
    查询 EMQX 运行状态:

    mgmt 命令

    mgmt 命令查询应用程序。


    1. $ ./bin/emqx_ctl mgmt list
    2. app_id: 901abdba8eb8c, secret: MjgzMzQ5MjM1MzUzMTc4MjgyMjE3NzU4ODcwMDg0NjQ4OTG, name: hello, desc: , status: true, expired: undefined

    mgmt insert <AppId> <Name>

    添加 HTTP API 的应用程序:

    1. $ ./bin/emqx_ctl mgmt insert dbcb6e023370b world
    2. AppSecret: MjgzMzQ5MjYyMTY3ODk4MjA5NzMwODExODMxMDM1NDk0NDA

    mgmt update <AppId> <status>

    更新 HTTP API 的应用程序:

    1. $ ./bin/emqx_ctl mgmt update dbcb6e023370b stop
    2. update successfully.

    mgmt lookup <AppId>

    获取 HTTP API 的应用程序详情:

    1. $ ./bin/emqx_ctl mgmt lookup dbcb6e023370b
    2. app_id: dbcb6e023370b
    3. secret: MjgzMzQ5MjYyMTY3ODk4MjA5NzMwODExODMxMDM1NDk0NDA
    4. name: world
    5. desc: Application user
    6. status: stop
    7. expired: undefined

    mgmt delete <AppId>

    删除 HTTP API 的应用程序:

    1. $ ./bin/emqx_ctl mgmt delete dbcb6e023370b
    2. ok

    broker 命令

    broker 命令查询服务器基本信息,启动时间,统计数据与性能数据。

    broker查询 EMQX 描述、版本、启动时间
    broker stats查询连接 (Connection)、会话 (Session)、主题 (Topic)、订阅 (Subscription)、路由 (Route) 统计信息
    broker metrics查询 MQTT 报文 (Packet)、消息 (Message) 收发统计

    查询 EMQX 基本信息,包括版本、启动时间等:

    1. $ ./bin/emqx_ctl broker
    2. sysdescr : EMQX Broker
    3. version : 4.0.0
    4. uptime : 4 minutes, 52 seconds
    5. datetime : 2020-02-21 09:39:58

    broker stats

    查询服务器客户端连接 (Connections)、主题 (Topics)、订阅 (Subscriptions)、路由 (Routes) 统计:

    1. $ ./bin/emqx_ctl broker stats
    2. channels.count : 0
    3. channels.max : 0
    4. connections.count : 0
    5. connections.max : 0
    6. resources.count : 0
    7. resources.max : 0
    8. retained.count : 3
    9. retained.max : 3
    10. routes.count : 0
    11. routes.max : 0
    12. sessions.count : 0
    13. sessions.max : 0
    14. suboptions.count : 0
    15. suboptions.max : 0
    16. subscribers.count : 0
    17. subscribers.max : 0
    18. subscriptions.count : 0
    19. subscriptions.max : 0
    20. subscriptions.shared.count : 0
    21. subscriptions.shared.max : 0
    22. topics.count : 0
    23. topics.max : 0

    broker metrics

    查询服务器流量 (Bytes)、MQTT 报文 (Packets)、消息 (Messages) 收发统计:

