Upgrade Dapr on a Kubernetes cluster

    There are two ways to upgrade the Dapr control plane on a Kubernetes cluster using either the Dapr CLI or Helm.

    The example below shows how to upgrade to version 1.3.1:

    You can provide all the available Helm chart configurations using the Dapr CLI. See for more info.

    Troubleshooting upgrade using the CLI

    There is a known issue running upgrades on clusters that may have previously had a version prior to 1.0.0-rc.2 installed on a cluster.

    1. The CustomResourceDefinition "configurations.dapr.io" is invalid: spec.preserveUnknownFields: Invalid value: true: must be false in order to use defaults in the schema

    To resolve this issue please run the follow command to upgrade the CustomResourceDefinition to a compatible version:

    Then proceed with the dapr upgrade --runtime-version 1.3.1 -k command as above.


    From version 1.0.0 onwards, upgrading Dapr using Helm is no longer a disruptive action since existing certificate values will automatically be re-used.

    1. Upgrade Dapr from 1.0.0 (or newer) to any [NEW VERSION] > v1.0.0:

      1. helm repo update
    2. Ensure all pods are running:

      1. kubectl get pods -n dapr-system -w
      3. dapr-operator-5cdd6b7f9c-9sl7g 1/1 Running 0 41s
      4. dapr-placement-server-0 1/1 Running 0 41s
      5. dapr-sentry-84565c747b-7bh8h 1/1 Running 0 35s
    3. Restart your application deployments to update the Dapr runtime:

    4. All done!

    Upgrading existing Dapr to enable high availability mode

    Enabling HA mode in an existing Dapr deployment requires additional steps. Please refer to for more details.