
    • 默认日志已经挂载到了持久化目录里面,也可以直接到持久化目录里面进行查看


    1. cd /opt/jumpserver/logs
    2. ls -al
    1. total 25160
    2. drwxr-xr-x 9 root root 4096 8 7 23:59 .
    3. drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4096 7 21 17:09 ..
    4. drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 8 7 23:59 2021-08-07 # 历史日志, 按天切割
    5. -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 22738 8 8 12:54 beat.log
    6. -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 8 7 23:59 celery_ansible.log
    7. -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 3 18 23:59 celery_check_asset_perm_expired.log
    8. -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 50921 8 8 12:53 celery_default.log
    9. -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 3 18 23:59 celery_heavy_tasks.log
    10. -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1 8 7 19:51 celery.log
    11. -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 3 18 23:59 celery_node_tree.log
    12. -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 8 7 23:59 daphne.log
    13. -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 16679320 8 8 09:34 drf_exception.log
    14. -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 8 7 23:59 flower.log
    15. -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 834058 8 8 12:57 gunicorn.log
    16. -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 8 7 23:59 jms.log
    17. -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4964863 8 6 22:56 jumpserver.log # core 日志主要看这个
    18. -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3129115 8 6 22:50 unexpected_exception.log
    1. tail -f jumpserver.log -n 200
    2. # 如果无异常也可以查看其他的 log 是否有异常, 注意 log 的时间
    1. # 在发日志给其他人员协助排错时,注意需要完整的日志,参考此处:
    2. 2021-08-07 22:55:20 [ERROR] <---- 注意开始时间一定要有
    3. Traceback (most recent call last):
    4. File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/rest_framework/views.py", line 497, in dispatch
    5. self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
    6. File "/opt/jumpserver/apps/assets/api/node.py", line 115, in initial
    7. return super().initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
    8. File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/rest_framework/views.py", line 415, in initial
    9. self.check_permissions(request)
    10. File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/rest_framework/views.py", line 333, in check_permissions
    11. self.permission_denied(
    12. File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/rest_framework/views.py", line 175, in permission_denied
    13. raise exceptions.PermissionDenied(detail=message, code=code)
    14. rest_framework.exceptions.PermissionDenied: 您没有执行该操作的权限。 <---- 有些用户会只发这一条,这是错误的
    15. 2021-08-08 09:34:30 [ERROR] <---- 到下一个时间这中间的所有报错都要完整的发送
    16. # 给其他人发送诊断日志时,请遵循此规则,如果是同一时间段内出现的多个报错,请根据时间点完整发送。
    17. # 如果是重复的日志,请先自行去重。


    1. docker exec -it jms_celery bash
    2. cd /opt/jumpserver/logs
    3. ls -al
    1. total 25160
    2. drwxr-xr-x 9 root root 4096 8 7 23:59 .
    3. drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4096 7 21 17:09 ..
    4. drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 8 7 23:59 2021-08-07
    5. -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 22738 8 8 12:54 beat.log # 这个也是
    6. -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 8 7 23:59 celery_ansible.log # celery 日志看 celery_ 开头的
    7. -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 3 18 23:59 celery_check_asset_perm_expired.log
    8. -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 50921 8 8 12:53 celery_default.log
    9. -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 3 18 23:59 celery_heavy_tasks.log
    10. -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1 8 7 19:51 celery.log
    11. -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 3 18 23:59 celery_node_tree.log # 到此结束, core 和 celery 日志目录是共用的
    12. -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 8 7 23:59 daphne.log
    13. -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 16679320 8 8 09:34 drf_exception.log
    14. -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 8 7 23:59 flower.log
    15. -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 834058 8 8 12:57 gunicorn.log
    16. -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 8 7 23:59 jms.log
    17. -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4964863 8 6 22:56 jumpserver.log
    18. -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3129115 8 6 22:50 unexpected_exception.log
    1. tail -f celery_default.log -n 200
    1. # celery 日志
    2. KeyError: 'assets.tasks.admin_user_connectivity.test_admin_user_connectivity_period'
    3. Received unregistered task of type 'assets.tasks.test_admin_user_connectivity_period'.
    4. The message has been ignored and discarded.
    5. Did you remember to import the module containing this task?
    6. Or maybe you're using relative imports?
    7. Please see
    8. http://docs.celeryq.org/en/latest/internals/protocol.html
    9. for more information.
    10. b'\x80\x02)}q\x00}q\x01(X\t\x00\x00\x00callbacksq\x02NX\x08\x00\x00\x00errbacksq\x03NX\x05\x00\x00\x00chainq\x04NX\x05\x00\x00\x00chordq\x05Nu\x87q\x06.' (74b)
    11. Traceback (most recent call last):
    12. File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/celery/worker/consumer/consumer.py", line 562, in on_task_received
    13. strategy = strategies[type_]


