To perform this installation, you will need a localhost to run Terraform/Ansible (laptop, VM, etc) and an account with Packet.In this example, we’re using an m1.large CentOS 7 OpenStack VM as the localhost to kickoff the Kubernetes installation.You’ll need Ansible, Git, and PIP.
Playbook SSH Key
An SSH key is needed by Kubespray/Ansible to run the playbooks.This key is installed into the bare metal hosts during the Terraform deployment.You can generate a key new key or use an existing one.
Grab the latest version of Terraform and install it.
echo "$(curl -s | jq -r -M '.current_version')/terraform_$(curl -s | jq -r -M '.current_version')"
sudo yum install unzip
Download Kubespray
Pull over Kubespray and setup any required libraries.
cp -LRp contrib/terraform/packet/sample-inventory inventory/alpha
cd inventory/alpha/
Details about the cluster, such as the name, as well as the authentication tokens and project IDfor Packet need to be defined. To find these values see Packet API Integration
- cluster_name = alpha
- packet_project_id = ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ123456
- public_key_path = 12345678-90AB-CDEF-GHIJ-KLMNOPQRSTUV
Deploy Bare Metal Hosts
Initializing Terraform will pull down any necessary plugins/providers.
terraform apply ../../contrib/terraform/packet
With the bare metal infrastructure deployed, Kubespray can now install Kubernetes and setup the cluster.