
    Why don’t you compile Matlab/Python/R/… code to Julia?

    Since many people are familiar with the syntax of other dynamic languages, and lots of code has already been written in those languages, it is natural to wonder why we didn’t just plug a Matlab or Python front-end into a Julia back-end (or “transpile” code to Julia) in order to get all the performance benefits of Julia without requiring programmers to learn a new language. Simple, right?

    The basic issue is that there is nothing special about Julia’s compiler: we use a commonplace compiler (LLVM) with no “secret sauce” that other language developers don’t know about. Indeed, Julia’s compiler is in many ways much simpler than those of other dynamic languages (e.g. PyPy or LuaJIT). Julia’s performance advantage derives almost entirely from its front-end: its language semantics allow a to give more opportunities to the compiler to generate efficient code and memory layouts. If you tried to compile Matlab or Python code to Julia, our compiler would be limited by the semantics of Matlab or Python to producing code no better than that of existing compilers for those languages (and probably worse). The key role of semantics is also why several existing Python compilers (like Numba and Pythran) only attempt to optimize a small subset of the language (e.g. operations on Numpy arrays and scalars), and for this subset they are already doing at least as well as we could for the same semantics. The people working on those projects are incredibly smart and have accomplished amazing things, but retrofitting a compiler onto a language that was designed to be interpreted is a very difficult problem.

    Julia’s advantage is that good performance is not limited to a small subset of “built-in” types and operations, and one can write high-level type-generic code that works on arbitrary user-defined types while remaining fast and memory-efficient. Types in languages like Python simply don’t provide enough information to the compiler for similar capabilities, so as soon as you used those languages as a Julia front-end you would be stuck.

    For similar reasons, automated translation to Julia would also typically generate unreadable, slow, non-idiomatic code that would not be a good starting point for a native Julia port from another language.

    On the other hand, language interoperability is extremely useful: we want to exploit existing high-quality code in other languages from Julia (and vice versa)! The best way to enable this is not a transpiler, but rather via easy inter-language calling facilities. We have worked hard on this, from the built-in intrinsic (to call C and Fortran libraries) to JuliaInterop packages that connect Julia to Python, Matlab, C++, and more.

    会话和 REPL


    Julia 没有类似于 MATLAB 的 clear 函数,某个名称一旦定义在 Julia 的会话中(准确地说,在 Main 模块中),它就会一直存在下去。

    如果关心内存用量,一个对象总能被一个占用更少内存的对象替换掉。例如,如果 A 是一个不再需要的 GB 量级的数组,可以使用 A = nothing 来释放内存。该内存将在下一次垃圾回收器运行时被释放,也可以使用 强制进行垃圾回收。另外,试图使用 A 很可能导致错误,因为大部分方法(method)在 Nothing 类型上没有定义。


    也许你定义了某个类型,后来发现需要向其中增加一个新的域。如果在 REPL 中尝试这样做,会得到一个错误:

    模块 Main 中的类型不能重新定义。

    尽管这在开发新代码时会造成不便,但是这个问题仍然有一个不错的解决办法:可以用重新定义的模块替换原有的模块,把所有新代码封装在一个模块里,这样就能重新定义类型和常量了。虽说不能将类型名称导入到 Main 模块中再去重新定义,但是可以用模块名来改变作用范围。换言之,开发时的工作流可能类似这样:

    1. include("mynewcode.jl") # this defines a module MyModule
    2. obj1 = MyModule.ObjConstructor(a, b)
    3. obj2 = MyModule.somefunction(obj1)
    4. # Got an error. Change something in "mynewcode.jl"
    5. include("mynewcode.jl") # reload the module
    6. obj1 = MyModule.ObjConstructor(a, b) # old objects are no longer valid, must reconstruct
    7. obj2 = MyModule.somefunction(obj1) # this time it worked!
    8. obj3 = MyModule.someotherfunction(obj2, c)
    9. ...



    当一个文件通过使用 julia file.jl 来当做主脚本运行时,有人也希望激活另外的功能例如命令行参数操作。确定文件是以这个方式运行的一个方法是检查 abspath(PROGRAM_FILE) == @__FILE__ 是不是 true

    How do I catch CTRL-C in a script?