    1. $ ./bin/emqx_ctl broker metrics
    2. bytes.received : 0
    3. bytes.sent : 0
    4. client.auth.anonymous : 0
    5. client.authenticate : 0
    6. client.check_acl : 0
    7. client.connack : 0
    8. client.connect : 0
    9. client.connected : 0
    10. client.disconnected : 0
    11. client.subscribe : 0
    12. client.unsubscribe : 0
    13. delivery.dropped : 0
    14. delivery.dropped.expired : 0
    15. delivery.dropped.no_local : 0
    16. delivery.dropped.qos0_msg : 0
    17. delivery.dropped.queue_full : 0
    18. delivery.dropped.too_large : 0
    19. messages.acked : 0
    20. messages.delayed : 0
    21. messages.delivered : 0
    22. messages.dropped : 0
    23. messages.dropped.expired : 0
    24. messages.dropped.no_subscriber: 0
    25. messages.forward : 0
    26. messages.publish : 0
    27. messages.qos0.received : 0
    28. messages.qos0.sent : 0
    29. messages.qos1.received : 0
    30. messages.qos1.sent : 0
    31. messages.qos2.received : 0
    32. messages.qos2.sent : 0
    33. messages.retained : 3
    34. messages.sent : 0
    35. packets.auth.received : 0
    36. packets.auth.sent : 0
    37. packets.connack.auth_error : 0
    38. packets.connack.error : 0
    39. packets.connack.sent : 0
    40. packets.connect.received : 0
    41. packets.disconnect.received : 0
    42. packets.disconnect.sent : 0
    43. packets.pingreq.received : 0
    44. packets.pingresp.sent : 0
    45. packets.puback.inuse : 0
    46. packets.puback.missed : 0
    47. packets.puback.received : 0
    48. packets.puback.sent : 0
    49. packets.pubcomp.inuse : 0
    50. packets.pubcomp.missed : 0
    51. packets.pubcomp.received : 0
    52. packets.pubcomp.sent : 0
    53. packets.publish.auth_error : 0
    54. packets.publish.dropped : 0
    55. packets.publish.error : 0
    56. packets.publish.received : 0
    57. packets.publish.sent : 0
    58. packets.pubrec.inuse : 0
    59. packets.pubrec.missed : 0
    60. packets.pubrec.received : 0
    61. packets.pubrec.sent : 0
    62. packets.pubrel.missed : 0
    63. packets.pubrel.received : 0
    64. packets.pubrel.sent : 0
    65. packets.received : 0
    66. packets.sent : 0
    67. packets.suback.sent : 0
    68. packets.subscribe.auth_error : 0
    69. packets.subscribe.error : 0
    70. packets.subscribe.received : 0
    71. packets.unsuback.sent : 0
    72. packets.unsubscribe.error : 0
    73. packets.unsubscribe.received : 0
    74. session.created : 0
    75. session.discarded : 0
    76. session.resumed : 0
    77. session.takeovered : 0
    78. session.terminated : 0

    cluster 命令

    cluster 命令可以管理由多个 EMQX 节点(进程)组成的集群:

    cluster join <Node>加入集群
    cluster leave离开集群
    cluster force-leave <Node>从集群删除节点
    cluster status查询集群状态


    为更好地展示 cluster 命令,我们可以先在单机上启动两个节点并组成集群,这称之为伪分布式启动模式。由于我们要在单机上启动两个 emqx 实例,为避免端口冲突,我们需要对其它节点的监听端口做出调整。

    基本思路是复制一份 emqx 文件夹然后命名为 emqx2 ,将原先所有 emqx 节点监听的端口 port 加上一个偏移 offset 作为新的 emqx2 节点的监听端口。例如,将原先 emqx 的MQTT/TCP 监听端口由默认的 1883 改为了 2883 作为 emqx2 的 MQTT/TCP 监听端口。完成以上操作的自动化脚本可以参照 ,具体配置请参见 配置说明 与 。

    启动 emqx1 :

    1. $ cd emqx1 && ./bin/emqx start

    启动 emqx2 :

    1. $ cd emqx2 && ./bin/emqx start

    使用 cluster join <Node> 将两个节点组成集群:

    1. $ cd emqx2 && ./bin/emqx_ctl cluster join emqx1@
    2. Join the cluster successfully.
    3. Cluster status: [{running_nodes,['emqx1@','emqx2@']}]


    1. $ ./bin/emqx_ctl cluster status
    2. Cluster status: [{running_nodes,['emqx2@','emqx1@']}]

    集群消息路由测试: MQTT 命令行工具使用由 EMQX 团队开发的 emqtt命令行 - 图2 (opens new window) 客户端。

    1. # emqx1 节点(1883 端口)订阅主题 x
    2. $ ./bin/emqtt sub -t x -q 1 -p 1883
    3. Client emqtt-a7de8fffbe2fbeb2fadb sent CONNECT
    4. Client emqtt-a7de8fffbe2fbeb2fadb subscribed to x
    5. # 向 emqx2 节点(2883 端口 )发布消息
    6. $ ./bin/emqtt pub -t x -q 1 -p 2883 --payload hello
    7. Client emqtt-0898fa447676e17479a5 sent CONNECT
    8. Client emqtt-0898fa447676e17479a5 sent PUBLISH (Q1, R0, D0, Topic=x, Payload=...(5 bytes))
    9. Client emqtt-0898fa447676e17479a5 sent DISCONNECT
    10. # emqx1 节点(1883 端口)收到消息
    11. $ ./bin/emqtt sub -t x -q 1 -p 1883
    12. hello

    emqx2 节点离开集群:

    1. $ cd emqx2 && ./bin/emqx_ctl cluster leave

    强制 emqx2 节点离开集群,需要在集群下的目标节点以外的节点上进行操作:

    1. $ cd emqx1 && ./bin/emqx_ctl cluster force-leave emqx2@

    注意,EMQX 不支持一个已经在一个集群中的节点加入另外一个集群,因为这会导致两个集群数据不一致,但支持加入过集群的节点在离开该集群后加入另一个集群。

    acl 命令

    从 v4.1 之后引入了 modules 的命令,我们使用以下命令重新加载 ACL:

    1. $ ./bin/emqx_ctl modules reload emqx_mod_acl_internal
    2. Module emqx_mod_acl_internal reloaded successfully.

    在 v4.1 之前,则仍然使用:

    1. $ ./bin/emqx_ctl acl reload
    2. ok

    acl cache-clean

    在 v4.3 之后,引入了的命令来清理 ACL 缓存:

    acl cache-clean all清除集群中所有的 ACL 缓存
    acl cache-clean node <Node>清除指定节点的 ACL 缓存
    acl cache-clean <ClientId>清除指定客户端的 ACL 缓存

    clients 命令

    clients 命令查询连接的 MQTT 客户端。

    clients list列出所有客户端连接
    clients show <ClientId>查询指定 ClientId 的客户端
    clients kick <ClientId>踢除指定 ClientId 的客户端,连接与会话将一并终结。

    clients list


    1. $ ./bin/emqx_ctl clients list
    2. Client (mosqsub/43832-airlee.lo, username=test1, peername=, clean_start=true, keepalive=60, session_expiry_interval=0, subscriptions=0, inflight=0, awaiting_rel=0, delivered_msgs=0, enqueued_msgs=0, dropped_msgs=0, connected=true, created_at=1582249657, connected_at=1582249657)
    3. Client (mosqsub/44011-airlee.lo, username=test2, peername=, clean_start=true, keepalive=60, session_expiry_interval=0, subscriptions=0, inflight=0, awaiting_rel=0, delivered_msgs=0, enqueued_msgs=0, dropped_msgs=0, connected=true, created_at=1582249657, connected_at=1582249657, disconnected_at=1582249702)
    4. ...

    返回 Client 对象的属性:

    peername客户端 IP 与端口
    clean_startMQTT Clean Start
    keepaliveMQTT KeepAlive
    inflight当前正在下发的 QoS 1 和 QoS 2 的消息总数
    awaiting_rel等待客户端发送 PUBREL 的 QoS2 消息数
    delivered_msgsEMQX 向此客户端转发的消息数量 (包含重传)

    clients show <ClientId>

    查询指定 ClientId 的客户端:

    1. $ ./bin/emqx_ctl clients show "mosqsub/43832-airlee.lo"
    2. Client (mosqsub/43832-airlee.lo, username=test1, peername=, clean_start=false, keepalive=60, session_expiry_interval=7200, subscriptions=0, inflight=0, awaiting_rel=0, delivered_msgs=0, enqueued_msgs=0, dropped_msgs=0, connected=true, created_at=1576479557, connected_at=1576479557)

    clients kick <ClientId>

    踢除指定 ClientId 的客户端:

    1. $ ./bin/emqx_ctl clients kick "clientid"
    2. ok

    routes 命令

    routes 命令用于查询路由信息。

    EMQX 中路由是指主题与节点的映射关系,用于在多个节点之间路由消息。

    routes list列出所有路由
    routes show <Topic>查询指定 Topic 的路由

    routes list


    1. $ ./bin/emqx_ctl routes list
    2. t2/# -> emqx2@
    3. t/+/x -> emqx2@,emqx@

    routes show <Topic>

    查询指定 Topic d的路由:

    1. t/+/x -> emqx2@,emqx@

    subscriptions 命令查询消息服务器的订阅 (Subscription) 表。

    subscriptions list列出所有订阅
    subscriptions show <ClientId>查询指定 ClientId 客户端的订阅
    subscriptions add <ClientId> <Topic> <QoS>手动添加静态订阅
    subscriptions del <ClientId> <Topic>手动删除静态订阅

    subscriptions list


    1. $ ./bin/emqx_ctl subscriptions list
    2. mosqsub/91042-airlee.lo -> t/y:1
    3. mosqsub/90475-airlee.lo -> t/+/x:2

    subscriptions show <ClientId>

    查询某个 Client 的订阅:

    1. $ ./bin/emqx_ctl subscriptions show 'mosqsub/90475-airlee.lo'
    2. mosqsub/90475-airlee.lo -> t/+/x:2

    subscriptions add <ClientId> <Topic> <QoS>


    1. $ ./bin/emqx_ctl subscriptions add 'mosqsub/90475-airlee.lo' '/world' 1
    2. ok

    subscriptions del <ClientId> <Topic>


    1. $ ./bin/emqx_ctl subscriptions del 'mosqsub/90475-airlee.lo' '/world'
    2. ok

    plugins 命令

    plugins 命令用于加载、卸载、查询插件应用。EMQX 通过插件扩展认证、定制功能,插件配置位于 etc/plugins/ 目录下。

    plugins list列出全部插件 (Plugin)
    plugins load <Plugin>加载插件 (Plugin)
    plugins unload <Plugin>卸载插件 (Plugin)
    plugins reload <Plugin>重载插件 (Plugin)

