Kubernetes Deprecation Policy

    Kubernetes is a large system with many components and many contributors. Aswith any such software, the feature set naturally evolves over time, andsometimes a feature may need to be removed. This could include an API, a flag,or even an entire feature. To avoid breaking existing users, Kubernetes followsa deprecation policy for aspects of the system that are slated to be removed.

    Since Kubernetes is an API-driven system, the API has evolved over time toreflect the evolving understanding of the problem space. The Kubernetes API isactually a set of APIs, called “API groups”, and each API group isindependently versioned. API versions fallinto 3 main tracks, each of which has different policies for deprecation:

    A given release of Kubernetes can support any number of API groups and anynumber of versions of each.

    The following rules govern the deprecation of elements of the API. Thisincludes:

    • REST resources (aka API objects)
    • Fields of REST resources
    • Annotations on REST resources, including “beta” annotations but notincluding “alpha” annotations.
    • Enumerated or constant values
    • Component config structures

    These rules are enforced between official releases, not betweenarbitrary commits to master or release branches.

    Rule #1: API elements may only be removed by incrementing the version of theAPI group.

    Once an API element has been added to an API group at a particular version, itcan not be removed from that version or have its behavior significantlychanged, regardless of track.

    Rule #2: API objects must be able to round-trip between API versions in a givenrelease without information loss, with the exception of whole REST resourcesthat do not exist in some versions.

    For example, an object can be written as v1 and then read back as v2 andconverted to v1, and the resulting v1 resource will be identical to theoriginal. The representation in v2 might be different from v1, but the systemknows how to convert between them in both directions. Additionally, any newfield added in v2 must be able to round-trip to v1 and back, which means v1might have to add an equivalent field or represent it as an annotation.

    Rule #3: An API version in a given track may not be deprecated until a newAPI version at least as stable is released.

    GA API versions can replace GA API versions as well as beta and alpha APIversions. Beta API versions may not replace GA API versions.

    Rule #4a: Other than the most recent API versions in each track, older APIversions must be supported after their announced deprecation for a duration ofno less than:

    • GA: 12 months or 3 releases (whichever is longer)
    • Beta: 9 months or 3 releases (whichever is longer)
    • Alpha: 0 releases

    This covers the .

    Note: Until #52185 isresolved, no API versions that have been persisted to storage may be removed.Serving REST endpoints for those versions may be disabled (subject to thedeprecation timelines in this document), but the API server must remain capableof decoding/converting previously persisted data from storage.

    Users must be able to upgrade to a new release of Kubernetes and then roll backto a previous release, without converting anything to the new API version orsuffering breakages (unless they explicitly used features only available in thenewer version). This is particularly evident in the stored representation ofobjects.

    All of this is best illustrated by examples. Imagine a Kubernetes release,version X, which introduces a new API group. A new Kubernetes release is madeevery approximately 3 months (4 per year). The following table describes whichAPI versions are supported in a series of subsequent releases.

    ReleaseAPI VersionsPreferred/Storage VersionNotes
    X+1v1alpha2v1alpha2- v1alpha1 is removed, "action required" relnote
    X+2v1beta1v1beta1- v1alpha2 is removed, "action required" relnote
    X+3v1beta2, v1beta1 (deprecated)v1beta1- v1beta1 is deprecated, "action required" relnote
    X+4v1beta2, v1beta1 (deprecated)v1beta2
    X+5v1, v1beta1 (deprecated), v1beta2 (deprecated)v1beta2- v1beta2 is deprecated, "action required" relnote
    X+6v1, v1beta2 (deprecated)v1- v1beta1 is removed, "action required" relnote
    X+7v1, v1beta2 (deprecated)v1
    X+8v2alpha1, v1v1- v1beta2 is removed, "action required" relnote
    X+9v2alpha2, v1v1- v2alpha1 is removed, "action required" relnote
    X+10v2beta1, v1v1- v2alpha2 is removed, "action required" relnote
    X+11v2beta2, v2beta1 (deprecated), v1v1- v2beta1 is deprecated, "action required" relnote
    X+12v2, v2beta2 (deprecated), v2beta1 (deprecated), v1 (deprecated)v1- v2beta2 is deprecated, "action required" relnote- v1 is deprecated, "action required" relnote
    X+13v2, v2beta1 (deprecated), v2beta2 (deprecated), v1 (deprecated)v2
    X+14v2, v2beta2 (deprecated), v1 (deprecated)v2- v2beta1 is removed, "action required" relnote
    X+15v2, v1 (deprecated)v2- v2beta2 is removed, "action required" relnote
    X+16v2, v1 (deprecated)v2
    X+17v2v2- v1 is removed, "action required" relnote

    Consider a hypothetical REST resource named Widget, which was present in API v1in the above timeline, and which needs to be deprecated. We andannounce thedeprecation in sync with release X+1. The Widget resource still exists in APIversion v1 (deprecated) but not in v2alpha1. The Widget resource continues toexist and function in releases up to and including X+8. Only in release X+9,when API v1 has aged out, does the Widget resource cease to exist, and thebehavior get removed.

