1. If pkg­ng is not installed, install it with command and answering ’Y’ when asked.

    2. Update the repository data with pkg update.

    3. Verify successful installation by confirming pkg info | grep etcd matches:

    1. etcd and etcdctl are ready to use! For more information about using pkgng, please see: http://www.freebsd.org/doc/handbook/pkgng­intro.html

    Using ports system

    1. If ports is not installed, install with (it may take some time depending on hardware and network connection).

    2. If etcd wasn’t installed with etcdctl, it can be built later with cd /usr/ports/devel/etcdctl && make install clean.

    1. coreos­etcd­0.2.0 Highly­available key value store and service discovery
    2. coreos­etcdctl­0.2.0 Simple commandline client for etcd
    3. r@fbsd­10:/ #
    1. etcd and etcdctl are ready to use! For more information about using ports system, please see:
