Project Layout

    Then follow the installation instructions to setup a Python virtual environment and install Flask for your project.

    The tutorial will assume you’re working from the directory from now on. The file names at the top of each code block arerelative to this directory.

    A Flask application can be as simple as a single file.

    The project directory will contain:

    • , a Python package containing your application code andfiles.

    • , a Python virtual environment where Flask and otherdependencies are installed.

    • Version control config, such as git. You should make a habit ofusing some type of version control for all your projects, no matterthe size.

    By the end, your project layout will look like this:

    If you’re using version control, the following files that are generatedwhile running your project should be ignored. There may be other filesbased on the editor you use. In general, ignore files that you didn’twrite. For example, with git:

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