Running queries in the Dev Tools console

    To open the console, select Dev Tools on the main OpenSearch Dashboards page:

    You can open the console from any other page by navigating to the main menu and selecting Management > Dev Tools.

    Dev Tools Console from all pages

    Writing queries

    Write your queries in the editor pane on the left side of the console:

    You can collapse and expand parts of your query by selecting the small triangles next to the line numbers.

    To learn more about writing queries in OpenSearch domain-specific language (DSL), see Query DSL.

    Use at the beginning of a line to write single-line comments.


    Sending the request

    To send a query to OpenSearch, select the query by placing the cursor anywhere in the query text. Then choose the play icon (play icon) on the upper right of the request or press Ctrl/Cmd+Enter:

    OpenSearch displays the response in the response pane on the right side of the console:

    Response pane

    The console uses an easier syntax to format REST requests than the curl command.

    For example, the following curl command runs a search query:

    The same query has a simpler syntax in the console format:

    1. {
    2. "query": {
    3. "match": {
    4. }
    5. }

    If you paste a command directly into the console, the command is automatically converted into the format the console uses.

    To import a query in cURL format, select the query, select the wrench icon (), and choose Copy as cURL:

    Viewing documentation

    To view the OpenSearch documentation, select the wrench icon (wrench icon) and choose Open documentation.

    Auto indenting

    To use auto indent, select the queries that you want to format, select the wrench icon (), and choose Auto indent.

    Auto indenting a collapsed query expands it.

    Auto indenting a well-formatted query puts the request body on a single line. This is useful for working with .

    You can view up to the 500 most recent requests that OpenSearch ran successfully. To view request history, select History from the top menu. If you select the request you want to view from the left pane, the query is shown in the right pane.

    To copy the query into the editor pane, select the query text and then select Apply.

    To clear the history, select Clear.

    Updating the console settings

    To update your preferences, select Settings from the top menu:


    Using keyboard shortcuts