    通过 julia file.jl 方式运行的 Julia 脚本,在你尝试按 CTRL-C (SIGINT) 中止它时,并不会抛出 InterruptException。如果希望在脚本终止之后运行一些代码,请使用 ,注意:脚本的中止不一定是由 CTRL-C 导致的。 另外你也可以通过 julia -e 'include(popfirst!(ARGS))' file.jl 命令运行脚本,然后可以通过 try 捕获 InterruptException

    怎样通过 #!/usr/bin/env 传递参数给 julia?

    通过类似 #!/usr/bin/env julia --startup-file=no 的方式,使用 shebang 传递选项给 Julia 的方法,可能在像 Linux 这样的平台上无法正常工作。这是因为各平台上 shebang 的参数解析是平台相关的,并且尚未标准化。 在类 Unix 的环境中,可以通过以 bash 脚本作为可执行脚本的开头,并使用 exec 代替给 julia 传递选项的过程,来可靠的为 julia 传递选项。

    1. #!/bin/bash
    2. #=
    3. exec julia --color=yes --startup-file=no "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" "$@"
    4. =#
    5. @show ARGS # put any Julia code here

    在以上例子中,位于 #==# 之间的代码可以当作一个 bash 脚本。 因为这些代码放在 Julia 的多行注释中,所以 Julia 会忽略它们。 在 =# 之后的 Julia 代码会被 bash 忽略,J因为当文件解析到 exec 语句时会停止解析,开始执行命令。


    In order to in the script you can use

    1. #!/bin/bash
    2. #=
    3. exec julia --color=yes --startup-file=no -e 'include(popfirst!(ARGS))' \
    4. "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" "$@"
    5. =#
    6. @show ARGS # put any Julia code here

    instead. Note that with this strategy PROGRAM_FILE will not be set.

    向函数传递了参数 x,在函数中做了修改,但是在函数外变量 x 的值还是没有变。为什么?


    1. julia> x = 10
    2. 10
    3. julia> function change_value!(y)
    4. y = 17
    5. end
    6. change_value! (generic function with 1 method)
    7. julia> change_value!(x)
    8. 17
    9. julia> x # x is unchanged!
    10. 10

    在 Julia 中,通过将 x 作为参数传递给函数,不能改变变量 x 的绑定。在上例中,调用 change_value!(x) 时,y 是一个新建变量,初始时与 x 的值绑定,即 10。然后 y 与常量 17 重新绑定,此时变量外作用域中的 x 并没有变动。

    However, if x is bound to an object of type Array (or any other mutable type). From within the function, you cannot “unbind” x from this Array, but you can change its content. For example:

    1. julia> x = [1,2,3]
    2. 3-element Array{Int64,1}:
    3. 1
    4. 2
    5. 3
    6. julia> function change_array!(A)
    7. A[1] = 5
    8. end
    9. change_array! (generic function with 1 method)
    10. julia> change_array!(x)
    11. 5
    12. julia> x
    13. 3-element Array{Int64,1}:
    14. 5
    15. 2
    16. 3

    这里我们新建了一个函数 chang_array!,它把 5 赋值给传入的数组(在调用处与 x 绑定,在函数中与 A 绑定)的第一个元素。注意,在函数调用之后,x 依旧与同一个数组绑定,但是数组的内容变化了:变量 Ax 是不同的绑定,引用同一个可变的 Array 对象。

    函数内部能否使用 using 或 import?

    不可以,不能在函数内部使用 usingimport 语句。如果你希望导入一个模块,但只在特定的一个或一组函数中使用它的符号,有以下两种方式:

    1. 使用 import

      1. import Foo
      2. function bar(...)
      3. # ... refer to Foo symbols via Foo.baz ...
      4. end

      这会加载 Foo 模块,同时定义一个变量 Foo 引用该模块,但并不会 将其他任何符号从该模块中导入当前的命名空间。 Foo 等符号可以由限定的名称 Foo.bar 等引用。

    2. 将函数封装到模块中:

      1. module Bar
      2. export bar
      3. using Foo
      4. function bar(...)
      5. # ... refer to Foo.baz as simply baz ....
      6. end
      7. end
      8. using Bar

