Mutation Inputs
Clone the code (optional)
The code for this tutorial is available under, and tagged (using Git) in each step. If you want to skip the basic setup and start with the initial version of the GraphQL server, you can clone the repository and run the program as follows:
The Ent framework accepts external templates that can extend or override the default generated functionality of its code generator. In the template below, we generate 2 input types (CreateTodoInput
and UpdateTodoInput
) for the GraphQL mutations, and add additional methods on the different builders to accept these objects as an input type.
{{ range $n := $.Nodes }}
{{ $input := print "Create" $n.Name "Input" }}
// {{ $input }} represents a mutation input for creating {{ plural $n.Name | lower }}.
type {{ $input }} struct {
{{- range $f := $n.Fields }}
{{- if not $f.IsEdgeField }}
{{ $f.StructField }} {{ if and (or $f.Optional $f.Default) (not $f.Type.RType.IsPtr) }}*{{ end }}{{ $f.Type }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- range $e := $n.Edges }}
{{- if $e.Unique }}
{{- $structField := print (pascal $e.Name) "ID" }}
{{ $structField }} {{ if $e.Optional }}*{{ end }}{{ $e.Type.ID.Type }}
{{- else }}
{{- $structField := print (singular $e.Name | pascal) "IDs" }}
{{ $structField }} []{{ $e.Type.ID.Type }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{/* Additional methods go here. */}}
{{ $input = print "Update" $n.Name "Input" }}
// {{ $input }} represents a mutation input for updating {{ plural $n.Name | lower }}.
type {{ $input }} struct {
{{- range $f := $n.MutableFields }}
{{- if not $f.IsEdgeField }}
{{ $f.StructField }} {{ if not $f.Type.RType.IsPtr }}*{{ end }}{{ $f.Type }}
{{- if $f.Optional }}
{{ print "Clear" $f.StructField }} bool
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- range $e := $n.Edges }}
{{- if $e.Unique }}
{{- $structField := print (pascal $e.Name) "ID" }}
{{ $structField }} *{{ $e.Type.ID.Type }}
{{ $e.MutationClear }} bool
{{- else }}
{{ $e.MutationAdd }} []{{ $e.Type.ID.Type }}
{{ $e.MutationRemove }} []{{ $e.Type.ID.Type }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{/* Additional methods go here. */}}
{{ end }}
The full version of this template exists in the .
info" class="reference-link">info
If you have no experience with Go templates or if you have not used it before with the Ent code generator, go to the to learn more about it.
The full documentation for the template API (Go types and functions) is available in the
func main() {
ex, err := entgql.NewExtension()
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("creating entgql extension: %v", err)
opts := []entc.Option{
if err := entc.Generate("./schema", &gen.Config{}, opts...); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("running ent codegen: %v", err)
After adding the template file to the ent/template/
directory and changing the entc.go
configuration, we’re ready to execute the code generation as follows:
go generate ./...
You may have noticed that Ent generated a new file ent/mutation_input.go
with the following content:
// Code generated by entc, DO NOT EDIT.
package ent
import (
// CreateTodoInput represents a mutation input for creating todos.
type CreateTodoInput struct {
Text string
CreatedAt time.Time
Status todo.Status
Priority int
Children []int
Parent *int
// Mutate applies the CreateTodoInput on the TodoCreate builder.
func (i *CreateTodoInput) Mutate(m *TodoCreate) {
// ...
// UpdateTodoInput represents a mutation input for updating todos.
type UpdateTodoInput struct {
Text *string
Priority *int
AddChildIDs []int
RemoveChildIDs []int
Parent *int
ClearParent bool
// Mutate applies the UpdateTodoInput on the TodoMutation.
func (i *UpdateTodoInput) Mutate(m *TodoMutation) {
// ...
Input Types In GraphQL Schema
The new generated Go types are the GraphQL mutation types. Let’s define them manually in the GraphQL schema and gqlgen
will map them automatically.
# Define an input type for the mutation below.
# Note that, this type is mapped to the generated
# input type in mutation_input.go.
input CreateTodoInput {
status: Status! = IN_PROGRESS
priority: Int
text: String!
text: String
parent: ID
children: [ID!]
