CloudCore & EdgeCore Config

    Setting up cloud side requires two steps

    1. Edge node will be auto registered by default. Users can still choose to register manually.

    Cloudcore requires changes in cloudcore.yaml configuration file.

    Create and set cloudcore config file

    Create the /etc/kubeedge/config folder

    Either create a minimal configuration with command ~/kubeedge/cloudcore --minconfig

    1. ~/kubeedge/cloudcore --minconfig > /etc/kubeedge/config/cloudcore.yaml

    or a full configuration with command ~/kubeedge/cloudcore --defaultconfig

    1. ~/kubeedge/cloudcore --defaultconfig > /etc/kubeedge/config/cloudcore.yaml

    Edit the configuration file

    1. vim /etc/kubeedge/config/cloudcore.yaml

    Verify the configurations before running cloudcore

    Modification in cloudcore.yaml

    In the cloudcore.yaml, modify the below settings.

    1. Either kubeAPIConfig.kubeConfig or kubeAPIConfig.master : This would be the path to your kubeconfig file. It might be either

      1. /root/.kube/config


      1. /home/<your_username>/.kube/config

      depending on where you have setup your kubernetes by performing the below step:

      1. To start using your cluster, you need to run the following as a regular user:
      2. mkdir -p $HOME/.kube
      3. sudo cp -i /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf $HOME/.kube/config
      4. sudo chown $(id -u):$(id -g) $HOME/.kube/config
    2. Configure all the IP addresses of CloudCore which are exposed to the edge nodes(like floating IP) in the advertiseAddress, which will be add to SANs in cert of cloudcore.

      1. modules:
      2. cloudHub:
      3. -

    Node registration can be completed in two ways:

    1. Node - Automatic Registration
    2. Node - Manual Registration

    Node - Automatic Registration

    Edge node can be registered automatically if the value of field modules.edged.registerNode in edgecore’s is set to true.

    Node - Manual Registration

    Copy $GOPATH/src/ to your working directory and change to the name of edge node
    1. mkdir -p ~/kubeedge/yaml
    2. cp $GOPATH/src/ ~/kubeedge/yaml


    1. {
    2. "apiVersion": "v1",
    3. "metadata": {
    4. "name": "edge-node",
    5. "labels": {
    6. "name": "edge-node",
    7. "": ""
    8. }
    9. }
    10. }

    Note: 1. the must keep in line with edgecore’s config modules.edged.hostnameOverride.

    1. Make sure role is set to edge for the node. For this a key of the form "" must be present in metadata.labels. If role is not set for the node, the pods, configmaps and secrets created/updated in the cloud cannot be synced with the node they are targeted for.
    Deploy edge node (you must run the command on cloud side)
    1. kubectl apply -f ~/kubeedge/yaml/node.json

    Configuration Edge side (KubeEdge Worker Node)

    Create the /etc/kubeedge/config folder

    1. # the default configration file path is '/etc/kubeedge/config/edgecore.yaml'
    2. # also you can specify it anywhere with '--config'
    3. mkdir -p /etc/kubeedge/config/

    Either create a minimal configuration with command ~/kubeedge/edgecore --minconfig

    1. ~/kubeedge/edgecore --minconfig > /etc/kubeedge/config/edgecore.yaml

    or a full configuration with command ~/kubeedge/edgecore --defaultconfig

    1. ~/kubeedge/edgecore --defaultconfig > /etc/kubeedge/config/edgecore.yaml

    Edit the configuration file

    1. vim /etc/kubeedge/config/edgecore.yaml

    Verify the configurations before running edgecore

    Modification in edgecore.yaml

    1. Check modules.edged.podSandboxImage : This is very important and must be set correctly.

    To check the architecture of your machine run the following

    • kubeedge/pause-arm:3.1 for arm arch
    • kubeedge/pause-arm64:3.1 for arm64 arch
    • kubeedge/pause:3.1 for x86 arch
    1. Update the IP address and port of the KubeEdge CloudCore in the modules.edgehub.websocket.server and field. You need set cloudcore ip address.

    2. Configure the desired container runtime to be used as either docker or remote (for all CRI based runtimes including containerd). If this parameter is not specified docker runtime will be used by default

      1. runtimeType: docker


      1. runtimeType: remote
    3. If your runtime-type is remote, follow this guide KubeEdge CRI Configuration to setup KubeEdge with the remote/CRI based runtimes.

      Note: If your KubeEdge version is before the v1.3, then just skip the steps 6-7.

    4. Configure the IP address and port of the KubeEdge cloudcore in the modules.edgehub.httpServer which is used to apply for the certificate. For example:

      1. modules:
      2. edgeHub:
      3. httpServer:
    5. Configure the token.

      1. kubectl get secret tokensecret -n kubeedge -oyaml

      Then you get it like this:

      1. apiVersion: v1
      2. data:
      3. tokendata: ODEzNTZjY2MwODIzMmIxMTU0Y2ExYmI5MmRlZjY4YWQwMGQ3ZDcwOTIzYmU3YjcyZWZmOTVlMTdiZTk5MzdkNS5leUpoYkdjaU9pSklVekkxTmlJc0luUjVjQ0k2SWtwWFZDSjkuZXlKbGVIQWlPakUxT0RreE5qRTVPRGw5LmpxNENXNk1WNHlUVkpVOWdBUzFqNkRCdE5qeVhQT3gxOHF5RnFfOWQ4WFkK
      4. kind: Secret
      5. metadata:
      6. creationTimestamp: "2020-05-10T01:53:10Z"
      7. name: tokensecret
      8. namespace: kubeedge
      9. resourceVersion: "19124039"
      10. selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/kubeedge/secrets/tokensecret
      11. uid: 48429ce1-2d5a-4f0e-9ff1-f0f1455a12b4
      12. type: Opaque

      Decode the tokendata field by base64:

      1. echo ODEzNTZjY2MwODIzMmIxMTU0Y2ExYmI5MmRlZjY4YWQwMGQ3ZDcwOTIzYmU3YjcyZWZmOTVlMTdiZTk5MzdkNS5leUpoYkdjaU9pSklVekkxTmlJc0luUjVjQ0k2SWtwWFZDSjkuZXlKbGVIQWlPakUxT0RreE5qRTVPRGw5LmpxNENXNk1WNHlUVkpVOWdBUzFqNkRCdE5qeVhQT3gxOHF5RnFfOWQ4WFkK |base64 -d
      2. # then we get:
      3. 81356ccc08232b1154ca1bb92def68ad00d7d70923be7b72eff95e17be9937d5.eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHAiOjE1ODkxNjE5ODl9.jq4CW6MV4yTVJU9gAS1j6DBtNjyXPOx18qyFq_9d8XY

      Copy the decoded string to the edgecore.yaml just like follow:

      1. modules:
      2. edgeHub:

    Configuring MQTT mode

    The Edge part of KubeEdge uses MQTT for communication between deviceTwin and devices. KubeEdge supports 3 MQTT modes (internalMqttMode, bothMqttMode, externalMqttMode), set mqttMode field in edgecore.yaml to the desired mode. + internalMqttMode: internal mqtt broker is enabled (mqttMode\=0). + bothMqttMode: internal as well as external broker are enabled (mqttMode\=1). + externalMqttMode: only external broker is enabled (mqttMode\=2).

    To use KubeEdge in double mqtt or external mode, you need to make sure that mosquitto or emqx edge is installed on the edge node as an MQTT Broker.