      这会从 Foo 中导入所有符号,但仅限于 Bar 模块内。

    … 运算符的两个用法:slurping 和 splatting

    很多 Julia 的新手会对运算符 ... 的用法感到困惑。让 ... 用法如此困惑的部分原因是根据上下文它有两种不同的含义。

    … 在函数定义中将多个参数组合成一个参数


    1. julia> function printargs(args...)
    2. println(typeof(args))
    3. for (i, arg) in enumerate(args)
    4. println("Arg #$i = $arg")
    5. end
    6. end
    7. printargs (generic function with 1 method)
    8. julia> printargs(1, 2, 3)
    9. Tuple{Int64,Int64,Int64}
    10. Arg #1 = 1
    11. Arg #2 = 2
    12. Arg #3 = 3




    1. julia> function threeargs(a, b, c)
    2. println("a = $a::$(typeof(a))")
    3. println("c = $c::$(typeof(c))")
    4. end
    5. threeargs (generic function with 1 method)
    6. julia> x = [1, 2, 3]
    7. 3-element Array{Int64,1}:
    8. 1
    9. 2
    10. 3
    11. julia> threeargs(x...)
    12. a = 1::Int64
    13. b = 2::Int64
    14. c = 3::Int64




    1. julia> function threeint()
    2. x::Int = 3.0
    3. x # returns variable x
    4. end
    5. threeint (generic function with 1 method)
    6. julia> function threefloat()
    7. x::Int = 3.0 # returns 3.0
    8. end
    9. julia> threeint()
    10. 3
    11. julia> threefloat()
    12. 3.0
    1. julia> function threetup()
    2. x, y = [3, 3]
    3. x, y # returns a tuple
    4. end
    5. threetup (generic function with 1 method)
    6. julia> function threearr()
    7. x, y = [3, 3] # returns an array
    8. end
    9. threearr (generic function with 1 method)
    10. julia> threetup()
    11. (3, 3)
    12. julia> threearr()
    13. 2-element Array{Int64,1}:
    14. 3
    15. 3




    It returns either an Int or a depending on the value of its argument. Since Julia can’t predict the return type of this function at compile-time, any computation that uses it must be able to cope with values of both types, which makes it hard to produce fast machine code.

    为何 Julia 对某个看似合理的操作返回 DomainError?


    1. julia> sqrt(-2.0)
    2. ERROR: DomainError with -2.0:
    3. sqrt will only return a complex result if called with a complex argument. Try sqrt(Complex(x)).
    4. Stacktrace:
    5. [...]

    这一行为是为了保证类型稳定而带来的不便。对于 sqrt,许多用户会希望 sqrt(2.0) 产生一个实数,如果得到了复数 1.4142135623730951 + 0.0im 则会不高兴。也可以编写 函数,只有当传递一个负数时才切换到复值输出,但结果将不是类型稳定的,而且 函数的性能会很差。


    1. julia> sqrt(-2.0+0im)
    2. 0.0 + 1.4142135623730951im

    How can I constrain or compute type parameters?

    The parameters of a parametric type can hold either types or bits values, and the type itself chooses how it makes use of these parameters. For example, Array{Float64, 2} is parameterized by the type Float64 to express its element type and the integer value 2 to express its number of dimensions. When defining your own parametric type, you can use subtype constraints to declare that a certain parameter must be a subtype () of some abstract type or a previous type parameter. There is not, however, a dedicated syntax to declare that a parameter must be a value of a given type — that is, you cannot directly declare that a dimensionality-like parameter isa Int within the struct definition, for example. Similarly, you cannot do computations (including simple things like addition or subtraction) on type parameters. Instead, these sorts of constraints and relationships may be expressed through additional type parameters that are computed and enforced within the type’s .

    As an example, consider

    1. struct ConstrainedType{T,N,N+1} # NOTE: INVALID SYNTAX
    2. A::Array{T,N}
    3. B::Array{T,N+1}
    4. end

    where the user would like to enforce that the third type parameter is always the second plus one. This can be implemented with an explicit type parameter that is checked by an inner constructor method (where it can be combined with other checks):

    1. struct ConstrainedType{T,N,M}
    2. A::Array{T,N}
    3. B::Array{T,M}
    4. function ConstrainedType(A::Array{T,N}, B::Array{T,M}) where {T,N,M}
    5. N + 1 == M || throw(ArgumentError("second argument should have one more axis" ))
    6. new{T,N,M}(A, B)
    7. end
    8. end

    This check is usually costless, as the compiler can elide the check for valid concrete types. If the second argument is also computed, it may be advantageous to provide an that performs this calculation:

    1. ConstrainedType(A) = ConstrainedType(A, compute_B(A))

    Why does Julia use native machine integer arithmetic?


