. Container reports are far more concise than block reports. For example, an Ozone deployment with a 196 TB data node will have around 40 thousand containers. Compare that with HDFS block count of million and half blocks that get reported. That is a 40x reduction in the block reports.