
    • to have accepts in your request object.
    • to serialize to output according to header.
    • fastify-auth Run multiple auth functions in Fastify.
    • Require all plugins in a directory.
    • fastify-awilix Dependency injection support for Fastify, based on .
    • fastify-bankai assets compiler for Fastify.
    • fastify-basic-auth Basic auth plugin for Fastify.
    • Bearer auth plugin for Fastify.
    • fastify-caching General server-side cache and ETag support.
    • A low overhead circuit breaker for your routes.
    • fastify-compress Fastify compression utils.
    • Parse and set cookie headers.
    • fastify-cors Enables the use of CORS in a Fastify application.
    • A plugin for adding CSRF protection to Fastify.
    • Plugin to deal with diagnostics_channel on Fastify
    • fastify-elasticsearch Plugin to share the same ES client.
    • Load and check configuration.
    • fastify-etag Automatically generate ETags for HTTP responses.
    • Set and get flash messages using the session.
    • fastify-formbody Plugin to parse x-www-form-urlencoded bodies.
    • Makes functional programming in Fastify more convenient. Adds support for Fastify routes returning functional structures, such as Either, Task or plain parameterless function.
    • fastify-helmet Important security headers for Fastify.
    • Proxy your HTTP requests to another server, with hooks.
    • fastify-jwt JWT utils for Fastify, internally uses .
    • fastify-leveldb Plugin to share a common LevelDB connection across Fastify.
    • Fastify MongoDB connection plugin, with which you can share the same MongoDB connection pool across every part of your server.
    • fastify-multipart Multipart support for Fastify.
    • Wrap around simple-oauth2.
    • Fastify PostgreSQL connection plugin, with this you can share the same PostgreSQL connection pool in every part of your server.
    • fastify-rate-limit A low overhead rate limiter for your routes.
    • Request-scoped storage, based on AsyncLocalStorage (with fallback to ), providing functionality similar to thread-local storages.
    • fastify-response-validation A simple plugin that enables response validation for Fastify.
    • React server-side rendering support for Fastify with Next.
    • Fastify Redis connection plugin, with which you can share the same Redis connection across every part of your server.
    • fastify-reply-from Plugin to forward the current HTTP request to another server.
    • Plugin that provides a Map of routes.
    • fastify-schedule Plugin for scheduling periodic jobs, based on .
    • fastify-sensible Defaults for Fastify that everyone can agree on. It adds some useful decorators such as HTTP errors and assertions, but also more request and reply methods.
    • a session plugin for Fastify.
    • fastify-static Plugin for serving static files as fast as possible.
    • Plugin for serving Swagger/OpenAPI documentation for Fastify, supporting dynamic generation.
    • fastify-websocket WebSocket support for Fastify. Built upon .
    • fastify-url-data Decorate the Request object with a method to access raw URL components.
    • Templates rendering (ejs, pug, handlebars, marko) plugin support for Fastify.
    • under-pressure Measure process load with automatic handling of “Service Unavailable” plugin for Fastify.


    • Alternate Fastify and Next.js integration.
    • @coobaha/typed-fastify Strongly typed routes with a runtime validation using JSON schema generated from types.
    • A plugin for sampling process metrics.
    • @dnlup/fastify-traps A plugin to close the server gracefully on and SIGTERM signals.
    • Tiny (~5k), Fast, KISS, and dependency-free Node.JS library to make your Fastify API graceful.
    • @mgcrea/fastify-graceful-exit A plugin to close the server gracefully
    • A plugin to enable compact request logging for Fastify
    • @mgcrea/fastify-session-redis-store Redis store for @mgcrea/fastify-session using ioredis
    • Fast sodium-based crypto for @mgcrea/fastify-session
    • @mgcrea/fastify-session Session plugin for Fastify that supports both stateless and stateful sessions
    • A custom compact pino-base prettifier
    • @trubavuong/fastify-seaweedfs SeaweedFS for Fastify
    • Run an Apollo Server to serve GraphQL with Fastify.
    • Fastify ping responder for Kubernetes Liveness and Readiness Probes.
    • cls-rtracer Fastify middleware for CLS-based request ID generation. An out-of-the-box solution for adding request IDs into your logs.
    • Fastify plugin that adds 405 HTTP status to your routes
    • fastify-allow Fastify plugin that automatically adds an Allow header to responses with routes. Also sends 405 responses for routes that have a handler but not for the request’s method.
    • Fastify AMQP connection plugin, to use with RabbitMQ or another connector. Just a wrapper to amqplib.
    • Angular server-side rendering support using @angular/platform-server for Fastify
    • Fastify Plugin for interacting with Appwrite server.
    • fastify-auth0-verify: Auth0 verification plugin for Fastify, internally uses and jsonwebtoken.
    • Plugin to auto-generate CRUD routes as fast as possible.
    • fastify-autoroutes Plugin to scan and load routes based on filesystem path from a custom directory.
    • Plugin to send HTTP requests via axios.
    • Fastify plugin for development servers that require Babel transformations of JavaScript sources.
    • fastify-bcrypt A Bcrypt hash generator & checker.