    1. julia> typemax(Int)
    2. 9223372036854775807
    3. julia> ans+1
    4. -9223372036854775808
    5. julia> -ans
    6. -9223372036854775808
    7. julia> 2*ans
    8. 0


    一个备选方案是去检查每个整数运算是否溢出,如果溢出则将结果提升到更大的整数类型比如Int128或者。 不幸的是,这会给所有的整数操作(比如让循环计数器自增)带来巨大的额外开销 — 这需要生成代码去在算法指令后进行运行溢出检测,并生成分支去处理潜在的溢出。更糟糕的是,这会让涉及整数的所有运算变得类型不稳定。如同上面提到的,对于高效生成高效的代码类型稳定很重要。如果不指望整数运算的结果是整数,就无法想C和Fortran编译器一样生成快速简单的代码。

    这个方法有个变体可以避免类型不稳定的出现,这个变体是将类型Int和合并成单个混合整数类型,当结果不再满足机器整数的大小时会内部自动切换表示。虽然表面上在Julia代码层面解决了类型不稳定,但是这个只是通过将所有的困难硬塞给实现混合整数类型的C代码而掩盖了这个问题。这个方法可能有用,甚至在很多情况下速度很快,但是它有很多缺点。一个缺点是整数和整数数组的内存上的表示不再与C、Fortran和其他使用原生机器整数的怨言所使用的自然表示一样。所以,为了与那些语言协作,我们无论如何最终都需要引入原生整数类型。任何整数的无界表示都不会占用固定的比特数,所以无法使用固定大小的槽来内联地存储在数组中 — 大的整数值通常需要单独的堆分配的存储。并且无论使用的混合整数实现多么智能,总会存在性能陷阱 — 无法预期的性能下降的情况。复杂的表示,与C和Fortran协作能力的缺乏,无法在不使用另外的堆存储的情况下表示整数数组,和无法预测的性能特性让即使是最智能化的混合整数实现对于高性能数值计算来说也是个很差的选择。


    1. >> int64(9223372036854775807)
    2. ans =
    3. 9223372036854775807
    4. >> int64(9223372036854775807) + 1
    5. ans =
    6. 9223372036854775807
    7. >> int64(-9223372036854775808)
    8. ans =
    9. -9223372036854775808
    10. >> int64(-9223372036854775808) - 1
    11. ans =
    12. -9223372036854775808

    乍一看,这个似乎足够合理,因为9223372036854775807比-9223372036854775808更接近于9223372036854775808并且整数还是以固定大小的自然方式表示的,这与C和Fortran相兼容。但是饱和整数算法是很有问题的。首先最明显的问题是这并不是机器整数算法的工作方式,所以实现饱和整数算法需要生成指令,在每个机器整数运算后检查上溢或者下溢并正确地讲这些结果用typemin(Int)或者取代。单单这个就将整数运算从单语句的快速的指令扩展成六个指令,还可能包括分支。哎呦喂~~但是还有更糟的 — 饱和整数算法并不满足结合律。考虑下列的Matlab计算:

    1. >> n = int64(2)^62
    2. 4611686018427387904
    3. >> n + (n - 1)
    4. 9223372036854775807
    5. >> (n + n) - 1
    6. 9223372036854775806

    这就让写很多基础整数算法变得困难因为很多常用技术都是基于有溢出的机器加法满足结合律这一事实的。考虑一下在Julia中求整数值lohi之间的中点值,使用表达式(lo + hi) >>> 1:

    1. julia> n = 2^62
    2. 4611686018427387904
    3. julia> (n + 2n) >>> 1
    4. 6917529027641081856

    看到了吗?没有任何问题。那就是2^62和2^63之间的正确地中点值,虽然n + 2n的值是 -4611686018427387904。现在使用Matlab试一下:

    1. >> (n + 2*n)/2
    2. ans =
    3. 4611686018427387904


    没有结合性不但对于不能依靠像这样的技术的程序员是不幸的,并且让几乎所有的希望优化整数算法的编译器铩羽而归。例如,因为Julia中的整数使用平常的机器整数算法,LLVM就可以自由地激进地优化像f(k) = 5k-1这样的简单地小函数。这个函数的机器码如下所示:

