
    In this section we will walk through what Gin is, what problems it solves, and how it can help your project.

    Or, if you are ready to use Gin in to your project, visit the .

    Radix tree based routing, small memory foot print. No reflection. Predictable API performance.

    Middleware support

    Gin can catch a panic occurred during a HTTP request and recover it. This way, your server will be always available. As an example - it’s also possible to report this panic to Sentry!

    JSON validation

    Gin can parse and validate the JSON of a request - for example,checking the existence of required values.

    Organize your routes better. Authorization required vs non required, different API versions… In addition, the groups can be nested unlimitedly without degrading performance.

    Error management

    Gin provides an easy to use API for JSON, XML and HTML rendering.


    Creating a new middleware is so easy, just check out the sample codes.

    Last modified June 20, 2020 : Fix small Typo (#133) (91941b1)