# Define an input type for the mutation below.
# Note that, this type is mapped to the generated
# input type in mutation_input.go.
input UpdateTodoInput {
status: Status
priority: Int
text: String
parent: ID
clearParent: Boolean
addChildIDs: [ID!]
removeChildIDs: [ID!]
# Define a mutation for creating todos.
type Mutation {
createTodo(input: CreateTodoInput!): Todo!
updateTodo(id: ID!, input: UpdateTodoInput!): Todo!
updateTodos(ids: [ID!]!, input: UpdateTodoInput!): [Todo!]!
We’re ready now to run the gqlgen
code generator and generate resolvers for the new mutations.
go generate ./...
The Set<F>
calls in the CreateTodo
resolver are replaced with one call named SetInput
func (r *mutationResolver) CreateTodo(ctx context.Context, input ent.CreateTodoInput) (*ent.Todo, error) {
return ent.FromContext(ctx).Todo.
- SetText(todo.Text).
- SetStatus(todo.Status).
- SetNillablePriority(todo.Priority). // Set the "priority" field if provided.
- SetNillableParentID(todo.Parent). // Set the "parent_id" field if provided.
+ SetInput(input)
The rest of the resolvers (UpdateTodo
and UpdateTodos
) will be implemented as follows:
func (r *mutationResolver) CreateTodo(ctx context.Context, input ent.CreateTodoInput) (*ent.Todo, error) {
return ent.FromContext(ctx).Todo.Create().SetInput(input).Save(ctx)
func (r *mutationResolver) UpdateTodo(ctx context.Context, id int, input ent.UpdateTodoInput) (*ent.Todo, error) {
- panic(fmt.Errorf("not implemented"))
+ return ent.FromContext(ctx).Todo.UpdateOneID(id).SetInput(input).Save(ctx)
func (r *mutationResolver) UpdateTodos(ctx context.Context, ids []int, input ent.UpdateTodoInput) ([]*ent.Todo, error) {
- panic(fmt.Errorf("not implemented"))
+ client := ent.FromContext(ctx)
+ if err := client.Todo.Update().Where(todo.IDIn(ids...)).SetInput(input).Exec(ctx); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return client.Todo.Query().Where(todo.IDIn(ids...)).All(ctx)
Hurray! We’re now ready to test our GraphQL resolvers.
Test the CreateTodo
Let’s start with creating 2 todo items by executing this query with the variables below:
mutation CreateTodo($input: CreateTodoInput!) {
createTodo(input: $input) {
parent {
1st query variables
"input": {
"status": "IN_PROGRESS",
"priority": 2
"data": {
"createTodo": {
"id": "1",
"text": "Create GraphQL Example",
"createdAt": "2021-04-19T10:49:52+03:00",
"priority": 2,
"parent": null
2nd query variables
"input": {
"text": "Create Tracing Example",
"status": "IN_PROGRESS",
"priority": 2
We continue the example by updating the priority
of the 2 todo items to 1
mutation UpdateTodos($ids: [ID!]!, $input: UpdateTodoInput!) {
updateTodos(ids: $ids, input: $input) {
parent {
Query variables
"ids": ["1", "2"],
"input": {
"priority": 1
"data": {
"updateTodos": [
"id": "1",
"text": "Create GraphQL Example",
"createdAt": "2021-04-19T10:49:52+03:00",
"priority": 1,
"parent": null
"id": "2",
"text": "Create Tracing Example",
"createdAt": "2021-04-19T10:50:01+03:00",
"priority": 1,
"parent": null
Test the UpdateTodo
mutation UpdateTodo($id: ID!, $input: UpdateTodoInput!) {
updateTodo(id: $id, input: $input) {
parent {
Query variables
"id": "2",
"input": {
"parent": 1
"data": {
"updateTodo": {
"id": "2",
"text": "Create Tracing Example",
"createdAt": "2021-04-19T10:50:01+03:00",
"priority": 1,
"parent": {
"id": "1",
"text": "Create GraphQL Example"