    当配置文件发生更改,如果需要配置立即生效,你可以执行 emqx_ctl reload <Plugin\> 命令,即使插件在配置修改时并未处于运行状态,你也应当使用此命令而不是emqx_ctl load <Plugin>,因为 `emqx_ctl load <Plugin> 不会编译新的配置文件。

    plugins list


    1. $ ./bin/emqx_ctl plugins list
    2. ...
    3. Plugin(emqx_auth_http, description=EMQX Authentication/ACL with HTTP API, active=false)
    4. Plugin(emqx_auth_jwt, description=EMQX Authentication with JWT, active=false)
    5. Plugin(emqx_auth_ldap, description=EMQX Authentication/ACL with LDAP, active=false)
    6. ...


    plugins load <Plugin>


    1. $ ./bin/emqx_ctl plugins load emqx_lua_hook
    2. Plugin emqx_lua_hook loaded successfully.

    plugins unload <Plugin>


    1. $ ./bin/emqx_ctl plugins unload emqx_lua_hook
    2. Plugin emqx_lua_hook unloaded successfully.

    plugins reload <Plugin>


    1. $ ./bin/emqx_ctl plugins reload emqx_lua_hook
    2. Plugin emqx_lua_hook reloaded successfully.

    modules 命令

    自 v4.1 之后,引入了 modules 命令用于在运行时管理 EMQX 内置的模块。

    modules list列出全部内置模块 (Module)
    modules load <Module>加载内置模块 (Module)
    modules unload <Module>卸载内置模块 (Module)
    modules reload <Module>重载内置模块 (Module)

    modules load


    1. $ ./bin/emqx_ctl modules load emqx_mod_delayed
    2. Module emqx_mod_delayed loaded successfully.

    modules unload


    1. $ ./bin/emqx_ctl modules unload emqx_mod_delayed
    2. Module emqx_mod_delayed unloaded successfully.

    modules reload


    1. $ ./bin/emqx_ctl modules reload emqx_mod_acl_internal
    2. Module emqx_mod_acl_internal reloaded successfully.

    vm 命令

    vm 命令用于查询 Erlang 虚拟机负载、内存、进程、IO 信息。

    vm等同于 vm all
    vm all查询 VM 全部信息
    vm load查询 VM 负载
    vm memory查询 VM 内存
    vm process查询 VM Erlang 进程数量
    vm io查询 VM io 最大文件句柄
    vm ports查询 VM 的端口

    vm all

    查询 VM 全部信息,包括负载、内存、Erlang 进程数量等:

    1. $ ./bin/emqx_ctl vm all
    2. cpu/load1 : 4.22
    3. cpu/load5 : 3.29
    4. cpu/load15 : 3.16
    5. memory/total : 99995208
    6. memory/processes : 38998248
    7. memory/processes_used : 38938520
    8. memory/system : 60996960
    9. memory/atom : 1189073
    10. memory/atom_used : 1173808
    11. memory/binary : 100336
    12. memory/code : 25439961
    13. memory/ets : 7161128
    14. process/limit : 2097152
    15. process/count : 315
    16. io/max_fds : 10240
    17. io/active_fds : 0
    18. ports/count : 18
    19. ports/limit : 1048576

    vm load

    查询 VM 负载:

    1. $ ./bin/emqx_ctl vm load
    2. cpu/load1 : 2.21
    3. cpu/load5 : 2.60
    4. cpu/load15 : 2.36

    vm memory

    查询 VM 内存:

    1. $ ./bin/emqx_ctl vm memory
    2. memory/total : 23967736
    3. memory/processes : 3594216
    4. memory/processes_used : 3593112
    5. memory/system : 20373520
    6. memory/atom : 512601
    7. memory/atom_used : 491955
    8. memory/binary : 51432
    9. memory/code : 13401565
    10. memory/ets : 1082848

    vm process

    查询 Erlang 进程数量及其限制:

