The assertions module provides 14 assertions:
assert(expr: unknown, msg = ""): asserts expr
assertEquals(actual: unknown, expected: unknown, msg?: string): void
assertExists(actual: unknown,msg?: string): void
assertNotEquals(actual: unknown, expected: unknown, msg?: string): void
assertStrictEquals(actual: unknown, expected: unknown, msg?: string): void
assertAlmostEquals(actual: number, expected: number, epsilon = 1e-7, msg?: string): void
assertInstanceOf(actual: unknown, expectedType: unknown, msg?: string): void
assertStringIncludes(actual: string, expected: string, msg?: string): void
assertArrayIncludes(actual: unknown[], expected: unknown[], msg?: string): void
assertMatch(actual: string, expected: RegExp, msg?: string): void
assertNotMatch(actual: string, expected: RegExp, msg?: string): void
assertObjectMatch( actual: Record<PropertyKey, unknown>, expected: Record<PropertyKey, unknown>): void
assertThrows(fn: () => void, ErrorClass?: Constructor, msgIncludes?: string | undefined, msg?: string | undefined): Error
assertRejects(fn: () => Promise<unknown>, ErrorClass?: Constructor, msgIncludes?: string | undefined, msg?: string | undefined): Promise<void>
In addition to the above assertions, the
exposes an assertSnapshot
function. The documentation for this module can be
found here.
The assert method is a simple ‘truthy’ assertion and can be used to assert any value which can be inferred as true.
Deno.test("Test Assert", () => {
The assertExists
can be used to check if a value is not null
or undefined
Deno.test("Test Assert Exists", () => {
There are three equality assertions available, assertEquals()
and assertStrictEquals()
The assertEquals()
and assertNotEquals()
methods provide a general equality
check and are capable of asserting equality between primitive types and objects.
Deno.test("Test Assert Equals", () => {
assertEquals(1, 1);
assertEquals("Hello", "Hello");
assertEquals(true, true);
assertEquals(undefined, undefined);
assertEquals(null, null);
assertEquals(new Date(), new Date());
assertEquals(new RegExp("abc"), new RegExp("abc"));
const foo1 = new Foo();
const foo2 = new Foo();
assertEquals(foo1, foo2);
Deno.test("Test Assert Not Equals", () => {
assertNotEquals("Hello", "World");
assertNotEquals(true, false);
assertNotEquals(undefined, "");
assertNotEquals(new Date(),;
assertNotEquals(new RegExp("abc"), new RegExp("def"));
Deno.test("Test Assert Strict Equals", () => {
assertStrictEquals(1, 1);
assertStrictEquals("Hello", "Hello");
assertStrictEquals(true, true);
assertStrictEquals(undefined, undefined);
The assertStrictEquals()
assertion is best used when you wish to make a
precise check against two primitive types.
Equality for numbers
When testing equality between numbers, it is important to keep in mind that some of them cannot be accurately depicted by IEEE-754 double-precision floating-point representation.
That’s especially true when working with decimal numbers, where
may work in some cases but not in others:
Instead, assertAlmostEquals()
provides a way to test that given numbers are
close enough to be considered equals. Default tolerance is set to 1e-7
it is possible to change it by passing a third optional parameter.
import {
} from "$STD_VERSION/testing/asserts.ts";
Deno.test("Test Assert Almost Equals", () => {
assertAlmostEquals(0.1 + 0.2, 0.3);
assertAlmostEquals(0.1 + 0.2, 0.3, 1e-16);
assertThrows(() => assertAlmostEquals(0.1 + 0.2, 0.3, 1e-17));
Instance types
To check if a object is an instance of a specific constructor, you can use
. This has the added benefit that it lets TypeScript know
the passed in variable has a specific type:
import { assertInstanceOf } from "$STD_VERSION/testing/asserts.ts";
Deno.test("Test Assert Instance Type", () => {
const variable = new Date() as unknown;
assertInstanceOf(variable, Date);
// This won't cause type errors now that
// it's type has been asserted against.
There are two methods available to assert a value contains a value,
and assertArrayIncludes()
The assertStringIncludes()
assertion does a simple includes check on a string
to see if it contains the expected string.
Deno.test("Test Assert String Contains", () => {
assertStringIncludes("Hello World", "Hello");
Deno.test("Test Assert Array Contains", () => {
assertArrayIncludes([1, 2, 3], [1, 2]);
assertArrayIncludes(Array.from("Hello World"), Array.from("Hello"));
You can assert regular expressions via assertMatch()
and assertNotMatch()
Use assertObjectMatch
to check that a JavaScript object matches a subset of
the properties of an object.
// Simple subset
{ foo: true, bar: false },
foo: true,
There are two ways to assert whether something throws an error in Deno,
and assertRejects()
. Both assertions allow you to check an
has been thrown, the type of error thrown and what the message was.
The difference between the two assertions is assertThrows()
accepts a standard
function and assertRejects()
accepts a function which returns a
The assertThrows()
assertion will check an error has been thrown, and
optionally will check the thrown error is of the correct type, and assert the
error message is as expected.
Deno.test("Test Assert Throws", () => {
() => {
throw new Error("Panic!");
The assertRejects()
assertion is a little more complicated, mainly because it
deals with Promises. But basically it will catch thrown errors or rejections in
Promises. You can also optionally check for the error type and error message.
This can be used similar to assertThrows()
but with async functions.
Deno.test("Test Assert Throws Async", () => {
await assertRejects(
() => {
return new Promise(() => {
throw new Error("Panic! Threw Error");
"Panic! Threw Error",
await assertRejects(
() => {
return Promise.reject(new Error("Panic! Reject Error"));
"Panic! Reject Error",
Custom Messages
Each of Deno’s built-in assertions allow you to overwrite the standard CLI error message if you wish. For instance this example will output “Values Don’t Match!” rather than the standard CLI error message.
Deno.test("Test Assert Equal Fail Custom Message", () => {
assertEquals(1, 2, "Values Don't Match!");
Custom Tests
Use this matcher in your code like this:
Deno.test("Test Assert PowerOf", () => {
assertPowerOf(8, 2);