

您需要一个正在运行的 Kubernetes 集群(它被引用为主机集群)。有关您的平台的安装说明,请参阅指南。

可以使用 kubefed init 部署联邦控制平面。

Deploying 联邦控制平面之后,必须在联邦 API 服务器中配置一个准入控制器,该控制器强制执行从外部策略引擎接收到的放置决策。

下图是准入控制器的 ConfigMap 示例:

ConfigMap 包含三个文件:

  • config.yml 指定 调度策略 准入控制器配置文件的位置。
  • scheduling-policy-config.yml 指定与外部策略引擎联系所需的 kubeconfig 文件的位置。 该文件还可以包含一个 retryBackoff 值,该值以毫秒为单位控制初始重试 backoff 延迟。
  • opa-kubeconfig 是一个标准的 kubeconfig,包含联系外部策略引擎所需的 URL 和凭证。
  1. kubectl -n federation-system edit deployment federation-apiserver

更新 Federation API 服务器命令行参数以启用准入控制器, 并将 ConfigMap 挂载到容器中。如果存在现有的 -enable-admissionplugins 参数,则追加 SchedulingPolicy 而不是添加另一行。

  1. --enable-admission-plugins=SchedulingPolicy
  2. --admission-control-config-file=/etc/kubernetes/admission/config.yml

将以下卷添加到联邦 API 服务器 pod:

  1. - name: admission-config
  2. configMap:
  3. name: admission

添加以下卷挂载联邦 API 服务器的 apiserver 容器:

Open Policy Agent (OPA) 是一个开源的通用策略引擎, 您可以使用它在联邦控制平面中执行基于策略的放置决策。


  1. kubectl create -f policy-engine-service.yaml

下面显示的是 OPA 的示例服务。


  1. kubectl create -f policy-engine-deployment.yaml

外部策略引擎将发现在 Federation API 服务器的 kube-federation-scheduling-policy 命名空间中创建的放置策略。



  1. # OPA supports a high-level declarative language named Rego for authoring and
  2. # enforcing policies. For more information on Rego, visit
  3. # http://openpolicyagent.org.
  4. # Rego policies are namespaced by the "package" directive.
  5. package kubernetes.placement
  6. # Imports provide aliases for data inside the policy engine. In this case, the
  7. # policy simply refers to "clusters" below.
  8. import data.kubernetes.clusters
  9. # The "annotations" rule generates a JSON object containing the key
  10. # "federation.kubernetes.io/replica-set-preferences" mapped to <preferences>.
  11. # The preferences values is generated dynamically by OPA when it evaluates the
  12. # rule.
  13. #
  14. # The SchedulingPolicy Admission Controller running inside the Federation API
  15. # server will merge these annotations into incoming Federated resources. By
  16. # setting replica-set-preferences, we can control the placement of Federated
  17. # ReplicaSets.
  18. #
  19. # Rules are defined to generate JSON values (booleans, strings, objects, etc.)
  20. # When OPA evaluates a rule, it generates a value IF all of the expressions in
  21. # the body evaluate successfully. All rules can be understood intuitively as
  22. # <head> if <body> where <body> is true if <expr-1> AND <expr-2> AND ...
  23. # <expr-N> is true (for some set of data.)
  24. annotations["federation.kubernetes.io/replica-set-preferences"] = preferences {
  25. input.kind = "ReplicaSet"
  26. value = {"clusters": cluster_map, "rebalance": true}
  27. json.marshal(value, preferences)
  28. }
  29. # This "annotations" rule generates a value for the "federation.alpha.kubernetes.io/cluster-selector"
  30. # annotation.
  31. #
  32. # that are not annotated with "criticality=low" MUST be placed on clusters
  33. # labelled with "on-premises=true".
  34. annotations["federation.alpha.kubernetes.io/cluster-selector"] = selector {
  35. input.metadata.namespace = "production"
  36. not input.metadata.annotations.criticality = "low"
  37. json.marshal([{
  38. "operator": "=",
  39. "key": "on-premises",
  40. "values": "[true]",
  41. }], selector)
  42. }
  43. # Generates a set of cluster names that satisfy the incoming Federated
  44. # ReplicaSet's requirements. In this case, just PCI compliance.
  45. replica_set_clusters[cluster_name] {
  46. clusters[cluster_name]
  47. not insufficient_pci[cluster_name]
  48. }
  49. # Generates a set of clusters that must not be used for Federated ReplicaSets
  50. # that request PCI compliance.
  51. insufficient_pci[cluster_name] {
  52. clusters[cluster_name]
  53. input.metadata.annotations["requires-pci"] = "true"
  54. not pci_clusters[cluster_name]
  55. }
  56. # Generates a set of clusters that are PCI certified. In this case, we assume
  57. # clusters are annotated to indicate if they have passed PCI compliance audits.
  58. pci_clusters[cluster_name] {
  59. clusters[cluster_name].metadata.annotations["pci-certified"] = "true"
  60. }
  61. # Helper rule to generate a mapping of desired clusters to weights. In this
  62. # case, weights are static.
  63. cluster_map[cluster_name] = {"weight": 1} {
  64. replica_set_clusters[cluster_name]
  65. }


  1. kubectl --context=federation -n kube-federation-scheduling-policy create configmap scheduling-policy --from-file=policy.rego


  • 位置策略可以引用联邦资源中的任何字段。
  • 放置策略可以利用外部上下文(例如,集群元数据)来做出决策。
  • 管理策略可以集中管理。
  • 策略可以定义简单的接口(例如 requirements -pci 注解),以避免在清单中重复逻辑。

注释其中一个集群以表明它是经过 PCI 认证的。

  1. kubectl --context=federation annotate clusters cluster-name-1 pci-certified=true