    Fields of REST resources

    As with whole REST resources, an individual field which was present in API v1must exist and function until API v1 is removed. Unlike whole resources, thev2 APIs may choose a different representation for the field, as long as it canbe round-tripped. For example a v1 field named “magnitude” which wasdeprecated might be named “deprecatedMagnitude” in API v2. When v1 iseventually removed, the deprecated field can be removed from v2.

    As with whole REST resources and fields thereof, a constant value which wassupported in API v1 must exist and function until API v1 is removed.

    Component config structures

    Component configs are versioned and managed just like REST resources.

    Over time, Kubernetes will introduce more fine-grained API versions, at whichpoint these rules will be adjusted as needed.

    The Kubernetes system is comprised of several different programs cooperating.Sometimes, a Kubernetes release might remove flags or CLI commands(collectively “CLI elements”) in these programs. The individual programsnaturally sort into two main groups - user-facing and admin-facing programs,which vary slightly in their deprecation policies. Unless a flag is explicitlyprefixed or documented as “alpha” or “beta”, it is considered GA.

    CLI elements are effectively part of the API to the system, but since they arenot versioned in the same way as the REST API, the rules for deprecation are asfollows:

    Rule #5a: CLI elements of user-facing components (e.g. kubectl) must functionafter their announced deprecation for no less than:

    • GA: 12 months or 2 releases (whichever is longer)
    • Beta: 3 months or 1 release (whichever is longer)

    Rule #5b: CLI elements of admin-facing components (e.g. kubelet) must functionafter their announced deprecation for no less than:

    • GA: 6 months or 1 release (whichever is longer)
    • Beta: 3 months or 1 release (whichever is longer)
    • Alpha: 0 releases

    Rule #6: Deprecated CLI elements must emit warnings (optionally disable)when used.

    Occasionally a Kubernetes release needs to deprecate some feature or behaviorof the system that is not controlled by the API or CLI. In this case, therules for deprecation are as follows:

    This does not imply that all changes to the system are governed by this policy.This applies only to significant, user-visible behaviors which impact thecorrectness of applications running on Kubernetes or that impact theadministration of Kubernetes clusters, and which are being removed entirely.

    An exception to the above rule is feature gates. Feature gates are key=valuepairs that allow for users to enable/disable experimental features.

    Feature gates are intended to cover the development life cycle of a feature - theyare not intended to be long-term APIs. As such, they are expected to be deprecatedand removed after a feature becomes GA or is dropped.

    As a feature moves through the stages, the associated feature gate evolves.The feature life cycle matched to its corresponding feature gate is:

    • Alpha: the feature gate is disabled by default and can be enabled by the user.
    • Beta: the feature gate is enabled by default and can be disabled by the user.
    • GA: the feature gate is deprecated (see ) and becomesnon-operational.
    • GA, deprecation window complete: the feature gate is removed and calls to it areno longer accepted.


    Features can be removed at any point in the life cycle prior to GA. When features areremoved prior to GA, their associated feature gates are also deprecated.

    When an invocation tries to disable a non-operational feature gate, the call fails in orderto avoid unsupported scenarios that might otherwise run silently.

    In some cases, removing pre-GA features requires considerable time. Feature gates can remainoperational until their associated feature is fully removed, at which point the feature gateitself can be deprecated.

    When removing a feature gate for a GA feature also requires considerable time, calls tofeature gates may remain operational if the feature gate has no effect on the feature,and if the feature gate causes no errors.

    Features intended to be disabled by users should include a mechanism for disabling thefeature in the associated feature gate.

    Versioning for feature gates is different from the previously discussed components,therefore the rules for deprecation are as follows:

    Rule #8: Feature gates must be deprecated when the corresponding feature they controltransitions a lifecycle stage as follows. Feature gates must function for no less than:

    • Beta feature to GA: 6 months or 2 releases (whichever is longer)
    • Beta feature to EOL: 3 months or 1 release (whichever is longer)
    • Alpha feature to EOL: 0 releases

    Rule #9: Deprecated feature gates must respond with a warning when used. When a feature gateis deprecated it must be documented in both in the release notes and the corresponding CLI help.Both warnings and documentation must indicate whether a feature gate is non-operational.

    No policy can cover every possible situation. This policy is a livingdocument, and will evolve over time. In practice, there will be situationsthat do not fit neatly into this policy, or for which this policy becomes aserious impediment. Such situations should be discussed with SIGs and projectleaders to find the best solutions for those specific cases, always bearing inmind that Kubernetes is committed to being a stable system that, as much aspossible, never breaks users. Exceptions will always be announced in allrelevant release notes.

    Thanks for the feedback. If you have a specific, answerable question about how to use Kubernetes, ask it on.Open an issue in the GitHub repo if you want toreport a problemor.