
    • Teaching Go features (e.g things like , select, structs, methods, etc).
    • Showcase interesting functionality within the standard library. Show off how easy it is to TDD a HTTP server for instance.
    • Show how Go’s tooling, like benchmarking, race detectors, etc can help you arrive at great software.

    If you don’t feel confident to submit your own guide, submitting an issue for something you want to learn is still a valuable contribution.

    Style guide

    • Emphasis on iterating over functionality driven by tests. The Hello, world example works well because we gradually make it more sophisticated and learning new techniques driven by the tests. For example:
      • Hello() <- how to write functions, return types.
      • Hello(name string) <- arguments, constants.
      • <- default to “world” using if.
      • Hello(name, language string) <- switch.
    • Follow the . It’s important for a consistent style across all the sections.
    • Your section should have a runnable application at the end (e.g package main with a main func) so users can see it in action and play with it.
    • Run ./ before raising PR.