    1. $ ./bin/emqx_ctl vm process
    2. process/limit : 2097152
    3. process/count : 314

    vm io


    1. $ ./bin/emqx_ctl vm io
    2. io/max_fds : 10240
    3. io/active_fds : 0

    vm ports


    1. $ ./bin/emqx_ctl vm ports
    2. ports/count : 18
    3. ports/limit : 1048576

    mnesia 命令

    查询 mnesia 数据库系统状态。

    log 命令

    log 命令用于设置日志等级。访问 Documentation of logger (opens new window) 以获取详细信息

    log set-level <Level>设置主日志等级和所有 Handlers 日志等级
    log primary-level查看主日志等级
    log primary-lelvel <Level>设置主日志等级
    log handlers list查看当前安装的所有 Handlers
    log handlers start <HandlerId>启动某个已停止的 Handler
    log handlers stop <HandlerId>停止某个 Handler
    log handlers set-level <HandlerId> <Level>设置指定 Handler 的日志等级

    日志的等级由低到高分别为:debug | info | notice | warning | error | critical | alert | emergency,日志等级越低,系统输出的日志数量越多,消耗的系统资源越大。为提高系统运行性能,默认的主日志等级是 error。

    log set-level <Level>

    设置主日志等级和所有 Handlers 日志等级:

    1. $ ./bin/emqx_ctl log set-level debug
    2. debug

    log primary-level


    1. $ ./bin/emqx_ctl log primary-level
    2. debug

    log primary-level <Level>


    1. $ ./bin/emqx_ctl log primary-level info
    2. info

    log handlers list

    查看当前安装的所有 Handlers:

    1. $ ./bin/emqx_ctl log handlers list
    2. LogHandler(id=ssl_handler, level=debug, destination=console, status=started)
    3. LogHandler(id=file, level=warning, destination=log/emqx.log, status=started)
    4. LogHandler(id=default, level=warning, destination=console, status=started)

    log handlers start <HandlerId>

    启动 log handler 'default':

    1. $ ./bin/emqx_ctl log handlers start default
    2. log handler default started

    log handlers stop <HandlerId>

    停止 log handler 'default':

    1. $ ./bin/emqx_ctl log handlers stop default
    2. log handler default stopped

    log handlers set-level <HandlerId> <Level>

    设置指定 Handler 的日志等级:

    1. $ ./bin/emqx_ctl log handlers set-level emqx_logger_handler error
    2. error

    trace 命令

    trace 命令用于追踪某个 Client 或 Topic,打印日志信息到文件,详情请查看 。

    trace list列出所有开启的追踪
    trace start client <ClientId> <File> [<Level>]开启 Client 追踪,存储指定等级的日志到文件
    trace stop client <ClientId>关闭 Client 追踪
    trace start topic <Topic> <File> [<Level>]开启 Topic 追踪,存储指定等级的日志到文件
    trace stop topic <Topic>关闭 Topic 追踪

    trace start client <ClientId> <File> [ <Level> ]

    开启 Client 追踪:

    1. $ ./bin/emqx_ctl log primary-level debug
    2. debug
    3. $ ./bin/emqx_ctl trace start client clientid log/clientid_trace.log
    4. trace clientid clientid successfully
    5. $ ./bin/emqx_ctl trace start client clientid2 log/clientid2_trace.log error
    6. trace clientid clientid2 successfully

    trace stop client <ClientId>

    关闭 Client 追踪:

    1. $ ./bin/emqx_ctl trace stop client clientid
    2. stop tracing clientid clientid successfully

    trace start topic <Topic> <File> [ <Level> ]

    开启 Topic 追踪:

    1. $ ./bin/emqx_ctl log primary-level debug
    2. debug
    3. $ ./bin/emqx_ctl trace start topic topic log/topic_trace.log
    4. trace topic topic successfully
    5. $ ./bin/emqx_ctl trace start topic topic2 log/topic2_trace.log error
    6. trace topic topic2 successfully

    trace stop topic <Topic>

    关闭 Topic 追踪:

    1. $ ./bin/emqx_ctl trace topic topic off
    2. stop tracing topic topic successfully


    1. $ ./bin/emqx_ctl trace list
    2. Trace (clientid=clientid2, level=error, destination="log/clientid2_trace.log")
    3. Trace (topic=topic2, level=error, destination="log/topic2_trace.log")

    listeners 命令用于查询开启的 TCP 服务监听器。

    listeners# List listeners
    listeners stop <Identifier># Stop a listener
    listeners stop <Proto> <Port># Stop a listener
    listeners restart <Identifier># Restart a listener

    listeners list

    查询开启的 TCP 服务监听器:

