operator-sdk generate packagemanifests

    Note: while the package manifests format is not yet deprecated, the operator-framework is migrated towards using bundles by default. Run ‘operator-sdk generate bundle -h’ for more information.

    A CSV manifest is generated by collecting data from the set of manifests passed to this command (see below), such as CRDs, RBAC, etc., and applying that data to a “base” CSV manifest. This base CSV can contain metadata, added by hand or by the ‘generate kustomize manifests’ command, and can be passed in like any other manifest (see below) or by file at the exact path ‘<kustomize-dir>/bases/<package-name>.clusterserviceversion.yaml’. Be aware that ‘generate packagemanifests’ idempotently regenerates a packagemanifests directory, so all non-metadata values in a base will be overwritten. If no base was passed in, input manifest data will be applied to an empty CSV.

    Set ‘–version’ to supply a semantic version for your new package.