    1. julia> code_native(f, Tuple{Int})
    2. Filename: none
    3. pushq %rbp
    4. movq %rsp, %rbp
    5. Source line: 1
    6. leaq -1(%rdi,%rdi,4), %rax
    7. popq %rbp
    8. retq
    9. nopl (%rax,%rax)



    1. julia> function g(k)
    2. for i = 1:10
    3. k = f(k)
    4. end
    5. return k
    6. end
    7. g (generic function with 2 methods)
    8. julia> code_native(g,(Int,))
    9. .text
    10. Filename: none
    11. pushq %rbp
    12. movq %rsp, %rbp
    13. Source line: 3
    14. imulq $9765625, %rdi, %rax # imm = 0x9502F9
    15. addq $-2441406, %rax # imm = 0xFFDABF42
    16. Source line: 5
    17. popq %rbp
    18. retq
    19. nopw %cs:(%rax,%rax)

    因为编译器知道整数加法和乘法是满足结合律的并且乘法可以在加法上使用分配律 — 两者在饱和算法中都不成立 — 所以编译器就可以把整个循环优化到只有一个乘法和一个加法。饱和算法完全无法使用这种优化,因为在每个循环迭代中结合律和分配律都会失效导致不同的失效位置会得到不同的结果。编译器可以展开循环,但是不能代数上将多个操作简化到更少的等效操作。

    让整数算法静默溢出的最合理的备用方案是所有地方都使用检查算法,当加法、减法和乘法溢出,产生不正确的值时引发错误。在blog post中,Dan Luu分析了这个方案,发现这个方案理论上的性能微不足道,但是最终仍然会消耗大量的性能因为编译器(LLVM和GCC)无法在加法溢出检测处优雅地进行优化。如果未来有所进步我们会考虑在Julia中默认设置为检查整数算法,但是现在,我们需要和溢出可能共同相处。

    In the meantime, overflow-safe integer operations can be achieved through the use of external libraries such as . Note that, as stated previously, the use of these libraries significantly increases the execution time of code using the checked integer types. However, for limited usage, this is far less of an issue than if it were used for all integer operations. You can follow the status of the discussion here.


    1. julia> module Foo
    2. foo() = remotecall_fetch(x->x, 2, "Hello")
    3. end
    4. julia> Foo.foo()
    5. ERROR: On worker 2:
    6. UndefVarError: Foo not defined
    7. Stacktrace:
    8. [...]



    1. function foo()
    2. global gvar = "Hello"
    3. remotecall_fetch(()->gvar, 2)
    4. end
    5. end
    6. julia> Foo.foo()
    7. ERROR: On worker 2:
    8. UndefVarError: gvar not defined
    9. Stacktrace:
    10. [...]

    在上面的例子中,@everywhere module Foo在所有节点上定义了Foo。但是调用Foo.foo()在本地节点上新建了新的全局绑定gvar,但是节点2中并没有找到这个绑定,这会导致UndefVarError错误。


    1. julia> gvar_self = "Node1"
    2. "Node1"
    3. julia> remotecall_fetch(()->gvar_self, 2)
    4. "Node1"
    5. julia> remotecall_fetch(varinfo, 2)
    6. name size summary
    7. ––––––––– –––––––– –––––––
    8. Base Module
    9. Core Module
    10. Main Module
    11. gvar_self 13 bytes String


    1. julia> bar() = 1
    2. bar (generic function with 1 method)
    3. julia> remotecall_fetch(bar, 2)
    4. ERROR: On worker 2:
    5. UndefVarError: #bar not defined
    6. [...]
    7. julia> anon_bar = ()->1
    8. (::#21) (generic function with 1 method)
    9. julia> remotecall_fetch(anon_bar, 2)
    10. 1

    为什么 Julia 使用 * 进行字符串拼接?而不是使用 + 或其他符号?

