许多 API 通常在返回响应之前都需要某种形式的认证,有些时候,一个认证的请求和一个未认证的请求,响应可能不用。

This package allows you to configure multiple authentication providers. When authentication is enabled each of the providers is executed in an attempt to authenticate the request.

dingo/api 允许你配置不同的认证 providers。当开启认证,每个 providers 都会在尝试认证请求的时候被执行。

By default only HTTP Basic authentication is enabled in the configuration file. Here is a list of the current supported authentication providers that are built in to the package.

默认的,配置文件中只开启了 基础的 HTTP 认证。下面是目前内置支持的认证 providers。

  • HTTP Basic ()
  • JSON Web Tokens (Dingo\Api\Auth\Provider\JWT)
  • OAuth 2.0 (Dingo\Api\Auth\Provider\OAuth2)

HTTP Basic

This provider uses the default basic authentication built into Laravel and Lumen. You will need to configure this provider in a service provider or bootstrap file. The second parameter is the identifier used to authenticate.

Laravel 和 Lumen 内置默认使用基础认证。你需要再一个 service provider 或启动文件中配置它。第二个参数是用于认证的 id。

JSON Web Tokens (JWT)

This package makes use of a 3rd party package to integrate JWT authentication. Please refer to the GitHub page for details on installing and configuring the package.

dingo/api 使用第三方包集成 JWT 认证。请参阅 tymon/jwt-auth Github page,查看安装和配置的详细信息。

Once you have the package you can configure the provider in your config/api.php file or in a service provider or bootstrap file.

一旦你安装成功,你可以在你的 config/api.php 文件或者一个 service provider 或者启动文件中配置它。

  1. 'auth' => [
  2. 'jwt' => 'Dingo\Api\Auth\Provider\JWT',
  3. ],
  1. app('Dingo\Api\Auth\Auth')->extend('jwt', function ($app) {
  2. return new Dingo\Api\Auth\Provider\JWT($app['Tymon\JWTAuth\JWTAuth']);
  3. });

OAuth 2.0

This package makes use of a 3rd party package to integrate OAuth 2.0. You can either install league/oauth2-server and configure the server yourself or install and configure the bridge package, .

dingo/api 使用第三方包集成 OAuth 2.0。你可以安装league/oauth2-server 然后自己配置服务端,或者安装和配置集成好的包,.

一旦你安装了这个包,你可以在 service provider 或者启动文件中配置它。

  1. app('Dingo\Api\Auth\Auth')->extend('oauth', function ($app) {
  2. $provider = new Dingo\Api\Auth\Provider\OAuth2($app['oauth2-server.authorizer']->getChecker());
  3. $provider->setUserResolver(function ($id) {
  4. // Logic to return a user by their ID.
  5. });
  6. $provider->setClientResolver(function ($id) {
  7. // Logic to return a client by their ID.
  8. });
  9. return $provider;
  10. });

Or from within a service provider.

或者从一个 service provider 中配置

  1. namespace App\Providers;
  2. use Dingo\Api\Auth\Auth;
  3. use Dingo\Api\Auth\Provider\OAuth2;
  4. use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
  5. class OAuthServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
  6. {
  7. public function boot()
  8. {
  9. $this->app[Auth::class]->extend('oauth', function ($app) {
  10. $provider = new OAuth2($app['oauth2-server.authorizer']->getChecker());
  11. $provider->setUserResolver(function ($id) {
  12. });
  13. $provider->setClientResolver(function ($id) {
  14. // Logic to return a client by their ID.
  15. });
  16. return $provider;
  17. });
  18. }
  19. {
  20. //
  21. }
  22. }
User And Client Resolvers 用户和客户端解释器

Depending on the authorization grants you enable you may not need both of the resolvers. If, for example, you only allow clients to authenticate via OAuth 2.0 then you are not required to set a user resolver.

根据你启用的授权,你可能不需要这两个解释器。举个例子,你仅仅允许客户端通过 OAuth 2.0 认证,那么你不需要设置用户解释器。

The resolvers both receive the ID of the user or client and should use this ID to return an instance of the user or client. This usually involves querying the database for the user or client.

两个解释器都接受用户和客户端的 ID,应该用这个 ID 返回用户或者客户端的实例。这通常涉及在数据库中查询用户或者客户端。

If you’re developing for a legacy system or require some other form of authentication you may implement your own provider.

如果你正在开发一个历史遗留的系统或者需要一些其他的认证方式,你可以实现你自己的 provider。

Your authentication provider should implement Dingo\Api\Contract\Auth\Provider. If authentication succeeds your provider should return an instance of the authenticated user. If authentication fails your provider should thrown a Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\UnauthorizedHttpException.

