Thrift proxy

    • This filter should be configured with the name

    Thrift connections to upstream hosts can be configured by adding an entry to the appropriate Cluster’s extension_protocol_options keyed by . The message describes the available options.

    Thrift Proxy can set the maximum number of requests that each downstream connection can handle. When the number of requests exceeds the connection limit, Thrift Proxy will actively disconnect from the Thrift client.

    Header transport key/value pairs are available for routing as .

    Twitter protocol request contexts are converted into headers which are available for routing as headers. In addition, the following fields are presented as headers:

    Client Identifier


    The RequestHeader dest field becomes the :dest header.


    Request metadata that is available for routing (see above) is automatically converted between wire formats when translation between downstream and upstream connections occurs. Twitter protocol request contexts, client id, destination, and delegations are therefore presented as Header transport key/value pairs, named as above. Similarly, Header transport key/value pairs are presented as Twitter protocol RequestContext values, unless they match the special names described above. For instance, a downstream Header transport request with the info key “:client-id” is translated to an upstream Twitter protocol request with a ClientId value.