    • Prints your routes to the console, so you definitely know which endpoints are available.
    • fastify-bookshelf Fastify plugin to add ORM support.
    • fastify-boom Fastify plugin to add support.
    • fastify-bree Fastify plugin to add support.
    • fastify-casbin Casbin support for Fastify.
    • Casbin support for Fastify based on a RESTful model.
    • fastify-casl Fastify plugin that supports ACL-like protection of endpoints via either a preSerialization & preHandler hook, sanitizing the inputs and outputs of your application based on user rights.
    • fastify-cloudevents Fastify plugin to generate and forward Fastify events in the Cloudevents format.
    • Fastify plugin to connect to a CockroachDB PostgreSQL instance via the Sequelize ORM.
    • fastify-couchdb Fastify plugin to add CouchDB support via .
    • fastify-custom-healthcheck Fastify plugin to add health route in your server that asserts custom functions.
    • Fastify plugin that provides the set of TypeScript decorators.
    • fastify-disablecache Fastify plugin to disable client-side caching, inspired by .
    • fastify-dynamodb AWS DynamoDB plugin for Fastify. It exposes object.
    • fastify-dynareg Dynamic plugin register for Fastify.
    • Plugin to add HTTP 103 feature based on RFC 8297
    • Fastify plugin to integrate envalid in your Fastify project.
    • Fastify plugin to print errors in structured HTML to the browser.
    • fastify-esso The easiest authentication plugin for Fastify, with built-in support for Single sign-on (and great documentation).
    • Get control of your decorators across all the encapsulated contexts.
    • fastify-favicon Fastify plugin to serve default favicon.
    • Fastify feature flags plugin with multiple providers support (e.g. env, config, ).
    • fastify-file-upload Fastify plugin for uploading files.
    • Fastify plugin for Firebase Admin SDK to Fastify so you can easily use Firebase Auth, Firestore, Cloud Storage, Cloud Messaging, and more.
    • Firebase Authentication for Fastify supporting all of the methods relating to the authentication API.
    • fastify-formidable Handy plugin to provide multipart support and fastify-swagger integration.
    • Google Cloud Trace API Connector for Fastify.
    • Small plugin to set a new HEAD route handler for each GET route previously registered in Fastify.
    • fastify-good-sessions A good Fastify sessions plugin focused on speed.
    • Fastify plugin that exposes a GCP Cloud Storage client instance.
    • fastify-grant Authentication/Authorization plugin for Fastify that supports 200+ OAuth Providers.
    • A Fastify plugin that protects endpoints by checking authenticated user roles and/or scopes.
    • fastify-graceful-shutdown Shutdown Fastify gracefully and asynchronously.
    • A Fastify plugin to have fun with Hasura.
    • Fastify plugin to serve a health check route and a probe script.
    • fastify-hemera Fastify Hemera plugin, for writing reliable & fault-tolerant microservices with .
    • fastify-http-context Fastify plugin for “simulating” a thread of execution to allow for true HTTP context to take place per API call within the Fastify lifecycle of calls.
    • Redirect HTTP requests to HTTPS, both using the same port number, or different response on HTTP and HTTPS.
    • fastify-http-client Plugin to send HTTP(s) requests. Built upon .
    • fastify-http-errors-enhanced An error handling plugin for Fastify that uses enhanced HTTP errors.
    • Fastify plugin for auto-redirect from HTTP to HTTPS.
    • fastify-influxdb Fastify InfluxDB plugin connecting to an InfluxDB instance via the Influx default package.
    • JWT user scope verifier.
    • fastify-jwt-webapp JWT authentication for Fastify-based web apps.
    • Fastify plugin for support KnexJS Query Builder.
    • fastify-knexjs-mock Fastify Mock KnexJS for testing support.
    • Fastify Kubernetes client plugin.
    • fastify-language-parser Fastify plugin to parse request language.
    • Load routes from a directory and inject the Fastify instance in each file.
    • fastify-lured Plugin to load lua scripts with and lured.
    • Plugin to initialize and encapsulate Nodemailer‘s transporters instances in Fastify.
    • Plugin to markdown support.
    • fastify-method-override Plugin for Fastify, which allows the use of HTTP verbs, such as DELETE, PATCH, HEAD, PUT, OPTIONS in case the client doesn’t support them.
    • Plugin for exporting Prometheus metrics.
    • Plugin for minification and transformation of responses.
    • fastify-mongo-memory Fastify MongoDB in Memory Plugin for testing support.
    • Fastify plugin to create REST API methods based on Mongoose MongoDB models.
    • fastify-mongoose-driver Fastify Mongoose plugin that connects to a MongoDB via the Mongoose plugin with support for Models.
    • Fastify and MessagePack, together at last. Uses @msgpack/msgpack by default.
    • fastify-nats Plugin to share client across Fastify.
    • fastify-no-additional-properties Add additionalProperties: false by default to your JSON Schemas.
    • Plugin to eliminate thrown errors for /favicon.ico requests.
    • fastify-nodemailer Plugin to share transporter across Fastify.
    • fastify-normalize-request-reply Plugin to normalize the request and reply to the Express version 4.x request and response, which allows use of middleware, like swagger-stats, that was originally written for Express.
