• one by one, stop the etcd v2.1 processes and replace them with etcd v2.2 processes
    • after you are running all v2.2 processes, new features in v2.2 are available to the cluster

    Before , read through the rest of this guide to prepare.

    To upgrade an existing etcd deployment to 2.2, you must be running 2.1. If you’re running a version of etcd before 2.1, you must upgrade to 2.1 before upgrading to 2.2.

    Also, to ensure a smooth rolling upgrade, your running cluster must be healthy. You can check the health of the cluster by using command.


    Before upgrading etcd, always test the services relying on etcd in a staging environment before deploying the upgrade to the production environment.

    You might also want to for a potential downgrade.

    Internally, etcd members negotiate with each other to determine the overall etcd cluster version, which controls the reported cluster version and the supported features.


    If you have a data size larger than 100MB you should contact us before upgrading, so we can make sure the upgrades work smoothly.

    Every etcd 2.2 member will do health checking across the cluster periodically. etcd 2.1 member does not support health checking. During the upgrade, etcd 2.2 member will log warning about the unhealthy state of etcd 2.1 member. You can ignore the warning.

    If all members have been upgraded to v2.2, the cluster will be upgraded to v2.2, and downgrade is not possible. If any member is still v2.1, the cluster will remain in v2.1, and you can go back to use v2.1 binary.

    Please of all etcd members if you want to downgrade the cluster, even if it is upgraded.

    Upgrade Procedure

    1. Check upgrade requirements.

    2. Stop the existing etcd process

    You will see similar error logging from other etcd processes in your cluster. This is normal, since you just shut down a member and the connection is broken.

    1. 2015/09/2 09:48:35 etcdserver: failed to reach the peerURL(http://localhost:12380) of member a8266ecf031671f3 (Get http://localhost:12380/version: dial tcp [::1]:12380: getsockopt: connection refused)
    2. 2015/09/2 09:48:35 etcdserver: cannot get the version of member a8266ecf031671f3 (Get http://localhost:12380/version: dial tcp [::1]:12380: getsockopt: connection refused)
    3. 2015/09/2 09:48:35 rafthttp: failed to write a8266ecf031671f3 on stream Message (write tcp> write: broken pipe)
    4. 2015/09/2 09:48:35 rafthttp: failed to write a8266ecf031671f3 on pipeline (dial tcp [::1]:12380: getsockopt: connection refused)
    5. 2015/09/2 09:48:40 etcdserver: cannot get the version of member a8266ecf031671f3 (Get http://localhost:12380/version: dial tcp [::1]:12380: getsockopt: connection refused)

    You will see logging output like this from ungraded member due to a mixed version cluster. You can ignore this while upgrading.

    1. 2015/09/2 09:48:45 etcdserver: the etcd version 2.1.2+git is not up-to-date
    2. 2015/09/2 09:48:45 etcdserver: member a8266ecf031671f3 has a higher version &{2.2.0-rc.0+git 2.1.0}

    You will also see logging output like this from the newly upgraded member, since etcd 2.1 member does not support health checking. You can ignore this while upgrading.

    Backup your data directory for data safety.

    1. --data-dir /var/lib/etcd \
    2. --backup-dir /tmp/etcd_backup

    3. Drop-in etcd v2.2 binary and start the new etcd process

    Now, you can start the etcd v2.2 binary with the previous configuration. You will see the etcd start and publish its information to the cluster.

    1. 2015-09-02 09:56:46.117609 I | etcdserver: published {Name:infra2 ClientURLs:[http://localhost:22380]} to cluster e9c7614f68f35fb2

    4. Repeat step 2 to step 3 for all other members

    5. Finish

    When all members are upgraded, you will see the cluster is upgraded to 2.2 successfully:

    1. 2015-09-02 09:56:54.896848 N | etcdserver: updated the cluster version from 2.1 to 2.2
    1. {"etcdserver":"2.2.x","etcdcluster":"2.2.0"}