    1. # 如果需要进入容器操作
    2. docker exec -it jms_koko bash
    3. cd /opt/koko/data/logs
    4. ls -al
    1. total 69040
    2. drwxr--r-- 2 root root 4096 7 19 22:09 .
    3. drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 4096 12 18 2020 ..
    4. -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 52428600 7 19 22:09 koko-2021-07-19T22-09-53.213.log
    5. -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 18248268 8 8 12:46 koko.log # koko 日志
    1. tail -f koko.log -n 200
    1. # koko 日志
    2. 2021-07-19 22:09:51 [ERRO] User root Authenticate err: POST http://core:8080/api/v1/authentication/tokens/ failed, get code: 400, {"error":"block_login","msg":"账号已被锁定(请联系管理员解锁 或 30分钟后重试)"}
    3. 2021-07-19 22:09:51 [ERRO] User root Authenticate err: POST http://core:8080/api/v1/authentication/tokens/ failed, get code: 400, {"error":"block_login","msg":"账号已被锁定(请联系管理员解锁 或 30分钟后重试)"}
    4. 2021-07-19 22:09:51 [ERRO] User root Authenticate err: POST http://core:8080/api/v1/authentication/tokens/ failed, get code: 400, {"error":"block_login","msg":"账号已被锁定(请联系管理员解锁 或 30分钟后重试)"}
    5. 2021-07-19 22:09:51 [ERRO] User root Authenticate err: POST http://core:8080/api/v1/authentication/tokens/ failed, get code: 400, {"error":"block_login","msg":"账号已被锁定(请联系管理员解锁 或 30分钟后重试)"}
    6. 2021-07-19 22:09:51 [ERRO] User root Authenticate err: POST http://core:8080/api/v1/authentication/tokens/ failed, get code: 400, {"error":"block_login","msg":"账号已被锁定(请联系管理员解锁 或 30分钟后重试)"}
    7. 2021-07-19 22:09:51 [ERRO] User root Authenticate err: POST http://core:8080/api/v1/authentication/tokens/ failed, get code: 400, {"error":"block_login","msg":"账号已被锁定(请联系管理员解锁 或 30分钟后重试)"}
    8. 2021-07-19 22:09:51 [ERRO] User root Authenticate err: POST http://core:8080/api/v1/authentication/tokens/ failed, get code: 400, {"error":"block_login","msg":"账号已被锁定(请联系管理员解锁 或 30分钟后重试)"}
    9. 2021-07-19 22:09:51 [ERRO] User root Authenticate err: POST http://core:8080/api/v1/authentication/tokens/ failed, get code: 400, {"error":"block_login","msg":"账号已被锁定(请联系管理员解锁 或 30分钟后重试)"}
    10. 2021-07-19 22:09:51 [ERRO] User root Authenticate err: POST http://core:8080/api/v1/authentication/tokens/ failed, get code: 400, {"error":"block_login","msg":"账号已被锁定(请联系管理员解锁 或 30分钟后重试)"}


    1. docker logs -f jms_lion --tail 200
    1. total 116
    2. drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 7 15 22:37 .
    3. drwxr-xr-x 9 root root 4096 7 15 21:32 ..
    4. -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 103103 8 7 19:38 lion.log
    1. tail -f lion.log -n 200
    1. # lion 日志
    2. 2021-07-15 10:06:31 tunnel conn.go [ERROR] Session[e8b56e52-d7a4-47e1-b5a1-5f6ec59e2a83] receive web client disconnect opcode
    3. 2021-07-15 10:06:31 tunnel conn.go [ERROR] Session[e8b56e52-d7a4-47e1-b5a1-5f6ec59e2a83] web client read err: websocket: close 1005 (no status)
    4. 2021-07-15 10:06:31 tunnel conn.go [ERROR] Session[e8b56e52-d7a4-47e1-b5a1-5f6ec59e2a83] send web client err: websocket: close sent
    5. 2021-07-15 10:06:32 session server.go [ERROR] 录像文件小于1024字节,可判断连接失败,未能产生有效的录像文件


    1. docker logs -f jms_web --tail 200
    1. # 如果需要进入容器操作
    2. docker exec -it jms_lion sh
    3. cd /var/log/nginx
    4. ls -al
    1. total 84652
    2. -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 53237275 8 8 13:46 access.log
    3. -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 83858 8 8 12:03 error.log
    4. -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 12870135 8 8 12:46 tcp-access.log
    1. tail -f error.log -n 200
    1. # nginx 日志
    2. 2021/08/07 16:01:19 [error] 1113#1113: *395030 recv() failed (104: Connection reset by peer) while proxying upgraded connection, client:, server: , request: "GET /ws/notifications/site-msg/ HTTP/1.1", upstream: "", host: ""
    3. 2021/08/07 17:51:55 [error] 1113#1113: *397564 recv() failed (104: Connection reset by peer) while proxying upgraded connection, client:, server: , request: "GET /ws/notifications/site-msg/ HTTP/1.1", upstream: "", host: ""
    4. 2021/08/07 17:52:19 [error] 1113#1113: *413161 recv() failed (104: Connection reset by peer) while proxying upgraded connection, client:, server: , request: "GET /ws/notifications/site-msg/ HTTP/1.1", upstream: "", host: ""
    5. 2021/08/07 22:31:31 [warn] 1113#1113: *416920 an upstream response is buffered to a temporary file /var/cache/nginx/proxy_temp/6/01/0000000016 while reading upstream, client:, server: , request: "GET /api/docs/?format=openapi HTTP/1.1", upstream: "", host: "", referrer: ""
    6. 2021/08/08 12:03:28 [error] 1113#1113: *410227 recv() failed (104: Connection reset by peer) while proxying upgraded connection, client:, server: , request: "GET /ws/notifications/site-msg/ HTTP/1.1", upstream: "", host: ""
    1. ./jmsctl.sh start
    1. Creating network "jms_net" with driver "bridge"
    2. Creating jms_mysql ... done
    3. Creating jms_redis ... done
    4. Creating jms_core ... done
    5. ERROR: for celery Container "76b2e315f69d" is unhealthy.
    6. ERROR: for lion Container "76b2e315f69d" is unhealthy.
    7. ERROR: for koko Container "76b2e315f69d" is unhealthy.
    8. ERROR: for web Container "76b2e315f69d" is unhealthy.
    9. ERROR: Encountered errors while bringing up the project.
    1. # 如果出现上面的错误, 执行下面的命令, 直到出现 Check service status 为止
    2. docker logs -f jms_core --tail 200 # 如果没有报错就等表结构合并完毕后然后重新 start 即可
    1. 2021-02-08 14:58:53 Mon Feb 8 14:58:53 2021
    2. 2021-02-08 14:58:53 JumpServer version v2.23.3, more see https://www.jumpserver.org
    3. - Start Gunicorn WSGI HTTP Server
    4. 2021-02-08 14:58:53 Check database connection ...
    5. users
    6. [ ] 0001_initial
    7. [ ] 0002_auto_20171225_1157_squashed_0019_auto_20190304_1459 (18 squashed migrations)
    8. [ ] 0020_auto_20190612_1825
    9. [ ] 0021_auto_20190625_1104
    10. [ ] 0022_auto_20190625_1105
    11. [ ] 0023_auto_20190724_1525
    12. [ ] 0024_auto_20191118_1612
    13. [ ] 0025_auto_20200206_1216
    14. [ ] 0026_auto_20200508_2105
    15. [ ] 0027_auto_20200616_1503
    16. [ ] 0029_auto_20200814_1650
    17. [ ] 0030_auto_20200819_2041
    18. 2021-02-08 14:58:58 Database connect success
    19. Operations to perform:
    20. Apply all migrations: admin, applications, assets, audits, auth, authentication, captcha, common, contenttypes, django_cas_ng, django_celery_beat, jms_oidc_rp, ops, orgs, perms, sessions, settings, terminal, tickets, users
    21. Running migrations:
    22. Applying contenttypes.0001_initial... OK
    23. Applying contenttypes.0002_remove_content_type_name... OK
    24. Applying auth.0001_initial... OK
    25. Applying auth.0002_alter_permission_name_max_length... OK
    26. Applying auth.0003_alter_user_email_max_length... OK
    27. Applying auth.0004_alter_user_username_opts... OK
    28. Applying auth.0005_alter_user_last_login_null... OK
    29. Applying auth.0006_require_contenttypes_0002... OK
    30. Applying auth.0007_alter_validators_add_error_messages... OK
    31. Applying auth.0008_alter_user_username_max_length... OK
    32. ... 省略
    33. Applying tickets.0001_initial... OK
    34. Applying tickets.0002_auto_20200728_1146... OK
    35. Applying tickets.0003_auto_20200804_1551... OK
    36. Applying tickets.0004_ticket_comment... OK
    37. Applying tickets.0005_ticket_meta_confirmed_system_users... OK
    38. Applying tickets.0006_auto_20201023_1628... OK
    39. Applying tickets.0007_auto_20201224_1821... OK
    40. Applying users.0031_auto_20201118_1801... OK
    41. # 确定这上面都是显示 ok,不能有 error
    42. 2021-02-08 14:59:31 [cache INFO] CACHE: Send refresh task <orgs.caches.OrgResourceStatisticsCache object at 0x7fb9122ce0d0>.('nodes_amount',)
    43. Operations to perform:
    44. Apply all migrations: admin, applications, assets, audits, auth, authentication, captcha, common, contenttypes, django_cas_ng, django_celery_beat, jms_oidc_rp, ops, orgs, perms, sessions, settings, terminal, tickets, users
    45. Running migrations:
    46. No migrations to apply.
    47. - Start Flower as Task Monitor
    48. - Start Daphne ASGI WS Server
    49. 2021-02-08 15:01:02 Check service status: gunicorn -> running at 38
    50. 2021-02-08 15:01:02 Check service status: flower -> running at 44
    51. 2021-02-08 15:01:02 Check service status: daphne -> running at 54
    1. # 确定上面都是 ok 的没有报错, 提示 Check service status 后就可以重新启动其他组件
    2. ./jmsctl.sh start

