Opening windows from the renderer

    • JavaScript calling

    For same-origin content, the new window is created within the same process, enabling the parent to access the child window directly. This can be very useful for app sub-windows that act as preference panels, or similar, as the parent can render to the sub-window directly, as if it were a div in the parent. This is the same behavior as in the browser.

    When nativeWindowOpen is set to false, instead results in the creation of a BrowserWindowProxy, a light wrapper around BrowserWindow.

    BrowserWindow constructor options are set by, in increasing precedence order: parsed options from the features string from, security-related webPreferences inherited from the parent, and options given by . Note that webContents.setWindowOpenHandler has final say and full privilege because it is invoked in the main process.

    • url String
    • frameName String (optional)

    Returns BrowserWindowProxy |

    A subset of WebPreferences can be set directly, unnested, from the features string: zoomFactor, nodeIntegration, preload, javascript, contextIsolation, and webviewTag.

    For example:

    • Node integration will always be disabled in the opened if it is disabled on the parent window.
    • Context isolation will always be enabled in the opened window if it is enabled on the parent window.
    • JavaScript will always be disabled in the opened window if it is disabled on the parent window.
    • frameName follows the specification of windowName located in the native documentation.

    To customize or cancel the creation of the window, you can optionally set an override handler with webContents.setWindowOpenHandler() from the main process. Returning { action: 'deny' } cancels the window. Returning { action: 'allow', overrideBrowserWindowOptions: { ... } } will allow opening the window and setting the BrowserWindowConstructorOptions to be used when creating the window. Note that this is more powerful than passing options through the feature string, as the renderer has more limited privileges in deciding security preferences than the main process.