    1. $ ./bin/emqx_ctl listeners
    2. mqtt:ssl:external
    3. listen_on :
    4. acceptors : 16
    5. max_conns : 102400
    6. current_conn : 0
    7. shutdown_count : []
    8. mqtt:tcp:external
    9. listen_on :
    10. acceptors : 8
    11. max_conns : 1024000
    12. current_conn : 0
    13. shutdown_count : []
    14. mqtt:tcp:internal
    15. listen_on :
    16. acceptors : 4
    17. max_conns : 1024000
    18. current_conn : 0
    19. shutdown_count : []
    20. http:dashboard
    21. listen_on :
    22. acceptors : 4
    23. max_conns : 512
    24. current_conn : 0
    25. shutdown_count : []
    26. http:management
    27. listen_on :
    28. acceptors : 2
    29. max_conns : 512
    30. current_conn : 0
    31. shutdown_count : []
    32. mqtt:ws:external
    33. listen_on :
    34. acceptors : 4
    35. max_conns : 102400
    36. current_conn : 0
    37. shutdown_count : []
    38. mqtt:wss:external
    39. listen_on :
    40. acceptors : 4
    41. max_conns : 16
    42. current_conn : 0
    43. shutdown_count : []

    listener 参数说明:

    acceptorsTCP Acceptor 池

    listeners stop


    1. $ ./bin/emqx_ctl listeners stop mqtt:tcp:external
    2. Stop mqtt:tcp:external listener on successfully.

    listeners restart


    1. $ ./bin/emqx_ctl listeners restart http:dashboard
    2. Start http:dashboard listener on successfully.

    recon 命令

    EMQX 的 recon 命令基于 Erlang Recon 库实现,用于帮助 DevOps 人员诊断生产节点中的问题,普通用户无需关心。使用 recon 命令会耗费一定的性能,请谨慎使用。

    recon memoryrecon_alloc:memory/2命令行 - 图4 (opens new window)
    recon allocated
    recon bin_leakrecon:bin_leak (100)命令行 - 图6 (opens new window)
    recon node_stats
    recon remote_load Modrecon:remote_load (Mod)命令行 - 图8 (opens new window)
    recon proc_count Attr N

    访问 Documentation for recon命令行 - 图10 (opens new window) 以获取详细信息。

    retainer 命令

    retainer info显示保留消息的数量
    retainer topics显示当前存储的保留消息的所有主题
    retainer clean清除所有保留的消息
    retainer clean <Topic>清除指定的主题下的保留的消息

    retainer info


    1. $ ./bin/emqx_ctl retainer info
    2. retained/total: 3

    retainer topics


    1. $ ./bin/emqx_ctl retainer topics
    2. $SYS/brokers/emqx@
    3. $SYS/brokers/emqx@
    4. $SYS/brokers

    retainer clean


    1. $ ./bin/emqx_ctl retainer clean
    2. Cleaned 3 retained messages

    retainer clean <Topic>


    1. $ ./bin/emqx_ctl retainer clean topic
    2. Cleaned 1 retained messages

    admins 命令


    admins add <Username> <Password> <Tags>

    创建 admin 账户:

    1. $ ./bin/emqx_ctl admins add root public test
    2. ok

    admins passwd <Username> <Password>

    重置 admin 账户密码:

    1. $ ./bin/emqx_ctl admins passwd root private
    2. ok

    admins del <Username>

    删除 admin 账户:

    规则引擎(rule engine) 命令

    rules 命令

    rules listList all rules
    rules show <RuleId>Show a rule
    rules create <sql> <actions> [-d [<descr>]]Create a rule
    rules delete <RuleId>Delete a rule

    rules create


    • <sql>: 规则 SQL
    • <actions>: JSON 格式的动作列表
    • -d <descr>: 可选,规则描述信息


    1. ## 创建一个测试规则,简单打印所有发送到 't/a' 主题的消息内容
    2. $ ./bin/emqx_ctl rules create \
    3. 'select * from "t/a"' \
    4. '[{"name":"inspect", "params": {"a": 1}}]' \
    5. -d 'Rule for debug'
    6. Rule rule:9a6a725d created

