Micronaut v2.0.0 Documentation
10 Message-Driven Microservices
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2021-02-08 10:03:44
10 Message-Driven Microservices
1 Introduction
1.1 What’s New?
1.2 Upgrading to Micronaut 2.x
3 Inversion of Control
3.1 Defining Beans
3.2 How Does it Work?
3.3 The BeanContext
3.4 Injectable Container Types
3.5 Bean Qualifiers
Qualifying By Name
Qualifying By Annotation
Primary and Secondary Beans
3.6 Scopes
3.6.1 Built-In Scopes Eager Initialization of Singletons
3.6.2 Refreshable Scope
3.6.3 Scopes on Meta Annotations
3.7 Bean Factories
3.8 Conditional Beans
Configuration Requirements
Debugging Conditional Beans
3.9 Bean Replacement
3.10 Bean Configurations
3.11 Life-Cycle Methods
When The Context Starts
When The Context Closes
3.12 Context Events
3.13 Bean Events
3.14 Bean Introspection
3.15 Bean Validation
3.16 Bean Annotation Metadata
3.17 Micronaut Beans And Spring
3.18 Android Support
Configuring Your Android Build
Enabling Dependency Injection
7 The HTTP Client
7.1 Using the Low-Level HTTP Client
7.1.1 Sending your first HTTP request
7.1.2 Posting a Request Body
Sending JSON
Using a URI Template
Sending Form Data
7.1.3 Multipart Client Uploads
7.1.4 Streaming JSON over HTTP
7.1.5 Configuring HTTP clients
7.1.6 Error Responses
7.1.7 Bind Errors
7.2 Proxying Requests with ProxyHttpClient
7.3 Declarative HTTP Clients with @Client
7.3.1 Customizing Parameter Binding
7.3.2 Streaming with @Client
7.3.3 Error Responses
7.3.4 Customizing Request Headers
Populating Headers Using Configuration
Populating Headers using an Client Filter
7.3.5 Customizing Jackson Settings
7.3.6 Retry and Circuit Breaker
7.3.7 Client Fallbacks
7.3.8 Netflix Hystrix Support
Using the @HystrixCommand Annotation
Enabling Hystrix Stream & Dashboard
7.4 HTTP Client Filters
7.5 HTTP Client Sample
8 Cloud Native Features
8.1 Cloud Configuration
Using Cloud Instance Metadata
8.1.1 Distributed Configuration
8.1.2 HashiCorp Consul Support
Starting Consul
Enabling Distributed Configuration with Consul
Storing Configuration as Key/Value Pairs
Storing Configuration in YAML, JSON etc.
Storing Configuration as File References
8.1.3 HashiCorp Vault Support
8.1.4 Spring Cloud Config Support
8.1.5 AWS Parameter Store Support
8.1.6 Oracle Cloud Vault Support
8.2 Service Discovery
8.2.1 Consul Support
Starting Consul
Auto Registering with Consul
Customizing Consul Service Registration
Discovery Services from Consul
Consul Health Checks
Controlling IP/Host Registration
8.2.2 Eureka Support
Starting Eureka
Auto Registering with Eureka
Customizing Eureka Service Registration
Eureka Basic Authentication
Eureka Health Checks
Secure Communication with Eureka
8.2.3 Kubernetes Support
8.2.4 AWS Route 53 Support
8.2.5 Manual Service Discovery Configuration
8.3 Client Side Load Balancing
8.3.1 Netflix Ribbon Support
8.4 Distributed Tracing
Tracing Annotations
Tracing Beans
8.4.1 Tracing with Zipkin
Running Zipkin
Sending Traces to Zipkin
Customizing the Zipkin Sender
Zipkin Configuration
8.4.2 Tracing with Jaeger
Running Jaeger
Sending Traces to Jaeger
Jaeger Configuration
2 Quick Start
2.4 Creating a Client
2.5 Deploying the Application
2.1 Build/Install the CLI
2.1.1 Install with Sdkman
2.1.2 Install with Homebrew
2.1.3 Install with MacPorts
2.1.4 Install through Binary on Windows
2.1.5 Building from Source
2.2 Creating a Server Application
2.3 Setting up an IDE
Configuring IntelliJ IDEA
Configuring Eclipse IDE
Configuring Visual Studio Code
9 Serverless Functions
9.1 AWS Lambda
9.2 Google Cloud Function
9.3 Google CLoud Run
9.4 Azure Function
10 Message-Driven Microservices
10.1 Kafka Support
10.2 RabbitMQ Support
10.3 Nats.io Support
11 Standalone Command Line Applications
11.1 Picocli Support
12 Configurations
12.1 Configurations for Reactive Programming
12.1.1 RxJava 3 Support
12.1.2 Reactor Support
12.1.3 RxJava 1 Support
12.2 Configurations for Data Access
12.2.1 Configuring a SQL Data Source
Configuring a JDBC DataSource
12.2.2 Configuring Hibernate
12.2.3 Configuring MongoDB
12.2.4 Configuring Neo4j
12.2.5 Configuring Postgres
Configuring the Reactive Postgres Client
12.2.6 Configuring Redis
Configuring Lettuce
12.2.7 Configuring Cassandra
12.2.8 Configuring Liquibase
12.2.9 Configuring Flyway
13 Language Support
13.1 Micronaut for Java
13.1.1 Using Micronaut with Java 9+
13.1.2 Incremental Annotation Processing with Gradle
13.1.3 Using Project Lombok
13.1.4 Configuring an IDE
13.1.5 Retaining Parameter Names
13.2 Micronaut for Groovy
Groovy Specific Modules
Groovy Support in the CLI
Programmatic Routes with GroovyRouterBuilder
Using GORM in a Groovy application
Serverless Functions with Groovy
