How to integrate online editors into your own website on PHP

    The integration examples are used to demonstrate document editors functions and the ways to connect Document Server to your own application. DO NOT USE these examples on your own server without PROPER CODE MODIFICATIONS! If you enabled any of the test examples, disable it before going for production.

    Important security info

    Please keep in mind the following security aspects when you are using test examples:

    • There is no protection of the storage from unauthorized access since there is no need for authorization.
    • There are no checks against parameter substitution in links, since the parameters are generated by the code according to the pre-arranged scripts.
    • There are no data checks in requests of saving the file after editing, since each test example is intended for requests only from ONLYOFFICE Document Server.
    • There are no prohibitions on using test examples from other sites, since they are intended to interact with ONLYOFFICE Document Server from another domain.

    For Windows

    Step 1. Install ONLYOFFICE Docs

    Download and install ONLYOFFICE Docs (packaged as Document Server).

    See the detailed guide to learn how to .

    Download the from our site.

    To connect the editors to your website, specify the path to the editors installation and the path to the storage folder in the config.php file:

    where the documentserver is the name of the server with the ONLYOFFICE Document Server installed and the STORAGE_PATH is the path where files will be created and stored. You can set an absolute path. For example, D:\\folder. Please note that on Windows OS the double backslash must be used as a separator.

    If you want to experiment with the editor configuration, modify the parameters in the doceditor.php file.

    Step 3. Install the prerequisites

    You can use any web server capable of running PHP code to run the sample. We will demonstrate how to run the PHP example using the Internet Information Services (IIS) web server. To set up and configure PHP on IIS, PHP Manager for IIS will be used.

    Step 4. IIS configuration

    1. PHP Manager for IIS configuration.

      After PHP Manager for IIS installation is complete, launch the IIS Manager:

      Start -> Control Panel -> System and Security -> Administrative Tools -> Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager

      and find the PHP Manager feature in the Features View in IIS.

      You need to register the installed PHP version in IIS using PHP Manager.

      Double-click PHP Manager to open it, click the Register new PHP version task and specify the full path to the main PHP executable file location. For example: C:\Program Files\PHP\php-cgi.exe.

      PHP example - 图2

      After clicking OK, the new PHP version will be registered with IIS and will become active.

    2. For IIS to host PHP applications, you must add handler mapping that tells IIS to pass all the PHP-specific requests to the PHP application framework by using the FastCGI protocol.

      Double-click the Handler Mappings feature:

      PHP example - 图4

      In the Action panel, click Add Module Mapping. In the Add Module Mapping dialog box, specify the configuration settings as follows:

      • Request path: *.php,
      • Module: FastCgiModule,
      • Executable: “C:\[Path to your PHP installation]\php-cgi.exe”,

      Click OK.

    After IIS manager configuration is complete, everything is ready for running the PHP example.

    Step 5. Run your website with the editors

    1. Add your website in the IIS Manager.

      On the Connections panel right-click the Sites node in the tree, then click Add Website.

      PHP example - 图6

    2. In the Add Website dialog box, specify the name of the folder with the PHP project in the Site name box.

      Specify the path to the folder with your project in the Physical path box.

      Specify the unique value used only for this website in the Port box.

    3. Browse your website with the IIS manager:

      Right-click the site -> Manage Website -> Browse

      PHP example - 图8

    In case the example and Document Server are installed on different computers, make sure that your server with the example installed has access to the Document Server with the address which you specify instead of documentserver in the configuration files. Make sure that the Document Server in its turn has access to the server with the example installed with the address which you specify instead of in the configuration files.

    If you integrated the editors successfully the result should look like the demo preview on our site.

    For Linux

    Step 1. Install ONLYOFFICE Docs

    See the detailed guide to learn how to .

    Step 2. Install the prerequisites and run the website with the editors

    1. Install Apache and PHP:

      apt-get install -y apache2 php7.0 libapache2-mod-php7.0

    2. Download the archive with the PHP example and unpack the archive:

      cd /var/www/html


      unzip PHP\

    3. Change the current directory for the project directory:

      cd PHP\ Example/

    4. Edit the config.php configuration file. Specify the name of your local server with the ONLYOFFICE Document Server installed.

      nano config.php

      Edit the following lines:

      1. $GLOBALS['DOC_SERV_SITE_URL'] = "https://documentserver/";

      where the documentserver is the name of the server with the ONLYOFFICE Document Server installed and the STORAGE_PATH is the path where files will be created and stored. You can set an absolute path.

    5. Set permission for site:

      chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html

    6. Restart apache:

      service apache2 restart

    7. See the result in your browser using the address:


    If you integrated the editors successfully the result should look like the demo preview on our site.