    上例创建了一个 ID 为 rule:9a6a725d 的规则,动作列表里只有一个动作:动作名为 inspect,动作的参数是 {"a": 1}

    rules list


    1. $ ./bin/emqx_ctl rules list
    2. rule(id='rule:9a6a725d', for='['t/a']', rawsql='select * from "t/a"', actions=[{"metrics":...,"name":"inspect","params":...}], metrics=..., enabled='true', description='Rule for debug')

    rules show


    1. ## 查询 RuleID 为 'rule:9a6a725d' 的规则
    2. $ ./bin/emqx_ctl rules show 'rule:9a6a725d'
    3. rule(id='rule:9a6a725d', for='['t/a']', rawsql='select * from "t/a"', actions=[{"metrics":...,"name":"inspect","params":...}], metrics=..., enabled='true', description='Rule for debug')

    rules delete


    1. ## 删除 RuleID 为 'rule:9a6a725d' 的规则
    2. $ ./bin/emqx_ctl rules delete 'rule:9a6a725d'
    3. ok

    rule-actions 命令

    rule-actions listList actions
    rule-actions show <ActionId>Show a rule action


    rule-actions show


    1. ## 查询名为 'inspect' 的动作
    2. $ ./bin/emqx_ctl rule-actions show 'inspect'
    3. action(name='inspect', app='emqx_rule_engine', types=[], title ='Inspect (debug)', description='Inspect the details of action params for debug purpose')

    rule-actions list


    1. ## 列出当前所有的动作
    2. $ ./bin/emqx_ctl rule-actions list
    3. action(name='data_to_rabbit', app='emqx_bridge_rabbit', types=[bridge_rabbit], title ='Data bridge to RabbitMQ', description='Store Data to Kafka')
    4. action(name='data_to_timescaledb', app='emqx_backend_pgsql', types=[timescaledb], title ='Data to TimescaleDB', description='Store data to TimescaleDB')
    5. ...

    resources 命令

    resources create <type> [-c [<config>]] [-d [<descr>]]Create a resource
    resources list [-t <ResourceType>]List resources
    resources show <ResourceId>Show a resource
    resources delete <ResourceId>Delete a resource

    resources create


    • type: 资源类型
    • -c config: JSON 格式的配置
    • -d descr: 可选,资源的描述
    1. $ ./bin/emqx_ctl resources create 'web_hook' -c '{"url": "http://host-name/chats"}' -d 'forward msgs to host-name/chats'
    2. Resource resource:a7a38187 created

    resources list


    1. $ ./bin/emqx_ctl resources list
    2. resource(id='resource:a7a38187', type='web_hook', config=#{<<"url">> => <<"http://host-name/chats">>}, status=#{is_alive => false}, description='forward msgs to host-name/chats')


    1. $ ./bin/emqx_ctl resources list --type='web_hook'
    2. resource(id='resource:a7a38187', type='web_hook', config=#{<<"url">> => <<"http://host-name/chats">>}, status=#{is_alive => false}, description='forward msgs to host-name/chats')

    resources show


    1. $ ./bin/emqx_ctl resources show 'resource:a7a38187'
    2. resource(id='resource:a7a38187', type='web_hook', config=#{<<"url">> => <<"http://host-name/chats">>}, status=#{is_alive => false}, description='forward msgs to host-name/chats')

    resources delete


    1. $ ./bin/emqx_ctl resources delete 'resource:a7a38187'
    2. ok

    resource-types 命令

    resource-types listList all resource-types
    resource-types show <Type>Show a resource-type


    资源类型可以由 EMQX 内置(称为系统内置资源类型),或者由 EMQX 插件编写,但不能通过 CLI/API 添加或删除。

    resource-types list


    1. ./bin/emqx_ctl resource-types list
    2. resource_type(name='backend_mongo_rs', provider='emqx_backend_mongo', title ='MongoDB Replica Set Mode', description='MongoDB Replica Set Mode')
    3. resource_type(name='backend_cassa', provider='emqx_backend_cassa', title ='Cassandra', description='Cassandra Database')
    4. ...

    resource-types show


    1. $ ./bin/emqx_ctl resource-types show backend_mysql
    2. resource_type(name='backend_mysql', provider='emqx_backend_mysql', title ='MySQL', description='MySQL Database')



    • 已命中: 规则命中(规则 SQL 匹配成功)的次数,
    • 命中速度: 规则命中的速度(次/秒)
    • 最大命中速度: 规则命中速度的峰值(次/秒)
    • 5分钟平均速度: 5分钟内规则的平均命中速度(次/秒)



    • 成功: 动作执行成功次数
    • 失败: 动作执行失败次数


    • 可用: 资源可用
    • 不可用: 资源不可用(比如数据库连接断开)