    使用 + 的是:字符串拼接是不可交换的操作,而 + 通常是一个具有可交换性的操作符。Julia 社区也意识到其他语言使用了不同的操作符,一些用户也可能不熟悉 * 包含的特定代数性值。

    注意:你也可以用 string(...) 来拼接字符串和其他能转换成字符串的值; 类似的 repeat 函数可以用于替代用于重复字符串的 ^ 操作符。 字符串插值语法在构造字符串时也很常用。





    不像其它很多语言(例如 C 和 Java),Julia 对象默认不能为”null”。当一个引用(变量,对象域,或者数组元素)没有被初始化,访问它会立即扔出一个错误。这种情况可以使用函数 或者 isassigned 检测到。

    一些函数只为了其副作用使用,并不需要返回一个值。在这些情况下,约定的是返回 nothing 这个值,这只是 Nothing 类型的一个单例对象。这是一个没有域的一般类型;除了这个约定之外没有任何特殊点,REPL 不会为它打印任何东西。有些语言结构不会有值,也产生 nothing,例如 if false; end

    对于类型T的值x只会有时存在的情况,Union{T,Nothing}类型可以用作函数参数,对象域和数组元素的类型,与其他语言中的相等。如果值本身可以是nothing(显然当TAny时),Union{Some{T}, Nothing}类型更加准确因为x == nothing表示值的缺失,x == Some(nothing)表示与nothing相等的值的存在。something函数允许使用默认值的展开的Some对象,而非nothing参数。注意在使用Union{T,Nothing}参数或者域时编译器能够生成高效的代码。

    在统计环境下表示缺失的数据(R 中的 NA 或者 SQL 中的 NULL)请使用 对象。请参照缺失值章节来获取详细信息。

    In some languages, the empty tuple (()) is considered the canonical form of nothingness. However, in julia it is best thought of as just a regular tuple that happens to contain zero values.



    为什么当x和y都是数组时x += y还会申请内存?

    在 Julia 中,x += y 在语法分析中会用 x = x + y 代替。对于数组,结果就是它会申请一个新数组来存储结果,而非把结果存在 x 同一位置的内存上。

    这个行为可能会让一些人吃惊,但是这个结果是经过深思熟虑的。主要原因是Julia中的不可变对象,这些对象一旦新建就不能改变他们的值。实际上,数字是不可变对象,语句x = 5; x += 1不会改变5的意义,改变的是与x绑定的值。对于不可变对象,改变其值的唯一方法是重新赋值。


    1. function power_by_squaring(x, n::Int)
    2. ispow2(n) || error("此实现只适用于2的幂")
    3. while n >= 2
    4. x *= x
    5. n >>= 1
    6. end
    7. x
    8. end

    x = 5; y = power_by_squaring(x, 4)调用后,你可以得到期望的结果x == 5 && y == 625。然而,现在假设当*=与矩阵一起使用时会改变左边的值,这会有两个问题:

    • 对于普通的方阵,A = A*B 不能在没有临时存储的情况下实现:A[1,1] 会被计算并且在被右边使用完之前存储在左边。
    • 假设你愿意申请一个计算的临时存储(这会消除 *=就地计算的大部分要点);如果你利用了x的可变性, 这个函数会对于可变和不可变的输入有不同的行为。特别地, 对于不可变的x,在调用后(通常)你会得到y != x,而对可变的x,你会有y == x


    异步 IO 与并发同步写入


    虽然流式 I/O 的 API 是同步的,底层的实现是完全异步的。


    1. julia> @sync for i in 1:3
    2. @async write(stdout, string(i), " Foo ", " Bar ")
    3. end
    4. 123 Foo Foo Foo Bar Bar Bar



    1. julia> @sync for i in 1:3
    2. @async println(stdout, string(i), " Foo ", " Bar ")
    3. end
    4. 1 Foo Bar
    5. 2 Foo Bar
    6. 3 Foo Bar


    1. julia> l = ReentrantLock();
    2. julia> @sync for i in 1:3
    3. @async begin
    4. lock(l)
    5. try
    6. write(stdout, string(i), " Foo ", " Bar ")
    7. finally
    8. unlock(l)
    9. end
    10. end
    11. end
    12. 1 Foo Bar 2 Foo Bar 3 Foo Bar



    1. julia> A = zeros()
    2. 0-dimensional Array{Float64,0}:
    3. 0.0

    在这个例子中,A是一个含有一个元素的可变容器,这个元素可以通过A[] = 1.0来设置,通过A[]来读取。所有的零维数组都有同样的大小(size(A) == ())和长度(length(A) == 1)。特别地,零维数组不是空数组。如果你觉得这个非直觉,这里有些想法可以帮助理解Julia的这个定义。

    • 类比的话,零维数组是”点”,向量是”线”而矩阵 是”面”。就像线没有面积一样(但是也能代表事物的一个集合), 点没有长度和任意一个维度(但是也能表示一个事物)。
    • 我们定义prod(())为1,一个数组中的所有的元素个数是 大小的乘积。零维数组的大小为(),所以 它的长度为1
    • 零维数组原生没有任何你可以索引的维度 – 它们仅仅是A[]。我们可以给它们应用同样的”trailing one”规则, as for all other array dimensionalities, so you can indeed index them as A[1], A[1,1], etc; see .

