
    Functionality requested by users that doesn’t make it to core usually ends up in a plugin. The repo comes with a few plugins.

    Provides a visual cue for users after selecting either:

    • date + time
    • multiple dates

    Here are all the available options:

    1. {
    2. confirmText: "OK ",
    3. showAlways: false,
    4. theme: "light" // or "dark"

    For selecting a week.

    1. flatpickr({
    2. "plugins": [new rangePlugin({ input: "#secondRangeInput"})]
    3. });

    Custom minTime and maxTime per date.

    Show a month-only calendar view

    1. {
    2. shorthand: true, //defaults to false
    3. dateFormat: "m.y", //defaults to "F Y"
    4. altFormat: "F Y", //defaults to "F Y"
    5. theme: "dark" // defaults to "light"
    6. })
    7. };