Access control

    Kubernetes supports few ways of authenticating and authorizing users. You can read about them here and . Authorization is handled by Kubernetes API server. Dashboard only acts as a proxy and passes all auth information to it. In case of forbidden access corresponding warnings will be displayed in Dashboard.

    • get and update permissions for the Config Map named kubernetes-dashboard-settings in kubernetes-dashboard namespace.
    • get permission for services/proxy in order to allow heapster and dashboard-metrics-scraper services in kubernetes-dashboard namespace required to gather metrics.
    • get, list and permissions for API in order to allow dashboard-metrics-scraper to gather metrics from the metrics-server.

    Kubernetes Dashboard supports a few different ways of authenticating users:

    • Authorization header passed in every request to Dashboard. Supported from release 1.6. Has the highest priority. If present, login view will be skipped.
    • that can be used on Dashboard login view.
    • that can be used on Dashboard login view.
    • file that can be used on Dashboard login view.

    In case you are using the latest recommended installation then login functionality will be enabled by default. In any other case and if you prefer to configure certificates manually you need to pass --tls-cert-file and --tls-cert-key flags to Dashboard. HTTPS endpoint will be exposed on port 8443 of Dashboard container. You can change it by providing --port flag.

    Using Skip option will make Dashboard use privileges of Service Account used by Dashboard. Skip button is disabled by default since 1.10.1. Use --enable-skip-login dashboard flag to display it.

    Authorization header

    Using authorization header is the only way to make Dashboard act as an user, when accessing it over HTTP. Note that there are some risks since plain HTTP traffic is vulnerable to MITM attacks.

    To quickly test it check out Chrome browser plugin that allows to manually modify request headers.

    IMPORTANT: Authorization header will not work if Dashboard is accessed through API server proxy. Both kubectl proxy and API Server way of accessing Dashboard described in Accessing Dashboard guide will not work. It is due to the fact that once request reaches API server all additional headers are dropped.

    It is recommended to get familiar with documentation first to find out how to get token, that can be used to login. In example every Service Account has a Secret with valid Bearer Token that can be used to login to Dashboard.

    Recommended lecture to find out how to create Service Account and grant it privileges:

    To create sample user and to get its token, see guide.


    Basic authentication is disabled by default. The reason is that Kubernetes API server needs to be configured with authorization mode ABAC and --basic-auth-file flag provided. Without that API server automatically falls back to and there is no way to check if provided credentials are valid.

    Note: Basic authentication with --basic-auth-file has been deprecated since Kubernetes v1.19. For similar functionality to flag, use --token-auth-file with Static Token File.

    This method of logging in is provided for convenience. Only authentication options specified by --authentication-mode flag are supported in kubeconfig file. In case it is configured to use any other way, error will be shown in Dashboard. External identity providers or certificate-based authentication are not supported at this time.

    Sign in with kubeconfig

    IMPORTANT: Make sure that you know what you are doing before proceeding. Granting admin privileges to Dashboard’s Service Account might be a security risk.

    You can grant full admin privileges to Dashboard’s Service Account by creating below ClusterRoleBinding. Copy the YAML file based on chosen installation method and save as, i.e. dashboard-admin.yaml. Use kubectl create -f dashboard-admin.yaml to deploy it. Afterwards you can use Skip option on login page to access Dashboard.

    Official release

    1. apiVersion:
    2. metadata:
    3. name: kubernetes-dashboard-head
    4. namespace: kubernetes-dashboard-head
    5. roleRef:
    6. apiGroup:
    7. kind: ClusterRole
    8. name: cluster-admin
    9. subjects:
    10. - kind: ServiceAccount
    11. namespace: kubernetes-dashboard-head

    Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Dashboard Authors