Security-Guard monitoring quickstart

    Before starting the tutorial, make sure to


    The following commands create a sample Service while activating and configuring the Security-Guard extension for this Service. You can modify these commands, including changing the Security-Guard configuration for your service using either the kn CLI or changing the service yaml based on this example.

    Create a sample securedService:

    1. Create a YAML file using the following example:

    2. Apply the YAML file by running the command:

        Where is the name of the file you created in the previous step.

      After the Service has been created, Guard starts monitoring the Service Pods and all Events sent to the Service.

      See the to learn about managing the security of the service

      To remove the deployed service use:

      Apply YAMLkn CLI

      Delete using the YAML file used to create the service by running the command:

      1. kubectl delete -f <filename>.yaml

      To remove the Guardian of the deployed service use:

      1. ```