你的认证 provider 需要实现 Dingo\Api\Contract\Auth\Provider 接口。如果认证成功,你的provider需要返回一个认证的用户的实例。如果验证失败,你的 provider 需要抛出一个 Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\UnauthorizedHttpException 异常。

The abstract Dingo\Api\Auth\Provider\Authorization can be extended should your provider utilize tokens sent via the Authorization header. The Dingo\Api\Auth\Provider\Authorization::validateAuthorizationHeader method allows you to easily validate that the authorization header exists and contains a valid value.

抽象类 Dingo\Api\Auth\Provider\Authorization 可以被继承,你的 provider 应该利用随着 Authorization 头发送过来的 tokens。Dingo\Api\Auth\Provider\Authorization::validateAuthorizationHeader

  1. use Illuminate\Http\Request;
  2. use Dingo\Api\Routing\Route;
  3. use Dingo\Api\Auth\Provider\Authorization;
  4. use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\BadRequestHttpException;
  5. use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\UnauthorizedHttpException;
  6. class CustomProvider extends Authorization
  7. {
  8. public function authenticate(Request $request, Route $route)
  9. {
  10. $this->validateAuthorizationHeader($request);
  11. // If the authorization header passed validation we can continue to authenticate.
  12. // If authentication then fails we must throw the UnauthorizedHttpException.
  13. }
  14. public function getAuthorizationMethod()
  15. {
  16. return 'mac';
  17. }
  18. }

Once you’ve implemented your authentication provider you can configure it in your config/api.php file.

  1. 'auth' => [
  2. 'custom' => 'CustomProvider',
  3. ],

Or from your bootstrap file or service provider.

或者从你的启动文件或者 service provider

  1. app('Dingo\Api\Auth\Auth')->extend('custom', function ($app) {
  2. return new CustomProvider;
  3. });

You can enable or disable protection at the route or group level by enabled the api.auth route middleware.

你可以开启或关闭路由保护在一个或一组路由上,通过使用 api.auth 路由中间件。

If you are using OAuth2, and using the bridge package, you do not need to register it’s middlewares. The api.auth middleware handles everything, but doesn’t hurt to register them anyway.

Require Authentication On All Routes 所有路由需要认证

  1. $api->version('v1', ['middleware' => 'api.auth'], function ($api) {
  2. // Routes within this version group will require authentication.
  3. });

Require Authentication On Specific Routes 特定路由需要认证

Allow Only Specific Authentication Providers

If you want to set a specific authentication provider on a group of routes or specific route you can do so using the providers key.

如果你想在一组路由或特定路由上设置认证的 provider,你可以使用 providers 键.

  1. $api->version('v1', function ($api) {
  2. $api->get('user', ['middleware' => 'api.auth', 'providers' => ['basic', 'oauth'], function () {
  3. }]);
  4. });

Require Authentication On Controller Methods 控制器方法需要认证

Setting middleware on controllers is available in both Laravel and Lumen. From your constructor you may use the middleware method.

Laravel 和 Lumen 中都可以在控制器中设置中间件。再你的构造方法中你可以使用 middleware 方法.

  1. class UserController extends Illuminate\Routing\Controller
  2. {
  3. use Helpers;
  4. public function __construct()
  5. {
  6. $this->middleware('api.auth');
  7. // Only apply to a subset of methods.
  8. $this->middleware('api.auth', ['only' => ['index']]);
  9. }
  10. public function index()
  11. {
  12. //
  13. }
  14. public function posts()
  15. {
  16. //
  17. }
  18. }

Within a protected endpoint you can retrieve the authenticated user.

在一个受保护的 API 中,你可以得到认证的用户。

  1. $api->version('v1', ['middleware' => 'api.auth'], function ($api) {
  2. $api->get('user', function () {
  3. $user = app('Dingo\Api\Auth\Auth')->user();
  4. return $user;
  5. });
  6. });

If your controllers use the Dingo\Api\Routing\Helpers trait then you can use the $auth property.

如果你的控制器使用了 Dingo\Api\Routing\Helpers trait,那么你可以使用 $auth 属性。

  1. use Dingo\Api\Routing\Helpers;
  2. use Illuminate\Routing\Controller;
  3. class UserController extends Controller
  4. {
  5. use Helpers;
  6. public function __construct()
  7. {
  8. $this->middleware('api.auth');
  9. }
  10. public function index()
  11. {
  12. $user = $this->auth->user();
  13. return $user;
  14. }

Sometimes you may need to adjust a response based on whether or not the request was authenticated. To do this the route should not be protected. You then simply ask for the authenticated user.

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