There are many features and modules that we haven’t covered in this guide, such as:

    • clustering using Hazelcast, Infinispan, Apache Ignite or Apache Zookeeper,

    • how the code looks like with other supported languages,

    • sending emails over SMTP,

    • using OAuth2 authentication from custom and popular providers,

    • Vert.x sync for writing blocking-style code that is later turned into fibers non-blocking code at runtime,

    • exposing metrics and health checks.

    This list is not exhaustive: Vert.x is a toolkit so you are the one to decide what ingredients are required for your project, big or small.

    You may also find it useful to browse the curated list of community projects as it goes beyond what is being supported by the project.

    If you are developing micro-services, we suggest reading the “Building Reactive Microservices in Java” book by Clément Escoffier.