Released 2015/07/09
- Abstract protect_csrf() into a separate method
- Update reCAPTCHA configuration
- Fix reCAPTCHA error handle
Version 0.11
Released 2015/01/21
Version 0.10.3
Released 2014/11/16
- Add configuration: WTF_CSRF_HEADERS via .
- Support customize hidden tags via #150.
- And many more bug fixes
Version 0.10.2
Released 2014/09/03
- Update translation for reCaptcha via #146.
Version 0.10.1
- Update requirement Werkzeug>=0.9.5
- Fix CsrfProtect exempt for blueprints via .
Released 2014/07/16
- Add configuration: WTF_CSRF_METHODS
- Support WTForms 2.0 now
- Fix csrf validation without time limit (time_limit=False)
- CSRF exempt supports blueprint #111.
Version 0.9.5
Released 2014/03/21
- for all template types #112.
- Make FileRequired a subclass of InputRequired .
Version 0.9.4
Released 2013/12/20
- Bugfix for csrf module when form has a prefix
- Compatible support for wtforms2
- Remove file API for FileField
Version 0.9.3
Released 2013/10/02
- Fix validation of recaptcha when app in testing mode #89.
- Bugfix for csrf module
Version 0.9.2
- No lazy string for i18n .
- No DateInput widget in html5 #81.
- PUT and PATCH for CSRF .
Released 2013/8/21
This is a patch version for backward compitable for Flask<0.10 #82.
Version 0.9.0
Released 2013/8/15
- Add i18n support (issue #65)
- Use default html5 widgets and fields provided by wtforms
- Python 3.3+ support
- Redesign form, replace SessionSecureForm
- CSRF protection solution
- Drop wtforms imports
- Fix recaptcha i18n support
- Fix recaptcha validator for python 3
- More test cases, it’s 90%+ coverage now
- Redesign documentation
Version 0.8.4
Released 2013/3/28
- Recaptcha Validator now returns provided message (issue #66)
- Minor doc fixes
- Fixed issue with tests barking because of nose/multiprocessing issue.
Version 0.8.3
- Update documentation to indicate pending deprecation of WTForms namespace facade
- PEP8 fixes (issue #64)
Version 0.8.2 and prior
Initial development by Dan Jacob and Ron Duplain. 0.8.2 and prior there was not a change log.