    • Structure your endpoints in a folder and load them dynamically with Fastify.
    • fastify-nuxtjs Vue server-side rendering support for Fastify with Nuxt.js Framework.
    • Generates OpenAPI 3.0+ documentation from routes schemas for Fastify.
    • fastify-objectionjs Plugin for the Fastify framework that provides integration with objectionjs ORM.
    • Plugin to cherry-pick classes from objectionjs ORM.
    • fastify-openapi-docs A Fastify plugin that generates OpenAPI spec automatically.
    • Glue for OpenAPI specifications in Fastify, autogenerates routes based on an OpenAPI Specification.
    • fastify-opentelemetry A Fastify plugin that uses the to provide request tracing.
    • fastify-oracle Attaches an connection pool to a Fastify server instance.
    • fastify-orientdb Fastify OrientDB connection plugin, with which you can share the OrientDB connection across every part of your server.
    • A worker thread pool plugin using Piscina.
    • Fastify plugin for memoize responses by expressive settings.
    • fastify-postgraphile Plugin to integrate in a Fastify project.
    • fastify-prettier A Fastify plugin that uses under the hood to beautify outgoing responses and/or other things in the Fastify server.
    • fastify-print-routes A Fastify plugin that prints all available routes.
    • Fastify and protobufjs, together at last. Uses protobufjs by default.
    • fastify-qrcode This plugin utilizes to generate QR Code.
    • fastify-qs A plugin for Fastify that adds support for parsing URL query parameters with .
    • fastify-raw-body Add the field.
    • Fastify role-based access control plugin.
    • fastify-recaptcha Fastify plugin for recaptcha verification.
    • A plugin for fast, reliable, and scalable channels implementation based on Redis streams.
    • fastify-register-routes Plugin to automatically load routes from a specified path and optionally limit loaded file names by a regular expression.
    • Add X-Response-Time header at each request for Fastify, in milliseconds.
    • fastify-response-caching A Fastify plugin for caching the response.
    • Fastify-based web framework with REST API routes auto-generation for TypeORM entities using DI and decorators.
    • fastify-reverse-routes Fastify reverse routes plugin, allows to defined named routes and build path using name and parameters.
    • Fastify Rob-Config integration.
    • fastify-route-group Convenient grouping and inheritance of routes
    • Choose the JSON schema to use based on request parameters.
    • fastify-schema-to-typescript Generate typescript types based on your JSON/YAML validation schemas so they are always in sync.
    • Create a secure stateless cookie session for Fastify.
    • fastify-sentry Fastify plugin to add the Sentry SDK error handler to requests.
    • Fastify plugin work with Sequelize (adapter for NodeJS -> Sqlite, Mysql, Mssql, Postgres).
    • fastify-server-session A session plugin with support for arbitrary backing caches via fastify-caching.
    • Fastify Slonik plugin, with this you can use slonik in every part of your server.
    • fastify-soap-client a SOAP client plugin for Fastify.
    • a plugin for Fastify.
    • fastify-sse to provide Server-Sent Events with reply.sse( … ) to Fastify.
    • to provide Server-Sent Events using Async Iterators (supports newer versions of Fastify).
    • fastify-stripe Plugin to initialize and encapsulate instances in Fastify.
    • fastify-supabase Plugin to initialize and encapsulate instances in Fastify.
    • fastify-tls-keygen Automatically generate a browser-compatible, trusted, self-signed, localhost-only, TLS certificate.
    • Tokenize plugin for Fastify that removes the pain of managing authentication tokens, with built-in integration for .
    • A plugin to handle TOTP (e.g. for 2FA).
    • fastify-twitch-ebs-tools Useful functions for Twitch Extension Backend Services (EBS).
    • Fastify plugin to work with TypeORM.
    • fastify-vhost Proxy subdomain HTTP requests to another server (useful if you want to point multiple subdomains to the same IP address, while running different servers on the same machine).
    • Vite plugin for Fastify with SSR data support.
    • Nuxt.js plugin for Fastify. Control the routes nuxt should use.
    • Web Application Messaging Protocol router for Fastify.
    • fast-water A Fastify plugin for waterline. Decorates Fastify with waterline models.
    • Webpack hot module reloading plugin for Fastify.
    • fastify-ws WebSocket integration for Fastify — with support for WebSocket lifecycle hooks instead of a single handler function. Built upon and uws.
    • Parse XML payload / request body into JS / JSON object.
    • fastify-xray Fastify plugin for AWS XRay recording.
    • An i18next based i18n (internationalization) middleware to be used with Node.js web frameworks like Express or Fastify and also for Deno.
    • API Gateway plugin for Fastify, a low footprint implementation that uses the fastify-reply-from HTTP proxy library.
    • mercurius A fully-featured and performant GraphQL server implementation for Fastify.
    • A fast and compact way to get all your network and process stats for your node application. Websocket, HTTP/S, and prometheus compatible!
    • oas-fastify OAS 3.x to Fastify routes automation. Automatically generates route handlers with fastify configuration and validation.
    • A simple and lightweight Sequelize plugin for Fastify.