Returns all keys matching .

    Supported glob-style patterns:

    • h?llo matches hello, hallo and hxllo
    • h*llo matches hllo and heeeello
    • h[ae]llo matches hello and but not hillo
    • h[a-b]llo matches hallo and hbllo

    Array reply: list of keys matching .

    Dragonfly protects itself from an overwhelming number of returned keys by imposing a limit on the quantity. To modify this limit, update the value of the “keys_output_limit” flag. Please refer to for more information how to change dragonfly flag values.

    1. dragonfly> MSET firstname Jack lastname Stuntman age 35
    2. "OK"
    3. dragonfly> KEYS *name*
    4. 1) "lastname"
    5. 2) "firstname"
    6. 1) "age"
    7. dragonfly> KEYS *
    8. 1) "lastname"
    9. 3) "firstname"