    EMQX 内置数据库 Auth 与 ACL 规则

    此命令只有在开启 emqx_auth_mnesia 插件后生效

    clientid 命令

    clientid listList clientid auth rules
    clientid add <ClientID> <Password>Add clientid auth rule
    clientid update <ClientID> <Password>Update clientid auth rule
    clientid del <ClientID> <Password>Delete clientid auth rule

    clientid list

    列出所有的 clientid 验证规则

    1. ./bin/emqx_ctl clientid list
    2. emqx

    clientid add <ClientID> <Password>

    增加 clientid 验证规则

    1. ./bin/emqx_ctl clientid add emqx public
    2. ok

    clientid update <ClientID> <Password>

    更新 ClientID 验证的密码

    1. ./bin/emqx_ctl clientid update emqx new_password
    2. ok

    clientid del <ClientID> <Password>

    删除 clientid 验证规则码

    1. ./bin/emqx_ctl clientid del emqx new_password
    2. ok

    user 命令

    user listList username auth rules
    user add <Username> <Password>Add username auth rule
    user update <Username> <Password>Update username auth rule
    user del <Username> <Password>Delete username auth rule

    user list

    列出所有的 username 验证规则

    1. ./bin/emqx_ctl user list
    2. emqx

    user add <Username> <Password>

    增加 username 验证规则

    1. ./bin/emqx_ctl user add emqx public
    2. ok

    user update <Username> <Password>

    更新 ClientID 验证的密码

    1. ./bin/emqx_ctl user update emqx new_password
    2. ok

    user del <Username> <Password>

    删除 username 验证规则码

    1. ./bin/emqx_ctl user del emqx new_password
    2. ok

    acl 命令

    acl list clientidList clientid acls
    acl list usernameList username acls
    acl list _allList $all acls
    acl show clientid <Clientid>Lookup clientid acl detail
    acl show username <Username>Lookup username acl detail
    acl aad clientid <Clientid> <Topic> <Action> <Access>Add clientid acl
    acl add Username <Username> <Topic> <Action> <Access>Add username acl
    acl add _all <Topic> <Action> <Access>Add $all acl
    acl del clientid <Clientid> <Topic>Delete clientid acl
    acl del username <Username> <Topic>Delete username acl
    acl del _all \<Topic>Delete $all acl

    acl list

    • acl list clientid

      列出 clientid 的 ACL 规则

      1. ./bin/emqx_ctl acl list clientid
      2. Acl(clientid = <<"emqx_clientid">> topic = <<"Topic/A">> action = pub access = allow)
    • acl list username

      列出 username 的 ACL 规则

      1. ./bin/emqx_ctl acl list username
      2. Acl(username = <<"emqx_username">> topic = <<"Topic/B">> action = sub access = deny)
    • acl list _all

      列出 $all 的 ACL 规则

      1. ./bin/emqx_ctl acl list _all
      2. Acl($all topic = <<"Topic/C">> action = pubsub access = allow)

    acl show

    • acl show clientid <Clientid>

      展示某一的 clientid ACL 规则

      1. ./bin/emqx_ctl acl show clientid emqx_clientid
      2. Acl(clientid = <<"emqx_clientid">> topic = <<"Topic/A">> action = pub access = allow)
    • acl show username <Username>

      展示某一的 username ACL 规则

      1. ./bin/emqx_ctl acl show username emqx_username
      2. Acl(username = <<"emqx_username">> topic = <<"Topic/B">> action = sub access = deny)

    acl add

    • acl aad clientid <Clientid> <Topic> <Action> <Access>

      增加一条 clientid 的 ACL 规则

      1. ./bin/emqx_ctl acl add clientid emqx_clientid Topic/A pub allow
      2. ok
    • acl aad username <Username> <Topic> <Action> <Access>

      增加一条 username 的 ACL 规则

      1. ./bin/emqx_ctl acl add username emqx_username Topic/B sub deny
      2. ok
    • acl aad _all <Topic> <Action> <Access>

      增加一条 $all 的 ACL 规则

      1. ./bin/emqx_ctl acl add _all Topic/C pubsub allow
      2. ok

    acl del

    • acl del clientid <Clientid> <Topic>

      删除一条 clientid 的 ACL 规则

      1. ./bin/emqx_ctl acl del clientid emqx_clientid Topic/A
      2. ok
    • acl del username <Username> <Topic>

      删除一条 username 的 ACL 规则

    • acl del _all <Topic>

      删除一条 $all 的 ACL 规则

      1. ./bin/emqx_ctl acl del _all Topic/C
      2. ok

    pem_cache 命令用于清理所有 PEM 证书的缓存。例如,在替换了 SSL 监听器的证书 文件后,你可以使用该命令让新的证书文件生效,而不是重启 EMQX 的 SSL 监听器。

    pem_cache clean清理所有节点的 x509 的证书缓存
    pem_cache clean node <Node>清理指定节点的 x509 的证书缓存

    注: 更新证书并不会影响当前已建立的 TLS 连接。
