Getting Started with Scikit-Learn

    1. import mleap.sklearn.pipeline
    2. # Extends Bundle.ML Serialization for Feature Unions
    3. import mleap.sklearn.feature_union
    4. import
    5. # Extends Bundle.ML Serialization for Linear Regression Models
    6. # Extends Bundle.ML Serialization for Logistic Regression
    7. import mleap.sklearn.logistic
    8. from mleap.sklearn.ensemble import forest
    1. See core concepts for an overview of ML pipelines.
    2. Detailed guide to
    3. See Scikit-learn documentation to learn how to train ML pipelines in Python.
    4. See Scikit-learn documentation on how to use with pipelines
    5. See Demo notebook on how to use Scikit and MLeap to serialize your pipeline to