The lack of native modularity in the web — due to the way a program is loaded in chunks using HTML tags — is in stark contrast with any other execution environments where programs can be made up of any number of files and modular architectures are natively supported by the language, its compiler, and its file system based environment. On the web, we’re only now barely beginning to scratch the surface of native modules, something other programming environments have had since their inception. As we discussed in section 1.2, the lack of a native module loading mechanism, paired with the lack of native modules beyond just files that shared a global scope, forced the web community to get creative in its approach to modularity.

    The native JavaScript modules specification that eventually landed into the language was heavily influenced by this community-led effort. Even as of this writing we’re still probably some 2 or 3 years away from being able to use the native module system effectively on the web. This shortcoming of the web is evidenced by how patterns that were adopted universally elsewhere, like layered or component-based architectures, weren’t even contemplated on the web for most of its lifetime thus far.

    With the advent of frameworks like Backbone, Angular, Ember, and React, new techniques and breakthroughs also made an uptick on the web. Writing code under ES6 and beyond, but then transpiling parts of that code down to ES5 to attain broader browser support; shared rendering, using the same code on both server and client to render a page quickly on initial page load and continue to load pages quickly upon navigation; automated code bundling, packing the modules that comprise an application into a single bundle for optimized delivery; bundle-splitting along routes, so that there are several bundles outputted, each optimized for the initially visited route; CSS bundling at the JavaScript module level, so that CSS — which doesn’t feature a native module syntax — can also be split across bundles; and a myriad ways of optimizing assets like images at compile time, improving productivity during development while keeping production deployments highly performant, are all part of the iterative nature of innovation in the web.

    This explosion of innovation doesn’t stem from sheer creativity alone but also out of necessity: web applications are getting increasingly complex, as is their scope, purpose, and requirements. It follows logically, then, that the ecosystem around them would grow to accommodate those expanded requirements, in terms of better tooling, better libraries, better coding practices, architectures, standards, patterns, and more choice in general.

    . You can dive into the specifics through this article from a member of the Node.js team, Myles Borins:

    . Code-splitting lets you to split your application into several bundles based on different entry points, and also lets you extract dependencies shared across bundles into a single reusable bundle. Learn more at: