Examples of good names:

    • example.goconvey
    • hi.goconvey
      Examples of bad names:

    The result of creating such a file is that if ignore is found as the first non-comment, non-blank line, the package will be ignored by the GoConvey server until that line is removed or commented. Otherwise, all non-blank, non-comment lines are treated as arguments to be used whenever calling go test on your package (like when you save a file). Most of these arguments will probably arguments defined by the golang testing command but you can include arbitrary arguments to your package. There are only a few caveats to be aware of:

    • -v is always used so there's no need to ever include this flag.
    • -cover, -covermode and -coverprofile are specified by the GoConvey server so including these flags will have no effect. (Let me know if you really want to be able to specify -covermode for values other than set which is what GoConvey uses by default.)
    • will be passed appropriately through to go test, go list, etc. calls, so if you need a special tag to build your package or your tests, it should get picked up correctly.
    • Using the -run flag can allow you to focus on specific test functions in a package. Combined with FocusConvey you could limit test execution to a single test case within a single test function—handy if displaying lots of debug information.
    • Using the -timeout flag may help prevent manual restarts of the goconvey server in the event of a mistaken infinite loop (come on, admit it—you know it's happened to you!).
      Please see the examples.goconvey profile in the examples package () for, well, an example. Happy testing!