13.3 Micronaut for Kotlin
13.3.1 Kotlin, Kapt and IntelliJ
13.3.2 Incremental Annotation Processing with Gradle and Kapt
13.3.3 Kotlin and AOP Advice
13.3.4 Kotlin and Retaining Parameter Names
13.3.5 Coroutines Support
13.4 Micronaut for GraalVM
13.4.1 Microservices as GraalVM native images
15 Security
17 Micronaut CLI
Interactive Mode
Help and Info
17.1 Creating a Project
Create Command Flags
Create Function App
17.2 Profiles
17.2.1 Comparing Versions
17.3 Features
17.4 Commands
Base Profile Commands
Service Profile Commands
CLI Profile Commands
17.5 Reloading
17.5.1 Automatic Restart
17.5.2 JRebel
Install/configure JRebel Agent
17.5.3 Recompiling with Gradle
17.5.4 Recompiling with an IDE
17.6 Proxy Configuration
18 Appendices
18.1 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
18.2 Using Snapshots
18.3 Common Problems
18.4 Breaking Changes
4 Application Configuration
4.1 The Environment
Environment Priority
Disabling Environment Detection
4.2 Externalized Configuration with PropertySources
4.3 Configuration Injection
4.4 Configuration Properties
Includes / Excludes
Property Type Conversion
Configuration Builder
4.5 Custom Type Converters
4.6 Using @EachProperty to Drive Configuration
4.7 Using @EachBean to Drive Configuration
4.8 Immutable Configuration
4.9 JMX Support
5 Aspect Oriented Programming
5.1 Around Advice
Writing Around Advice
Customizing Proxy Generation
AOP Advice on @Factory Beans
5.2 Introduction Advice
5.3 Method Adapter Advice
5.4 Validation Advice
5.5 Cache Advice
Cache Annotations
Configuring Caches
Dynamic Cache Creation
Other Cache Implementations
5.6 Retry Advice
Simple Retry
Reactive Retry
Circuit Breaker
Bean Creation Retry
Retry Events
5.7 Scheduled Tasks
Using the @Scheduled Annotation
Programmatically Scheduling Tasks
Configuring Scheduled Tasks with Annotation Metadata
Configuring the Scheduled Task Thread Pool
Handling Exceptions
5.8 Bridging Spring AOP
6 The HTTP Server
6.5 Host Resolution
6.6 Client IP Address
6.7 The HttpRequest and HttpResponse
6.8 Response Status
6.9 Response Content-Type
6.10 Accepted Request Content-Type
6.11 Reactive HTTP Request Processing
6.11.1 Using the @Body Annotation
6.11.2 Reactive Responses
6.12 JSON Binding with Jackson
Binding using Reactive Frameworks
Binding Using CompletableFuture
Binding using POJOs
Jackson Configuration
6.13 Data Validation
6.14 Serving Static Resources
6.15 Error Handling
Status Handlers
Local Error Handling
Global Error Handling
6.16 API Versioning
6.17 Handling Form Data
6.18 Writing Response Data
6.19 File Uploads
Route Arguments
Multiple Uploads
Whole Body Binding
6.20 File Transfers
Sending File Objects
Sending an InputStream
Cache Configuration
6.21 HTTP Filters
Writing a Filter
6.22 HTTP Sessions
Enabling Sessions
Configuring Session Resolution
Working with Sessions
Session Clients
Using @SessionValue
Session Events
6.23 Server Sent Events
6.24 WebSocket Support
6.24.1 Using @ServerWebSocket
6.24.2 Using @ClientWebSocket
6.25 HTTP/2 Support
6.26 Server Events
6.27 Configuring the HTTP Server
6.27.1 Configuring Server Thread Pools
6.27.2 Configuring the Netty Pipeline
6.27.3 Configuring CORS
Allowed Origins
Allowed Methods
Allowed Headers
Exposed Headers
Allow Credentials
Max Age
Multiple Header Values
6.27.4 Securing the Server with HTTPS
Using a valid x509 certificate
Using Java Keystore (JKS)
6.27.5 Enabling HTTP and HTTPS
6.27.6 Enabling Access Logger
6.28 Server Side View Rendering
6.29 OpenAPI / Swagger Support
6.30 GraphQL Support
6.1 Running the Embedded Server
6.2 Running Server on a Specific Port
6.3 HTTP Routing
URI Paths
URI Path Variables
URI Reserved Character Matching
Routing Annotations
Multiple URIs
Building Routes Programmatically
Route Compile Time Validation
Routing non-standard HTTP methods
6.4 Simple Request Binding
Binding from Multiple Query values
Binding from Multiple Bindable values
Bindable Types
Type Based Binding Parameters
Variables resolution
Binding Annotations
16 Multi-Tenancy
16.1 Multi-Tenancy GORM
14 Management & Monitoring
14.1 Creating Endpoints
14.1.1 The Endpoint Annotation
Example of custom Endpoint
14.1.2 Endpoint Methods
Read Methods
Write Methods
Delete Methods
14.1.3 Endpoint Sensitivity
14.1.4 Endpoint Configuration
14.2 Built-In Endpoints
14.2.1 The Beans Endpoint
14.2.2 The Info Endpoint
Provided Info Sources
14.2.3 The Health Endpoint
Provided Indicators
14.2.4 The Metrics Endpoint
14.2.5 The Refresh Endpoint
14.2.6 The Routes Endpoint
14.2.7 The Loggers Endpoint
14.2.8 The Caches Endpoint
14.2.9 The Server Stop Endpoint
14.2.10 The Environment Endpoint
Getting information about the environment
Getting information about a particular PropertySource