Connecting content with JupyterHub and Binder

    BinderHub can be used to build the environment needed to run a repository, and providesa link that lets others interact with that repository. If your Jupyter Book is hosted onlineon GitHub, you can automatically insert buttons that link to the Jupyter Notebook running in a BinderHub.When a user clicks the button, they'll be taken to a live version of the page. If your codedoesn't require a significant amount of CPU or RAM, you can use the free, public BinderHub runningat

    To automatically include Binder link buttons in each page of your Jupyter Book, use the followingconfiguration:

    JupyterHub lets you host an online service that gives users their own Jupyter serverswith an environment that you specify for them. It allows you to give users access toresources and hardware that you provision in the cloud, and allows you to authenticate usersin order to control who has access to your hardware.

    Similar to Binder link buttons, you can also automatically include interact links that sendyour readers to a JupyterHub that is running a live, interactive version of your page. Thisis accomplished using the serverextension.


    If you use interact links with your Jupyter Book, you can also allow users to updatethese links to their own JupyterHub location by using parameters specified in the URL.If an interact button is present on a page, append the following to a page's URL in orderto update where the link points:

    This page was created by The Jupyter Book Community