New Kubernetes Version

    Update base images

    Update dependencies (apimachinery etc)

    For dep, you’ll probably have to remove some imports to any packages that have been removed, otherwise dep will ignore your Gopkg.toml. The path forward here is to use vgo (also known as go), which has a much better model.

    • Stop using apimachinery / codegen and switch to CRDs / cluster-api
    • Stop vendoring functionality from kubernetes/kubernetes - this is also gradually getting better.

    Check CNI version

    Sources: *

    Check admission plugins

    Review the e2e test output, looking for the artifacts from kube-apiserver, kubelet, kube-scheduler etc

    Check for major new features (that are in beta or GA, not alpha)

    Check for new aws-sdk-go library (if we want to go newer than k8s)