    理解它与普通的标量之间的区别也很重要。标量不是一个可变的容器(尽管它们是可迭代的,可以定义像lengthgetindex这样的东西,例如1[] == 1)。特别地,如果x = 0.0是以一个标量来定义,尝试通过x[] = 1.0来改变它的值会报错。标量x能够通过fill(x)转化成包含它的零维数组,并且相对地,一个零维数组a可以通过a[]转化成其包含的标量。另外一个区别是标量可以参与到线性代数运算中,比如2 * rand(2,2),但是零维数组的相似操作fill(2) * rand(2,2)会报错。

    Why are my Julia benchmarks for linear algebra operations different from other languages?

    You may find that simple benchmarks of linear algebra building blocks like

    1. using BenchmarkTools
    2. A = randn(1000, 1000)
    3. B = randn(1000, 1000)
    4. @btime $A \ $B

    can be different when compared to other languages like Matlab or R.

    Since operations like this are very thin wrappers over the relevant BLAS functions, the reason for the discrepancy is very likely to be

    1. the BLAS library each language is using,

    2. the number of concurrent threads.

    Julia compiles and uses its own copy of OpenBLAS, with threads currently capped at 8 (or the number of your cores).

    Modifying OpenBLAS settings or compiling Julia with a different BLAS library, eg Intel MKL, may provide performance improvements. You can use , a package that makes Julia’s linear algebra use Intel MKL BLAS and LAPACK instead of OpenBLAS, or search the discussion forum for suggestions on how to set this up manually. Note that Intel MKL cannot be bundled with Julia, as it is not open source.

    Julia 版本发布

    Do I want to use the Stable, LTS, or nightly version of Julia?

    The Stable version of Julia is the latest released version of Julia, this is the version most people will want to run. It has the latest features, including improved performance. The Stable version of Julia is versioned according to SemVer as v1.x.y. A new minor release of Julia corresponding to a new Stable version is made approximately every 4-5 months after a few weeks of testing as a release candidate. Unlike the LTS version the a Stable version will not normally recieve bugfixes after another Stable version of Julia has been released. However, upgrading to the next Stable release will always be possible as each release of Julia v1.x will continue to run code written for earlier versions.

    You may prefer the LTS (Long Term Support) version of Julia if you are looking for a very stable code base. The current LTS version of Julia is versioned according to SemVer as v1.0.x; this branch will continue to recieve bugfixes until a new LTS branch is chosen, at which point the v1.0.x series will no longer recieved regular bug fixes and all but the most conservative users will be advised to upgrade to the new LTS version series. As a package developer, you may prefer to develop for the LTS version, to maximize the number of users who can use your package. As per SemVer, code written for v1.0 will continue to work for all future LTS and Stable versions. In general, even if targetting the LTS, one can develop and run code in the latest Stable version, to take advantage of the improved performance; so long as one avoids using new features (such as added library functions or new methods).

    You may prefer the nightly version of Julia if you want to take advantage of the latest updates to the language, and don’t mind if the version available today occasionally doesn’t actually work. As the name implies, releases to the nightly version are made roughly every night (depending on build infrastructure stability). In general nightly released are fairly safe to use—your code will not catch on fire. However, they may be occasional regressions and or issues that will not be found until more thorough pre-release testing. You may wish to test against the nightly version to ensure that such regressions that affect your use case are caught before a release is made.

    Finally, you may also consider building Julia from source for yourself. This option is mainly for those individuals who are comfortable at the command line, or interested in learning. If this describes you, you may also be interested in reading our .

    可以在https://julialang.org/downloads/的下载页面上找到每种下载类型的链接。 请注意,并非所有版本的Julia都适用于所有平台。