How-To: Set-up New Relic for Dapr logging

    • Perpetually free New Relic account, 100 GB/month of free data ingest, 1 free full access user, unlimited free basic users

    New Relic offers a output plugin to easily forward your logs to . This plugin is also provided in a standalone Docker image that can be installed in a Kubernetes cluster in the form of a DaemonSet, which we refer as the Kubernetes plugin.

    This document explains how to install it in your cluster, either using a Helm chart (recommended), or manually by applying Kubernetes manifests.

    1. Install Helm following the official instructions.

    2. Add the New Relic official Helm chart repository following these instructions

    3. Run the following command to install the New Relic Logging Kubernetes plugin via Helm, replacing the placeholder value YOUR_LICENSE_KEY with your New Relic license key:

    • Helm 2

    For EU users, add `–set endpoint= to any of the helm install commands above.

    By default, tailing is set to /var/log/containers/*.log. To change this setting, provide your preferred path by adding –set fluentBit.path=DESIRED_PATH to any of the helm install commands above.

    Install the Kubernetes manifest

    1. In the downloaded new-relic-fluent-plugin.yml file, replace the placeholder value LICENSE_KEY with your New Relic license key.

    2. Once the License key has been added, run the following command in your terminal or command-line interface:

    3. [OPTIONAL] You can configure how the plugin parses the data by editing the parsers.conf section in the fluent-conf.yml file. For more information, see Fluent Bit’s documentation on Parsers configuration.

      By default, tailing is set to /var/log/containers/*.log. To change this setting, replace the default path with your preferred path in the new-relic-fluent-plugin.yml file.
