To schedule a task at a fixed rate, use the fixedRate member. For example:

    Fixed Rate Example

    Fixed Rate Example

    1. @Scheduled(fixedRate = "5m")
    2. void everyFiveMinutes() {
    3. System.out.println("Executing everyFiveMinutes()")
    4. }

    Fixed Rate Example

    1. @Scheduled(fixedRate = "5m")
    2. internal fun everyFiveMinutes() {
    3. println("Executing everyFiveMinutes()")
    4. }

    The task above will execute every 5 minutes.

    Fixed Delay Example

    1. void fiveMinutesAfterLastExecution() {
    2. System.out.println("Executing fiveMinutesAfterLastExecution()");
    3. }

    Fixed Delay Example

    Fixed Delay Example

    1. @Scheduled(fixedDelay = "5m")
    2. internal fun fiveMinutesAfterLastExecution() {
    3. println("Executing fiveMinutesAfterLastExecution()")
    4. }

    To schedule a task use the cron member:

    Cron Example

    1. @Scheduled(cron = "0 15 10 ? * MON" )
    2. void everyMondayAtTenFifteenAm() {
    3. System.out.println("Executing everyMondayAtTenFifteenAm()");
    4. }
    1. @Scheduled(cron = "0 15 10 ? * MON" )
    2. }

    Cron Example

    The above example will run the task every Monday morning at 10:15AM for the time zone of the server.

    To schedule a task so that it runs a single time after the server starts, use the initialDelay member:

    Initial Delay Example

    1. @Scheduled(initialDelay = "1m" )
    2. void onceOneMinuteAfterStartup() {
    3. System.out.println("Executing onceOneMinuteAfterStartup()");
    4. }

    Initial Delay Example

    1. @Scheduled(initialDelay = "1m" )
    2. void onceOneMinuteAfterStartup() {
    3. System.out.println("Executing onceOneMinuteAfterStartup()")
    4. }
    1. @Scheduled(initialDelay = "1m")
    2. internal fun onceOneMinuteAfterStartup() {
    3. }

    The above example will only run a single time 1 minute after the server starts.