Install EngineConnPlugin Engine

    1. └── dist # Dependency and configuration required for engine startup, different versions of the engine need to be in this directory to prevent the corresponding version directory
    2. └── v1.2.1 #Must start with v and add engine version number 1.2.1
    3. └── conf # Configuration file directory required by the engine
    4. └── lib # Dependency package required by engine plug-in
    5. └── plugin #Engine plug-in directory, this directory is used for the startup command and resource application of the engine management service package engine
    6. └── linkis-engineplugin-hive-1.0.0-RC1.jar #Engine module package (only need to place a separate engine package)

    2 Engine installation

    1. First, you need to confirm the home directory of the engine dist directory configuration: wds.linkis.engineconn.home (LinkisInstall/conf/, this parameter is used by the engine manager service to read the configuration and dependent directories required for engine startup , If the parameter (wds.linkis.engineconn.dist.load.enable=true) is set for the engine manager service, it will read the engine in this directory and store it in the material library.
    2. In addition, you need to confirm the engine plug-in loading parameter:, this directory is the engine manager service for reflective reading of the engine module package.
    3. If the two parameters wds.linkis.engineconn.home and are specified as the same directory, you can directly unzip the directory output by the engine to this directory, such as placing Go to the /appcom/Install/LinkisInstall/lib/linkis-engineconn-plugins directory:
    1. If the directory is not the same directory, you need to place the dist and plugin directories separately, as shown in the following example:
    1. /appcom/Install/LinkisInstall/lib/linkis-engineconn-plugins/dist:
    2. hive
    3. dist
    4. spark
    5. ##plugin directory
    6. hive
    7. plugin
    8. spark
    9. plugin
    1. linkis_configuration_config_key: insert the key and default values ​​of the configuration parameters of the engine
    2. linkis_manager_label: Insert engine label such as hive-1.2.1
    3. linkis_configuration_category: Insert the catalog relationship of the engine
    4. linkis_configuration_config_value: Insert the configuration that the engine needs to display
    1. Restart to refresh: The engine catalog can be forced to refresh by restarting