    Server error occur, contact administrator

    1. docker logs -f jms_core --tail 200
    2. # 查看是否有报错,如果没有或者不完整请进入容器查看日志


    1. docker exec -it jms_core /bin/bash
    2. cd /opt/jumpserver/apps
    3. python manage.py shell
    1. from users.models import User
    2. u = User.objects.get(username='admin')
    3. u.reset_password('password')
    4. u.save()

    admin 为你要修改的账户名称,password 为你要修改的密码


    或者通过下面的 shell 解决

    1. docker exec -it jms_core /bin/bash
    2. cd /opt/jumpserver/apps
    3. python manage.py shell
    1. from django.core.cache import cache
    2. cache.delete_pattern('_LOGIN_BLOCK_*')
    3. cache.delete_pattern('_LOGIN_LIMIT_*')


    1. docker exec -it jms_core /bin/bash
    2. cd /opt/jumpserver/apps
    3. python manage.py createsuperuser --username=user --email=user@domain.com

    如果是管理员忘记了 MFA,可以通过控制台重置

    1. docker exec -it jms_core /bin/bash
    2. cd /opt/jumpserver/apps
    3. python manage.py shell
    1. from users.models import User
    2. u = User.objects.get(username='admin')
    3. u.mfa_level='0'
    4. u.otp_secret_key=''
    5. u.save()

    如果是设置了 LDAP 后无法登录,请登录数据库禁用 ldap 登录,然后重新设置 LDAP

    1. mysql -uroot -p
    1. use jumpserver;
    2. update settings_setting set value='false' where name='AUTH_LDAP';
    3. update settings_setting set enabled='0' where name='AUTH_LDAP';
    1. redis-cli -a $REDIS_PASSWORD
    1. select 4
    2. keys *LDAP*
    3. del :1:_SETTING_AUTH_LDAP

    资产测试可连接性、更新硬件信息 报 Permission denied 或者 Authentication failure


    资产测试可连接性、更新硬件信息 报 /usr/bin/python: not found

    在一般是资产 python 未安装或者 python 异常,一般出现在 ubuntu 资产上


    系统用户设置为 root 的情况下,请关闭自动推送,并输入正确的 root 密码

    提示 timeout

    1. # 手动 ssh 登录提示 timeout 的那台服务器
    2. vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
    1. UseDNS no
    1. # 重启 JumpServer 服务器的 docker
    2. systemctl restart docker

    一般情况下 nginx 未配置 websocket 导致,根据反向代理文档进行修改后重启 nginx 即可