Azure Cosmos DB
Dapr doesn’t transform state values while saving and retrieving states. Dapr requires all state store implementations to abide by a certain key format scheme (see Dapr state management spec. You can directly interact with the underlying store to manipulate the state data, such querying states, creating aggregated views and making backups.
The easiest way to connect to your Cosmos DB instance is to use the Data Explorer on . Alternatively, you can use various SDKs and tools.
To get all state keys associated with application “myapp”, use the query:
The above query returns all documents with id containing “myapp-”, which is the prefix of the state keys.
To get the state data by a key “balance” for the application “myapp”, use the query:
To get the state version/ETag, use the command:
To get all the state keys associated with an actor with the instance ID “leroy” of actor type “cat” belonging to the application with ID “mypets”, use the command:
And to get a specific actor state such as “food”, use the command: